What are you eating right now?

Grocery store cherries are FULL of them. So, not so much.
Maybe your grocery store has a shady supplier. I don't see bugs in my cherries when I pit them. You should report that grocery store to the FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinator. There's a zero-tolerance policy for infestation in fresh fruit. They will end this.
Well at least our trees are pesticide free!
Oviparity* happening right now!

@Jdeere562, oviparity is the egg-laying process of an insect, often performed with the aid of a penetrating organ called an oviposition. For example, a fruit fly will stick its ovipositor into @Urshurak776's cherry and inject eggs until exhausted. By the way, Alien Romulus will be released in August. I expect face huggers to make excellent use of their ovipositors.
I butterflied a very thick chicken breast and cut it in half for my lunch a couple of hours ago. Mushrooms, green onions, baby peppers, and tomatoes. The latter three are not cooked just warmed. I added those ingredients to the pan just a minute before serving the food. I like to eat a good percentage of my daily plant matter uncooked. Some things should be cooked while others are best eaten raw. Depends on the nutrients, heat tolerance, and absorption.

This is very low carb. I've had a banana since to keep my blood glucose from tanking. I don't like getting drowsy in the early afternoon.
steak bowl add guacamole

One of my freinds has a BBQ at his place in Santa Ynez almost every Friday, @slo town the invitation stands, since we are grown up and our backs hurt too much to stand in the In N Out Burger parking lot. We usually do tri-tip, chicken, and ribs on most days and sometimes pasta or taco night. This past Friday we did carne asada tacos with waffles, bacon, sausage, and eggs. It was awesome!! We messed up and had the buffet part happen right as Space X launched so we all stood outside eating tacos and watching the rocket go off. We usually eat in the bar in the small detached garage and I make everyone watch World of Outlaws.

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One of my freinds has a BBQ at his place in Santa Ynez almost every Friday, @slo town the invitation stands, since we are grown up and our backs hurt too much to stand in the In N Out Burger parking lot. We usually do tri-tip, chicken, and ribs on most days and sometimes pasta or taco night. This past Friday we did carne asada tacos with waffles, bacon, sausage, and eggs. It was awesome!! We messed up and had the buffet part happen right as Space X launched so we all stood outside eating tacos and watching the rocket go off. We usually eat in the bar in the small detached garage and I make everyone watch World of Outlaws.

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Is this a business or residence?

I can't help but notice the real maple syrup on the table. That's an important detail. Sounds outstanding!

Often times I drive to Los Olivos for lunch, just because. Sometimes I don't even stop for anything more than a soda, and I'll sit in the shade in the little downtown park, stay for 20 minutes and drive back home. Santa Ynez is right there. I'll have to come down for this.

I love that area and have done a lot of road bicycling over the years down there. I rode the Figueroa Mountain loop years ago, which was serious work. Many times and for hundreds of miles in total I've ridden on Alisos Canyon, Foxen Canyon, Tepusquet, etc. all the way to Santa Maria and back. Fantastic riding.

One time I even rescued a "damsel in distress" down there. She was an experienced, well conditioned rider out in the middle of nowhere but had "blown up" (a cycling term for becoming physically exhausted to the point you're unable to recover). She "rode my wheel" (drafted me) at just 10 mph for 30 miles before we got back to Los Olivos. Twice she had to stop and vomited so violently I feared she was going to pass out (you're poisoned from all the lactic acid in your system). The second time I actually held her up because I thought she was going to do a face plant and cut her very pretty face. I guarantee you, she will never forget my help. It was one of my finer moments.

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