USAF Vet David Grusch Claims

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Las Vegas police dispatch team to investigate after emergency caller 'found alien' in backyard

Las Vegas residents called police to report an emergency, claiming to have spotted an alien, who is nearly 10 feet tall and has big, glowing eyes, in the backyard area of his home....


Always wondered what Bigelow was up to.

Lara Logan: Do you believe in aliens?

Robert Bigelow: I'm absolutely convinced. That's all there is to it.

Lara Logan: Do you also believe that UFOs have come to Earth?

Robert Bigelow: There has been and is an existing presence, an ET presence. And I spent millions and millions and millions -- I probably spent more as an individual than anybody else in the United States has ever spent on this subject.

Lara Logan: Is it risky for you to say in public that you believe in UFOs and aliens?

Robert Bigelow: I don't give a ****. I don't care.

Lara Logan: You don't worry that some people will say, "Did you hear that guy, he sounds like he's crazy"?

Robert Bigelow: I don't care.

Lara Logan: Why not?

Robert Bigelow: It's not gonna make a difference. It's not gonna change reality of what I know.

Lara Logan: Do you imagine that in our space travels we will encounter other forms of intelligent life?

Robert Bigelow: You don't have to go anywhere.

Lara Logan: You can find it here? Where exactly?

Robert Bigelow: It's just like right under people's noses. Oh my gosh. Wow.
My hope is we get to the bottom of this in the next few years. Never before was this discussed in the open by the entire U.S. Government. NASA now has eyes on it. Years ago no such thing would have even been considered. So hopefully with more scientific studies and eyes looking at these things we can get to the bottom of it.
My hope is we get to the bottom of this in the next few years. Never before was this discussed in the open by the entire U.S. Government. NASA now has eyes on it. Years ago no such thing would have even been considered. So hopefully with more scientific studies and eyes looking at these things we can get to the bottom of it.
When there is zero evidence, not a single spec- what is one trying to get to the bottom of?
When there is zero evidence, not a single spec- what is one trying to get to the bottom of?
Evidence: Defined as: "Something (testimony, documents, tangible objects) that tends to prove or disprove the existence of an alleged fact." Blacks Law Dictionary

Anyone who has actually looked into this subject with even a cursory view, especially a critical eye and understanding, would see there is overwhelming evidence of non-human origin objects that have traits and technologies that even our most brilliant physicists, military pilots, scientists, etc. struggle to explain.

All of the sightings don't need to be credible, and in fact most are probably not. However, there are notable sightings, for instance if you look into the few from the early 2000s that were released on video captured by the US military, and listen to the interviews of these highly experienced fighter pilots, one cannot come away thinking these are human piloted or designed objects - no propulsion systems evident, able to move in and out of water, able to hover and accelerate at inhuman speeds, able to block and lock into our most sophisticated electronic equipment, etc. The Navy released only a few videos but has, according to witnesses, a lot more. According to these pilots this is not just "next generation," these craft are other-worldly technology many generations ahead of what these top fighter pilots employ.

Evidence not only in the US, but taken also from DOD monitoring in the Middle East, sightings over Australia, and the Chile military over Chile. These are global events, which would be odd if just 1 nation had this super technology to fly it around the world risking observation or capture...

Triangles, tic tacs, orbs, saucers, and other oddly shaped craft that maneuver in all manner of ways humans cannot. And this isn't just "current," these types of crafts have been sighted for at least 5+ decades, and captured on videos and pictures.

Also, the population has been purposefully mislead on this topic for decades, but the truth is finally trickling out. Starting with Roswell when the Air Force initially admitted, then retracted, the UFO story and it all disappeared.
Pretty amazing the AF would incorrectly identify a "weather balloon with test dummies" with a flying saucer with 4 dead aliens aboard. What is more likely, a simple mis-idenfication, or a total government cover up, that continued for decades as people were told their sightings were "ball lighting, swamp gas, sun glare," blah blah blah?


Can you offer any explanation about the Rendelsham forest sightings by US Airmen over a period of 2 days, documented by the base commander who was with his men as a eye witness as he recorded the event on a tape recorder? FYI, lying in the military is a felony level crime, so factor that into their credibility.

The Phoenix lights, with thousands of eye witnesses including the governor, supported by video and photo evidence? The official responses are totally nonsensical.

These events are just the tip of an iceberg. Credible witnesses, supported by objective recorded evidence. And there are thousands or perhaps millions of these types of events spanning back to pre-aircraft and analogue aircraft technology.
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Hard to call it a mass illusion when there's recorded video for everyone to see.

The Phoenix lights fit the definition of Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon.
But that doesn't instantly mean visitors from another planet.
Through a process of elimination based on many credible eye witnesses, video, and photograph evidence we can rule out the most likely - it was not "mountain lights" or "flares," or "A-10s" as the official version claims. It was not human piloted aircraft or flares or lights in the mountains and these explanations are transparent lies.

A-10s cannot hover, they make noise and would pass over the city within a minute. Yet these lights hovered stationary for long periods. I've seen A-10s fly many times, and you can hear them miles away and they don't hover.
Flares are never dropped over urban areas due to fire hazards, and flares descend and burn out. These lights did not behave like flares, which would not have been dropped over the city regardless for safety reasons. Even in a combat zone, it is illegal to fire illum rounds/flares over urban areas as they are considered too dangerous. So the explaination of A-10s is a transparent lie. The explanation the AF fired flares over the desert city of Phoenix putting the city at risk of mass fire event, putting lives at risk, would probably have been illegal, Commanders fired and prosecuted if they authorized that. It's also a transparent lie.

These official answers, like many, are pure disinformation, which skirts the real answer and undermines credibility; So, the question is why? IF it was highly secretive US technology, why would it be flown over a urban area for observation? The true answer is that the government either does not know, and whether it does know or not, it is of non-human origin acting with impunity.
The last Chilean video shows a life plume coming from the object.

Maybe it came to earth to empty its waste tank before continuing its voyage in space?

All kidding aside, they are interesting videos to watch.

I will say this; until those declassified videos were released ( off coast of California involving U.S navy F18’s ) , I never took an interest in any of this stuff.

Until the Navy or government proves they are from earth, or where they come from, I have an open , but sceptical, mind.

Problem with this subject is it too often attracts nuts or people making money.

Sorry, I cannot trust anyone who profits from this stuff no matter how well spoken, credible , well intentioned they come across.

Conflict of interest to me.

Full disclosure: I do not get paid to post , I donate $ lol.
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there is overwhelming evidence of non-human origin objects that have traits and technologies that even our most brilliant physicists, military pilots, scientists, etc. struggle to explain.

There is overwhelming evidence something is going on. We cant say that it's non human, but for sure its non standard.

People simply pick and choose what evidence they wish to acknowledge and dismiss what they dont want to believe.

It's true that the majority is likely very explainable, but there is certain % that is not.

Take two trustworthy people - one guy says because he hasn't seen anything that means there is nothing to see, the other trustworthy person says that he's seen something and that there is.

Who knows what is going on, but it's crystal clear something is.
Take two trustworthy people - one guy says because he hasn't seen anything that means there is nothing to see, the other trustworthy person says that he's seen something and that there is.
The absence of evidence, is not evidence. It's simply that person A has not seen an event. For instance, a person living in a region that does not experience snow, does not rule out the snow. He might not believe in snow, even when witnesses explain it to him or show him photos of snow. The truth is snow does exist in spite of person A's lack of personal experiences of snow.

Only 1 sighting of a UFO/UAP in history needs to be legit to prove alien life forms exist. There are millions of independent eye witness testimonies, photos, videos, drawings, etc. that have no human earthly explanation, spanning back before humans could fly. It is illogical for folks to conclude we are not visited by aliens with sophisticated tech.
The absence of evidence, is not evidence. It's simply that person A has not seen an event. For instance, a person living in a region that does not experience snow, does not rule out the snow. He might not believe in snow, even when witnesses explain it to him or show him photos of snow. The truth is snow does exist in spite of person A's lack of personal experiences of snow.

Only 1 sighting of a UFO/UAP in history needs to be legit to prove alien life forms exist. There are millions of independent eye witness testimonies, photos, videos, drawings, etc. that have no human earthly explanation, spanning back before humans could fly. It is illogical for folks to conclude we are not visited by aliens with sophisticated tech.

We're aligned on absence of evidence not being evidence, and the preponderance of evidence we do have.

I cannot make the same conclusion on alien origin of these phenomenon.

If I'm open to them being aliens, I must being open to them being dimensional, or us from a later time.
If I'm open to them being aliens, I must being open to them being dimensional, or us from a later time.
Time travel is a viable theory and there are many fascinating theories about infinite parallel universes as well. These IMHO are far less probable than the belief that in the infinite expanses of the known universe(s)/galaxies and beyond there are life sustaining planets that host(ed) intelligent life that had a large head start on humans.

It's a near certainty, I would conclude a certainty, other intelligent life has existed in these infinite expanses. Intelligent life would presumably be curious and follow a similar technology trajectory as humans. With even 10,000 year head start on humans, the technology they would have built to travel space is extremely plausible. Not only plausible, but I believe it's highly likely to a near certainty this has occurred.

What I saw in the mid-late 1980s cannot be explained by any known modern human aircraft; Factoring our technology at that timeframe there is no other plausible explanation than of alien origin being the most likely. And if it WAS a government highly secret aircraft, flying it over rural America risking sighting, crash, capture, etc. would be illogical from a "secret tech" standpoint. Likewise, all these millions of sightings over America, and the world, is inconsistent with trying to keep the secret technology exclusive and secret to whoever owns it.

In the absence of any other plausible explanations as to what these objects (orbs, triangles, cigars, etc.) capable of in human acceleration, directional changes, hovering, silence, invisibility, capable of water and atmosphere travel, in our skies being photographed since the 1940s and witnessed thought-out time, there is no other logical conclusion that withstands scrutiny.
Time travel is a viable theory and there are many fascinating theories about infinite parallel universes as well. These IMHO are far less probable than the belief that in the infinite expanses of the known universe(s)/galaxies and beyond there are life sustaining planets that host(ed) intelligent life that had a large head start on humans.

It's a near certainty, I would conclude a certainty, other intelligent life has existed in these infinite expanses. Intelligent life would presumably be curious and follow a similar technology trajectory as humans. With even 10,000 year head start on humans, the technology they would have built to travel space is extremely plausible. Not only plausible, but I believe it's highly likely to a near certainty this has occurred.

What I saw in the mid-late 1980s cannot be explained by any known modern human aircraft; Factoring our technology at that timeframe there is no other plausible explanation than of alien origin being the most likely. And if it WAS a government highly secret aircraft, flying it over rural America risking sighting, crash, capture, etc. would be illogical from a "secret tech" standpoint. Likewise, all these millions of sightings over America, and the world, is inconsistent with trying to keep the secret technology exclusive and secret to whoever owns it.

In the absence of any other plausible explanations as to what these objects (orbs, triangles, cigars, etc.) capable of in human acceleration, directional changes, hovering, silence, invisibility, capable of water and atmosphere travel, in our skies being photographed since the 1940s and witnessed thought-out time, there is no other logical conclusion that withstands scrutiny.

Im part of the populace that has has witnessed objects perform non standard maneuvering and other signature phenomenon.

I don't discuss my own experiences much here anymore because some feel compelled to give me math lessons that I already passed.

Unlike many I do not want to be part of this club.

When I witnessed something displaying capabilities I know to be impossible, where some with me were filled with wonder and joy, I was instantly filled with a sense of dread I struggle to explain and share.

I find no joy in it, dont like the conclusions I form around it, believe nothing good will come of it.

Regardless of the origin of these devices, craft, phenomenon - we have been, and are being lied to.
Its not irrational to have an own mind but it’s not logical to conclude something is true without proof.

That said, I do agree, “ the lack of evidence is not evidence”.
Its not irrational to have an own mind but it’s not logical to conclude something is true without proof.

First, again, there IS PROOF. I don't know why people keep stating there is no proof or evidence. It's all around us almost daily. Witnesses, photos, videos, classified videos leaked and made unclassified, etc.

Secondly, this "illogical" behavior (making rational conclusions based on available evidence) is conducted daily repeatedly in thousands of court rooms and in all other manner of human interactions on virtually every other topic by most humans as normal practice. In the law it's called "circumstantial evidence," and in the absence of any other plausible explanations, can result in civil law case decisions or criminal convictions.

The example a Judge might use in a jury instruction regarding circumstantial evidence would be in the absence of any other reasonable explanations you must conclude the explanation provided is correct, for instance if you go to bed on a clear night with no storm forecast, and awaken to snow on the ground, in spite of not seeing snow or having it forecast, it is reasonable beyond doubt that it did indeed snow overnight. You did not actually witness it happen, but the evidence is undeniable and, there are finite explanations and almost no reasonable ones available.

Another example, 2 living people put into a locked room with no outside access, are in a isolated locked in a room and one is dead with a apparent repeated stabbing in the back and the other is covered in blood, holding a bloody screwdriver that is the weapon. You might not have seen the attack or killing but in the absence of any other plausible explanation, one would conclude the living person holding the blooding weapon committed the murder.

Same logical application here. What are the other plausible explanations? Government tech? Highly sophisticated unmanned drones? Not likely or plausible, given the maneuverability, speeds, directional changes, and other capabilities, no known observable propulsion, and other abilities. Seen around the globe (as opposed to isolated to Area 51 under strict control, which would make more sense). Not now. Certainly not decades or centuries ago. Process of elimination.

At some point it seems to me the deniers are the irrational lot simply refusing to look at the evidence objectively. What else are these if not alien technology centuries more advanced than us?
First, again, there IS PROOF. I don't know why people keep stating there is no proof or evidence. It's all around us almost daily. Witnesses, photos, videos, classified videos leaked and made unclassified, etc.

Secondly, this "illogical" behavior (making rational conclusions based on available evidence) is conducted daily repeatedly in thousands of court rooms and in all other manner of human interactions on virtually every other topic by most humans as normal practice. In the law it's called "circumstantial evidence," and in the absence of any other plausible explanations, can result in civil law case decisions or criminal convictions.

The example a Judge might use in a jury instruction regarding circumstantial evidence would be in the absence of any other reasonable explanations you must conclude the explanation provided is correct, for instance if you go to bed on a clear night with no storm forecast, and awaken to snow on the ground, in spite of not seeing snow or having it forecast, it is reasonable beyond doubt that it did indeed snow overnight. You did not actually witness it happen, but the evidence is undeniable and, there are finite explanations and almost no reasonable ones available.

Another example, 2 living people put into a locked room with no outside access, are in a isolated locked in a room and one is dead with a apparent repeated stabbing in the back and the other is covered in blood, holding a bloody screwdriver that is the weapon. You might not have seen the attack or killing but in the absence of any other plausible explanation, one would conclude the living person holding the blooding weapon committed the murder.

Same logical application here. What are the other plausible explanations? Government tech? Highly sophisticated unmanned drones? Not likely or plausible, given the maneuverability, speeds, directional changes, and other capabilities, no known observable propulsion, and other abilities. Seen around the globe (as opposed to isolated to Area 51 under strict control, which would make more sense). Not now. Certainly not decades or centuries ago. Process of elimination.

At some point it seems to me the deniers are the irrational lot simply refusing to look at the evidence objectively. What else are these if not alien technology centuries more advanced than us?

One can take a position there is no proof, but thats difficult based on the mountains of evidence and becoming more difficult by the day as it appears we are in the midst of disclosure, as there has already been acknowledgment by the US gov that something is happening.

One can not reasonably take a stand that there is no evidence, because there exists mountains of evidence (as you say) that would otherwise in other circumstance be considered proof - ie radar observed by multiple sensors with corroborating data.
First, again, there IS PROOF. I don't know why people keep stating there is no proof or evidence. It's all around us almost daily. Witnesses, photos, videos, classified videos leaked and made unclassified, etc.

Secondly, this "illogical" behavior (making rational conclusions based on available evidence) is conducted daily repeatedly in thousands of court rooms and in all other manner of human interactions on virtually every other topic by most humans as normal practice. In the law it's called "circumstantial evidence," and in the absence of any other plausible explanations, can result in civil law case decisions or criminal convictions.

The example a Judge might use in a jury instruction regarding circumstantial evidence would be in the absence of any other reasonable explanations you must conclude the explanation provided is correct, for instance if you go to bed on a clear night with no storm forecast, and awaking to snow on the ground, in spite of not seeing snow or having it forecast, it is reasonable beyond doubt that it did indeed snow overnight. You did not actually witness it happen, but the evidence is undeniable and, there are finite explanations and almost no reasonable ones available.

Another example, 2 people isolated locked in a room and one is dead with a apparent repeated stabbing in the back and the other is covered in blood, holding a bloody screwdriver that is the weapon. You might not have seen the attack or killing but in the absence of any other plausible explanation, one would conclude the living person holding the blooding weapon committed the murder.

Same logical application here. What are the other plausible explanations? Government tech? Highly sophisticated unmanned drones? Not likely or plausible, given the maneuverability, speeds, directional changes, and other capabilities, no known observable propulsion, and other abilities. Seen around the globe (as opposed to isolated to Area 51 under strict control, which would make more sense). Not now. Certainly not decades or centuries ago. Process of elimination.

At some point it seems to me the deniers are the irrational lot simply refusing to look at the evidence objectively. What else are these if not alien technology centuries more advanced than us?
Evidence of stuff we do not understand but no proof to draw a logical conclusion.

Open minded is rational, logical , and I am.

Making a definitive conclusion isn’t.

For most people , they will require solid proof versus courtroom beyond a reasonable doubt “proof”.

A denier is someone who doesn’t have an open mind and has also made their mind up without scientific proof.

Careful labelling people deniers.

Deniers works both ways.

Open minded people look at the evidence but wait until it’s proof.
One can not reasonably take a stand that there is no evidence, because there exists mountains of evidence (as you say) that would otherwise in other circumstance be considered proof - ie radar observed by multiple sensors with corroborating data.
One case I remember was from the 1994 across several (6 I recall) counties in western Michigan. I remember reading the accounts back in 1994 and have always been curious about what these were. It was observed by 300+ witnesses including law enforcement and tracked on radar, objects that crossed many counties and across lake Michigan. No reasonable human explanation has been provided. Essentially, several aircraft were observed, witnesses called 911, police across counties attempted pursuit and observed these craft, they shot across the state and performed advanced maneuvers, extreme rates of assent and descent impossible for humans due to speeds and G-forces, tracked on radar by multiple sources. This was, again, at a time when the BEST U.S. fighter jets were combustion rocket propelled objects that require lift and perform like jets, with human pilots able to withstand what, maybe 8-10 Gs.

The objects recorded on radar and observed by humans flew at speeds covering miles in mere seconds, horizontal and vertical.

"...he was watching the object, it stopped and started hovering. "And then it shot up, about 5,000 feet, then 10,000 feet I was getting it, just straight up," Bushong said. "At this point, the police officer was saying that he was seeing the same thing with that same object."

"It was almost as if, it was like it was saying to me, 'hey, I know you can see me,'" Bushong said. "Until that one got up to about 30, 40 thousand feet, and finally I saw it."

He then described seeing a triangle of objects on radar, oriented vertically, before they finally spread out in the horizontal.

"One that’s closest to the radar, so it would look bigger, and then there were two more," he said. "One on the shore of Lake Michigan, and the other inland a little bit. They were all separated by about 20 miles."

He said one of the objects would zip about 20 miles away before the others followed in a geometric pattern. "I either saw them hovering or they were jumping at a high rate of speed over to the next spot. Then there were two other spots jumping to get back into the same triangle, and they kept doing this," Bushong said.

Their heights even topped off close to 60,000 feet at times, according to Bushong. This, he said, disqualifies a theory some used to try and debunk his observations as ground clutter. Ground clutter, caused by a radar phenomenon known as anomalous propagation, occurs when radar beams bend down towards the surface of the earth, echoing back returns from objects close to the ground.

Bushong said this continued to happen until the three and at times four objects made it over southern Lake Michigan, where Bushong said he observed dozens more. For a total of about two hours, he saw a larger cluster of stationary objects with some slowly moving in between them.

Bushong later called the FAA control tower at the Muskegon County Airport to see if they had observed anything. Bushong said he spoke to an air traffic controller that had observed 3 aircraft in formation off in the distance but didn't have any transponder code...."
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