The design of the new

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Originally posted by labman:
Except for all the political crap, I mostly like it the way it is. There is a technical glitch which I can continue to live with. There is an overlap on the pages. I start at As I move from page to page, there always seems to be some threads left over from the last page. Could this have to do with new posts pushing old ones back a page while I was going through one page? If so, I doubt it is worth fixing.

Yes that is probably the case.


Originally posted by ZmOz:
So who is this mysterious new owner?

Donald Trump. And you're fired.
In the new, or whatever it is called, there could be additional sources of information for members.

For example, there could be a ranking of motor oils based on some minimum number of VOAs or UOAs. Members would be able to see immediately what motor oils had tested the best.

There has been testing at this web site by some members of some products. For example, a member did testing of Auto-RX. There could be a section where members could check on testing done by members of various products.

Some members have taken pictures of such things as cut apart oil filters, to give one example. There could be a section where photographs of products are displayed.

All of the advertisers who help pay for the web site could be listed on one page.

Just a few ideas.
I like the board the way it is currently organized, but would like to see a better way of posting charts, graphs and pictures to BITOG.

Many people are "visual" learners and this would help with explanations such as the Tech Briefs and Question of the Day.
i would like to see not so many dealers here. i mean does there REALLY need to be 3 amsoil dealers? 1 would be just fine by me. i know 2 of the amsoil dealers are quitting, so why dont we close their spots and just keep the last one?

how about 1 dealer for each company maximum are allowed to be site sponsors.
Crypto, you bring up a good point, if everyone would fork out a little, those of us as sponsors wouldn't have to fork out a lot to buy bandwidth, Thus keeping even the perception of product slant or agenda off the board were it belongs.

All need to realize that those of us that are in business must make money or we can't feed the kids. If you want a very unbiased board the money has to come from the masses and equally distributed.

I will say though that Bob has done a wonderful job attempting to keep this as unbiased as he can, considering he is a Schaeffers rep.

Even the competing entities have been honorable about things for the most part. I know of no other board that is as unbiased and still gets a ton of automotive lube data out like BITOG. Noria may be the only other and it is dead like a Dog hit 3 years ago.
crypto - why does 3 Amsoil dealers bug you?? Bob was cool with it, subdivided in 3 sections of USA, which is verboten in the real world by Amsoil.

Not sure I like the idea of paying to get to certain areas of the site.
On "Religion" Posts:

My family escaped genocide at the hands of "peaceful" Muslims.

Islam only tolerates you if you join them clear and simple.

My family chose to run since they chose not to convert.

If they stood there ground they would have been bruttally dismembered and there estate torched.

They lost everything to maintain there beliefs and identity.

Had they stayed I would not exist.

So if I choose to factually indict Islam I know exactly what context I am coming from.

Do not try to "Politically Correct" me.
pablo, its not 3 amsoil dealers that bother me, its 3 dealers of "any company" which bothers me.

p.s lets keep religin/sex out of this website, this is an oil website, not a place of worship, unless you have a shrine of oil i guess. i know alot of you are god fearing men, however i dont believe youre gods have anything to do with lubes.

[ April 03, 2004, 12:20 AM: Message edited by: cryptokid ]
i have no problem with the number of dealers here. as a matter of fact, i'd like to see more. all the amsoil guys seem like no bullstuff kind of fellas, bob is obviously the oil guy, pennzoil johnny, and george the mobil rep all have it together as well.

the more people like that, the better information we get. bring in the redline guys and anyone else who's willing to live on this board.

the more the merrier.


[ April 03, 2004, 10:39 PM: Message edited by: 59 Vetteman ]
If representatives from all of those companies came to this site and helped support it, there would probably be plenty of funding for the site.

And there would also be a lot of new viewpoints and knowledge that would come to the site.
guys i dont know if a couple of you misread what i said, but i dont mind having a dealer for each company. thats fine. i just dont know if i like having more than 1 dealer for each company. it just seems excessive to me.
crypto, there's a difference between an amsoil dealer on this site, and (heaven help us) a castrol rep.

A representative is representing a company, and is probably paid by the company.

Our resident amsoil dealers are paid commission only on whta they sell. In effect, they are their own company.

In both cases, the company need to learn what we all want. The three companies that sell Amsoil (and a forth, fifth, and on) are learning to better help us, the consumers. A Castrol, Mobil, whatever rep would be great also.

Terry does have a good point in that more of us should contribute financially to keep the board independent.
"all the amsoil guys seem like no BS kind of fellas, "

tweeker, you slipped one past the goalie.

[ April 03, 2004, 11:33 PM: Message edited by: joee12 ]
gm - i noticed that! i normally just write what i want, figuring the software will take care of the big words.

anyway, back on topic, the thing about having multiple dealers is this: that keeps everyone honest. let's say you had one rep from every brand; it would be more difficult to cross check (not hockey style) particular statements. i've dealt with enough sales guys to know that getting verification is important.

that said, it in no way reflects on the high integrity gentlemen who frequent this board. all the reps here seem like non-rabid, up-front guys.

Originally posted by Shannow:
crypto, there's a difference between an amsoil dealer on this site, and (heaven help us) a castrol rep.

But, if there was a Castrol rep, perhaps they would see the want for more GC!
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