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Was GRAND FUNK RAILROAD - " Save The Land " @ XM Deep Tracks .
Grand Funk Railroad's last official studio album was IMHO just fantastic. Named Good Signing, Good Playing and had all four guys showed up and participated - Mark/Don/Mel + Craig(keys) and the album was produced and mastered by a studio wizard , Frank Zappa who actually plays on one of the tracks ... Out to Get You with Mark Farner. It is very sad the band that tours today as GFR is NOT the original band. In the 1990s, Mark, Don & Mel reformed and toured and we saw them. First time ever. Unreal and awesome three playing together. Some time during the tour Don Brewer tricked Mark Farner into signing an agreement he falsley said was merely to copywright / protect the three of them. In actuality it was Don + Mel forming a 3 person corporation which they as the majority two voted to FIRE Mark Farner from GFR. They will not allow him to return and are the new majority owners who can hire and fire who they wish. SAD.
Streaming Spotify classic Jazz collection. Mac>Bluos streamer>PS Audio DAC>Musical Fidelity Pre>Musical Fidelity Amp>Maggie speakers. Sounds wonderful.