The design of the new

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Mar 5, 2003
I have heard that this web site will be soon or already has been sold to a new owner. What sort of changes will take place, if any? Will the name of the web site change? How soon before we hear from the new owner?
Mystic, we will have a final answer this weekend. The buyer is an original member of the site, who is interested in making the site better. I will make an annoucement as soon as everything is final, with many more details. Thanks for the post, Joe
I hope the new owner has the good sense to clean up the general forum. It is still 7 months until the election. What kind of a server will he need by October? At least the election is mercifully early in November.
I basically like how this web site is designed and I don't see much need for radical changes. If the name changes or stays the same does not seem greatly important to me. I think the web site needs to continue to be an impartial, neutral site where people can freely discuss motor oils, oil filters, etc (with rules for personal conduct).

The one area that needs to be cleaned up in the General Topics section. With the increase in the numbers of people who are members at this web site, this section has completely gone beyond acceptable limits. People have launched personal attacks on each other which should be a strict no-no at this web site. It appears to me that sensitive topics such as religion, politics, etc., cannot be discussed by large numbers of people without strict controls or a code of honor that there must be no personal attacks on other members. We are in the middle of a political season and there are fanatics on both sides. I have also seen total intolerance on the part of some people for the religious views of other members. I think there needs to be a code of honor here and strict rules for personal behavior. Strike three and you are out.
Howbout renaming the forum to something like ,

ISLAC GF-3 dino's ........35k drain intervals or bust .

Or is that too long of a ............title
Please do not censor General and Off Topic.

Political Correctness is non-sense.

The Protection of Free Speach should be honored.

Personal Attacks?

Deal with them on a one-to-one basis.


When one poster [MANIACK] claimed the World Trade Center complex was "not a civilian" target.

I rather have the opportunity to out-reason the idiots here than silence them.
That is the best way to show someones idiocy.

If you sack the entire forum for a few bad apples it is not better than succombing to the aim of terrorists.

BITOG has remained pretty civil, topic censorship will really shoot me in the back for one
outrun, I agree with you about the importance of free speech. And I don't have a problem with debating somebody. Personally, I consider myself a liberal and I am a registered Democrat.

But there is no reasoning with some of these people. When somebody, for example, says that the World Trade Center was a legitimate target for terrorists, that person is beyond reason.

To give another example, when somebody is clearly intolerant of another person's religious beliefs, there is no reasoning with a person like this either. If somebody has a terrible hatred against a certain religion (Christianity, Islam, whatever), or a terrible hatred towards people of a certain skin coloration (white, black, whatever), or a terrible hatred towards another ethnic group, it will be impossible to reason with people like this.

I think that people that engage in personal attacks on other members, repeated violation of web site rules, and people who engage clearly in religious, ethnic, or racial hatred should be banned from this web site.

If somebody cannot debate something here without engaging in personnel attacks on other members, violating web site rules, and engaging in hatred directed at religions, ethnic groups or racial groups, then that person does not belong here.
It goes beyond just being illogical for somebody, for example, to claim that Jesus never existed. I am a Christian and statements like that are OFFENSIVE TO ME. Just because in this country today it is acceptable for Christians to be discriminated against does not mean it should be acceptable at this web site. It fact, I would consider it offensive for somebody to claim that Buddha had never existed because I also care very much for the teachings of Buddha. I am sure that a Moslem would consider it offensive if that Moslem was a member at this web site and somebody claimed that Mohammed had never existed.

Now we have to realize that many people from throughout the world visit this web site and become members here. And the membership at this web site has differing backgrounds and differing levels of education. I have a college level education myself. I took classes such as Religions of the World. I attended college with people from throughout the world. I have a minor in Anthropology (the study of different human cultures).

Some of the people here may be visitors from other countries. But when you are visiting another country you do not spit in the faces of the people in the country you are visiting. For some people from the Middle East, for example, perhaps the destruction of the World Trade Center was a beautiful thing-the 3000 human lives destroyed just wonderful. But I don't think it is wise to voice those sorts of viewpoints at an American web site. In fact, the mere fact that this can be done and could not be done in a country in the Middle East shows the superior personal freedoms of the United States.

But enough already. I think I have made my point. There needs to be a code of honor here and there needs to be a set of rules for personal conduct at this web site. And those rules need to be enforced.
Mystic, It seems your opinion on the example you gave strikes me as 'calling the kettle black'. You state in your example about the WTC being a legit target for terrorist, that the person who wrote that is beyond reason. Why would you say that? It is, after all that persons opinion, right or wrong in your eyes, it is still his opinion, and should be respected as much as yours is for disagreeing with it. While I do side with you about personal attacks, just because a persons opinion does not coincide with yours does not neccessarily make them 'unreasonable'. With all due respect, of course, can you explain your rationale behind that statement? I sincerely hope that the off topics forum does not change what it currently runs. I am one of those who feel that if a person does not like a topic they should just skip and go tho the next. For me, it is nice to come to the forum, and 'chat with the fellas' so to speak, about anything and everything, not just oil, but other topics as well. Consider this example. Bars have beer. Bars are all about beer. beer is the exclusive selling beverage at bars. yet how many bars allow conversation about beer only? well, this site is about oil. but oil ias not the only thing that people think of here. FWIW, I think there will be a loss to the forum if the off topic forum disappears....
So who is this mysterious new owner? Or is that still a secret?

BTW - If for whatever reason the deal falls through, I would be interested in adding this site to my collection of internet real estate...
I would like to see a secure area where the deep dark secrets of oil formulations and testing could be placed for those that are willing to compensate those who can share that kind of data or testing without going broke.

Maybe a more open/public online oil analysis area with graduated testing levels. Basic spectro, spectro with Large particle detection, spectro, LPD, and GC mass spec tests for base oils and volatility data.

Maybe a ASTM battery of tests that could be accessed for those willing to pay for that kind of testing.

Of course all this with an independent let the data speak slant. Not brand or marketing driven.

I have tried to do that here but it is hard to balance that, stay in business and not give your product away.

Originally posted by Terry:
I would like to see a secure area where the deep dark secrets of oil formulations and testing could be placed for those that are willing to compensate those who can share that kind of data or testing without going broke.

Maybe a more open/public online oil analysis area with graduated testing levels. Basic spectro, spectro with Large particle detection, spectro, LPD, and GC mass spec tests for base oils and volatility data.

Maybe a ASTM battery of tests that could be accessed for those willing to pay for that kind of testing.

Of course all this with an independent let the data speak slant. Not brand or marketing driven.

I have tried to do that here but it is hard to balance that, stay in business and not give your product away.

That would be awesome!!!!
But then I would have to hire a tutor to explain all the technical stuff to me.........then I would go broke.
I don't have a problem with the General and Off Topic Section, but personal attacks and profanity, and ethnic, religious, and racial discrimination should not be allowed. There has to be a code of conduct. If there was no code of conduct, any visitor to this site would be shocked by the behavior of members here and this site would ultimately have a very poor image.

And some people are very selective in who they discriminate against. Let me give an example. I happen to have a lot of Irish ancestry. I also have English, Scottish, Cherokee Indian, French, and probably Hungarian and Czech. ancestry. I was also raised as a Catholic. Now, some people love to engage in Irish jokes and there is a considerable amount of hatred directed towards Catholics in this country. I have had to put up with this sort of stuff all of my life. I don't know anything about you. Depending on your ancestry and religion you may not be able to understand what I am talking about. Every St. Patrick's Day people of Irish ancestry have to tolerate the same nonsense. And Catholics also have to tolerate a lot of nonsense.

Now, if I were to suddenly start making fun of some ethnic groups or religious groups (which I would not do-I do not discriminate) I would be jumped from all sides. For example, say that I posted a message here claiming that Mohammed had never existed (clearly nonsense, but this is just an example). What do you think would happen? Or if I made some sort of silly statement here to the effect that Christian terrorists would be justified in attacking the Black Stone in Mecca, what do you think would happen? But it is okay for somebody to claim that Jesus never existed?

Personally myself, I do not think it is right for terrorists of any kind to attack any target in the world. I think that terrorism is wrong. I think it would be wrong for Christian terrorists to attack Mecca. I also think it was wrong for terrorists to attack the World Trade Center. Unless somebody supports terrorism, I don't see how anybody can disagree with any of this.

Two wrongs do not make a right. Regardless what has happened in the past, we live in the world of today and must make this current world a better place to live. Whatever happened in the past in the Middle East does not justify the murder of 3000 people in the World Trade Center. We have to rise above this eye for an eye stuff and someday be civilized.

If you do not understand what I am talking about then the only thing I can say is that you and me live in different worlds. I don't know a very great deal about Islam. but I do know something about Christianity and Buddhism. I am not interested in trying to destroy part of the human race. I want to be one with the earth and the sky, to go beyond hatred, to achieve the perfect tranquility.
But enough of all of this. Look at Terry's post. This is what is needed here-ideas to make this web site a better site. And this web site is mainly about and should be mainly about motor oil subjects, oil filter discussions, oil supplement discussions, engine cleaning, and so forth.
Mystic, I would hope that people would not engage in personal attacks. I also would like to say that if I have posted anything which offended anyone on a personal level it is not intended (especially you buster, I really get a kick out of you!).

If I see a conversation going in that direction, I usually bow out. I have seen it get personal against you, Mystic. I don't think this is necessary as most of what we speak of is opinion and we're all entitled.
Thanks Groucho Marx. I like your posts and like you I like buster's posts! I think buster is more liberal then me but I really find his posts interesting-especially his discussions about Mobil versus Amsoil motor oils. I do miss a few people who seem to have disappeared.

I think what we need at this post are more replies with ideas like what terry came up with. Whoever the new owner is going to be he could make use of all of the ideas that people come up with. How about if we forget any problems in the General and Off Topic section and just concentrate on good ideas here for the new owner to consider?
Mystic - Just one simple question - With your so clearly defined gift of what constitutes truth (vs. other people's so clearly defined intolerance, irrationality, and hate), why do you need to frequent a discussion board at all?

This isn't just hypothetical, I would really like to understand your logic.

You seem to believe that there is some readily discernible lowest common denominator, or "common sense" level of what should be said, and not said. I believe that if you were to explore this line of thought with other people, you would find that, in fact, few people would agree with you on exactly where to draw the line. For you to suggest, on a discussion board no less, that you have some inside line on "acceptable", is deliciously ironic.

[ April 02, 2004, 01:26 AM: Message edited by: TooManyWheels ]
I think the new owner, whoever it is, would appreciate ideas on how to make the web site better.
Except for all the political crap, I mostly like it the way it is. There is a technical glitch which I can continue to live with. There is an overlap on the pages. I start at As I move from page to page, there always seems to be some threads left over from the last page. Could this have to do with new posts pushing old ones back a page while I was going through one page? If so, I doubt it is worth fixing.
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