The main problems VAG had with DSGs was early on development phase and consumer complaints. Mostly that the trans wasn't smooth shifting like the slushboxes they were used to and had some driving quicks that needed to get used to. Nothing wrong with the transmissions, per se, just they were different experience to drive smoothly. The one black eye VAG received though was the bad batch of Mechatronic units that prompted a large recall in the 2005-2008 range IIRC. Once all of those got sorted out, DSG was a solid transmission and still is today. Most units that are used in their racing programs do so with little to no modification to the overall mechanical part of them, just corresponding TCU programming differences. Thats how good they really are nowadays except if you don't maintain them. But then, you don't blame the transmission. H/K? Seem to be ok, but time will tell. If I was in the market for one, I'd pick a DCT.