What are you eating right now?

You broke the fast with that?
Naw, I broke the fast wit this yesterday. A 3-day fast is nothing. I have a cast iron stomach and can eat a horse on an empty stomach.

Do you do your regular daily runs and workouts fasted 72 Hr
I did not go on my 5-mile run during those three days but I did my 30-45 minute workouts, a mix of calisthenics, resistance training, and swimming. I also got one surf session in. I don't fast for more than three days because some muscle loss would be unavoidable. I'm not advising anybody to simply work out in their normal manner while fasting but to go easy. Some people's blood glucose levels might drop too much and they might end up passing out. I always make sure to watch out for warning signs like feeling sweaty, clammy, hungey, or cold. if the blood sugar level drops too much then it's time to get some glucose in. I'd also avoid exercising when it's very hot while I am fasting.
Neighbor lady just brought over a hot container of goulash!:)
I love goulash. Tatiana used to make fantastic goulash, kalitki, and shashlik for me. Maybe I can invite her over for dinner. I think she and my wife may get along. Then again, they might talk about me. So maybe not a good idea. I mean they'd have only good things to say about me, am I right?
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