TV selection help

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Sep 12, 2012
Greatest Earth on Show, UT
Our 10 year wedding anniversary is in two months and my wife just suggested a join anniversary present: a 70" HDTV! (She originally wanted a 92", but cut back a bit from there.)

To be honest, I am not yet totally onboard with that idea. It seems like a strange anniversary gift. We currently have a four year old 42" LCD HDTV, which I feel is pretty adequate (it would go into the kids' play room). I would prefer spending less money on something that would help/require us to be more active, but with baby number four due in early July, making it four under the age of six, having an active lifestyle outside the house isn't in our 6 month plan. Also, I have no idea what such a gift would be, but figuring we would be making a $2,500+ investment (TV, new stand/entertainment center, and taxes), it seems like we could get a lot of other stuff.

In favor of the TV is the fact that I love watching movies, particularly sci-fi and action flicks, which would look great on a 70" set. We have the LOTR series on Blu-Ray and want to have some friends over to watch it, but a 42" TV doesn't seem like it will do those movies justice. I also do a bit of gaming (maybe 5 hours per month) and we watch Netflix and Hulu Plus through a PS3.

So if I cave and we get a new TV, what advice can you give regarding brands/models/technologies (LCD vs LED vs plasma) that stand out or should be avoided? What performance specs should I weight more than others?

70" or thereabout.
Price is not an overriding factor, but not looking for cutting edge/top of the line.
3D capabilities would most likely not be utilized, but are not a deal killer.
Don't care too much for built-in apps, so not a priority.
The room is fairly bright during the day (four panel skylight) and is not super dark at night (the wife likes at least some ambient lighting).
Viewing distance can vary greatly.
It will be in a corner of a room so viewing angle will not likely exceed much beyond 45 degrees.

Fire away!
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Im probably going to get flamed for this but here is my opinion. When i bought my 60" I went to all the stores and looked at the real world quality first. I am really big on color and the black levels. I hate how a lot of tv's blacks just turn out to be gray from light bleeding in from the back. For this reason I went with a more exspensive Plasma. Which does not use a backlight each pixel produces it own. Black pixels are "turned off" so you get a true black. The colors are remarkable and the black's well there pitch black. About the same quality picture as the high end LED's but the colors are just so amazing. I know you want bigger but here's mine for reference
70" screen eliminates plasma I believe. When you get up to the 60" + models they generally have all the features if you want them or not.
I have 2 Samsung LCDs going on 3 years and couldn't be happier. I have yet to find anything that looks better. The new LEDs look just as good and that's what I would recommend. We have a 46 inch in our 14x28 living room and that satisfies us. If I wanted to go larger in this same room, I would probably top out at 55 need for bigger. I recommend buying something without apps if possible...just makes the tv more complicated & you can always get them in a dvd play if you really want them. The size of your room will really determine what size tv you'll be happy with.
I would strongly recommend Costco because they add a 2 year warranty and have a good return policy. When they discount models on a monthly basis (like a 300 off coupon or temporary discount) their price is very competitive. I've seen 65" tv's there in the 1500 range over the last few months.

If you do get 3d get passive with the cheap glasses. Active shutter glasses are "better" but are you going to hand a half dozen pairs of 65 dollar glasses to your kids' friends? Are video games two or three years now going to have a lot of 3D? I don't know, but Playtation 4 and Xbox 720 are right around the corner.

Lastly, you can probably get a HD projector and a screen for 1500 bucks pretty easily, and if you want a big screen and can control the light (like in a rec room) that's something to consider as well.
I did some serious shopping for a 40" around Christmas. And of course everytime I was in a store I would always look at the bigger screens. I have to say that everytime I saw the Sharp Aquos 70" I was impressed. The color pops just right. Everything was crisp without looking fake.
I have a Samsung 46" LCD and it is fantastic. Much better picture and color quality than other I looked at. I would look at Samsung again when I am ready for my next TV.
For picture quality versus price, Sony Bravia.

You can close this thread now.
Originally Posted By: bepperb
I would strongly recommend Costco because they add a 2 year warranty and have a good return policy. When they discount models on a monthly basis (like a 300 off coupon or temporary discount) their price is very competitive. I've seen 65" tv's there in the 1500 range over the last few months.

That's the plan. We got our current TV at Costco and when we had an issue with the remote, we went through Costco and their system had the purchase info, so no tracking down receipts, etc.
Originally Posted By: bepperb
If you do get 3d get passive with the cheap glasses. Active shutter glasses are "better" but are you going to hand a half dozen pairs of 65 dollar glasses to your kids' friends? Are video games two or three years now going to have a lot of 3D? I don't know, but Playtation 4 and Xbox 720 are right around the corner.

I'm not a fan of 3D, so I don't think I'd get a half dozen pairs of any 3D glasses, but thanks for the tip.
Originally Posted By: bepperb
Lastly, you can probably get a HD projector and a screen for 1500 bucks pretty easily, and if you want a big screen and can control the light (like in a rec room) that's something to consider as well.

Don't have enough control over ambient light (one wall is 90% sliding glass door and windows, plus the skylights), there isn't a good place to mount a projector due to the skylights, and we're renting, so I am not going to run cables through the ceiling and walls, but I would definitely go that route if I could.
Wherever you buy your TV make sure you pay with credit card for free extended warranty up to a year. If you buy from Costco then Costco extend warranty from 1 year to 2 and paying with American Express extend warranty another year to 3 years total.

I think 65" and larger LCD are almost all are LED now, at least LED backlight.

I have 3 Sharp Aquos I bought 6-7 years ago, all are working fine without any problem. If I'm in market for another LCD I will look at either Samsung or Sharp.
Im on the Samsung bandwagon. I have a 46" LCD and a 42" LCD. Awesome picture on both. Friends and family have other brands and they say mine are so much clearer all the time.
We have two Sharp LCD TVs from 4-5 years ago and they've had zero issues. I've seen some of the Sharp Aquos models and they are stunning. Sharp isn't so much of a "popular" brand like Sony or Samsung, but to my eyes, they have some VERY good displays these days. It's not so much of a "sleeper" brand, because it's not the cheapest stuff out there, but it's a brand that's often overlooked in favor of the more marketed brands.

Be sure to check out their latest offerings.
Originally Posted By: Barkleymut
I did some serious shopping for a 40" around Christmas. And of course everytime I was in a store I would always look at the bigger screens. I have to say that everytime I saw the Sharp Aquos 70" I was impressed. The color pops just right. Everything was crisp without looking fake.

+1. Saw the same set and it is in the top of the list when I have to replace our Mitsubishi.
"my wife just suggested a join anniversary present: a 70" HDTV! (She originally wanted a 92", but cut back a bit from there.)"

No advice on a TV but That is one awsome wife!
Has anybody asked for picture of the wife yet? On some other forums, that would have been the first reply :)
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