What is going on here! I've been with Esurance for years, before that I was with Progressive, before that Geico. I'd switch whenever the rates were better. Got lazy so stuck with Esurance as the price always seemed OK. About $100/mo for what I consider to be good coverage. High limits, $500 deductive on comprehensive/collision, etc.
Recently I heard some insurance companies are no longer accepting customers in CA but didn't think much of it - though that was more in refence to home insurance or fire insurance or something.
Well, my boyfriend happened to share with me he pays $250/mo for insurance. I was like WHAT!!!! That seemed crazy to me. I looked at it and it's not minimum but not great coverage limits. Way less than mine. I have mine set high as modern vehicle prices, prices of everything, are high. On a Nissan Kicks. Annual mileage of maybe 12K-15K tops. One incident in the past five years where his parked vehicle was hit. So we tried to shop around. First I used the Jerry app to compare prices as it's convenient. 19/20 insurance providers declined coverage due to "not accepting customers in California at this time" while ONE that I'd never heard of offered coverage at $109/mo. But that was for minimum liability only. Increasing the coverage to something reasonable and added comprehensive/collision and they declined covereage as well.
Then we tried directly on Geico website. They quoted $200/mo and said something about a 15 business day underwriting review. Sounded to me like a kind way to say "no" without specifically saying no.
Esurance didn't even let us submit a quote upon entering zip code and referred to some third party thing I'd never heard of either.
My question is, is this the new norm? How is anyone getting reasonably priced insurance? What to do!? Like, what does someone do if they need insurance now?
Recently I heard some insurance companies are no longer accepting customers in CA but didn't think much of it - though that was more in refence to home insurance or fire insurance or something.
Well, my boyfriend happened to share with me he pays $250/mo for insurance. I was like WHAT!!!! That seemed crazy to me. I looked at it and it's not minimum but not great coverage limits. Way less than mine. I have mine set high as modern vehicle prices, prices of everything, are high. On a Nissan Kicks. Annual mileage of maybe 12K-15K tops. One incident in the past five years where his parked vehicle was hit. So we tried to shop around. First I used the Jerry app to compare prices as it's convenient. 19/20 insurance providers declined coverage due to "not accepting customers in California at this time" while ONE that I'd never heard of offered coverage at $109/mo. But that was for minimum liability only. Increasing the coverage to something reasonable and added comprehensive/collision and they declined covereage as well.
Then we tried directly on Geico website. They quoted $200/mo and said something about a 15 business day underwriting review. Sounded to me like a kind way to say "no" without specifically saying no.
Esurance didn't even let us submit a quote upon entering zip code and referred to some third party thing I'd never heard of either.
My question is, is this the new norm? How is anyone getting reasonably priced insurance? What to do!? Like, what does someone do if they need insurance now?