This year's cherry crop

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Staff member
Dec 14, 2002
New Jersey
At a recent visit to a local organic farm, it was mentioned that cherry prices are higher due to a poor crop.

It appears that the midwest crop has been obliterated, while the NW crop may be a record, so I dont know what exactly to believe.

But we recently got cherries at the supermarket, they were nondescript "produce of the USA" was all that it said, with no SOO.

But I have to say that they are the most delicious cherries that I remember eating in a long while. I definitely enjoy cherries, but these were better than any I can recall eating in recent memory.

Has anyone noticed this (good/better than usual tasting cherries)?

Do cherries from one area taste better than others? I prefer CA carrots over MI for example...

Cherries- no orchards here in NE Tx, but:

About 1981 I was in NW Montana, & went to the Old Time Fiddlers contest(up near Lake Flathead I think). There were cherry orchards there & A friend & I made the drive back & stopped & bought a grocery sack *Full* of freshly picked ripe cherries on the roadside for some ridiculously low price. All the way back, we ate cherries & seeded the roadside with cherry pits! Best cherries I ever ate & a fond memory.
If you get a chance for any Montana cherries, get 'em & enjoy. You won't be sorry.
I think this year cherries tasted better than the last few years. I usually buy cherries from Costco, it seems to taste better than most supermarkets.
I am eating some now that say the same thing on the bag. Last week I got some that said they were product of Canada and they were better. However I agree both are better than usual
I'm a little late to the party, but it was last year (2012) that the cherry crop was wiped out by a late freeze, at least here in WI. Door County, famous for cherry and wine production, was hit especially hard.

The 2013 crop was huge, though. It was even a couple of weeks early. Typically, around July 4th is the peak of the crop but that actually hit in mid June. We've had an early and moist spring with no frost, so the apple harvest will be huge in the Door as well. But for some reason, the price of apples here is through the roof.
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