Tesla Christmas Road Trip - Battery needed frequent re-charging - Range Estimates were 50% to 69% off

For sure, but if you look at what is posted on this website you'll see what many attribute ownership as a dumpster fire with no experience at all and no patience at all for what members here have for ownership experience. We even have a member here who has had the same EV for 5 years who has been mocked because they've decided it doesn't meet their narrative so he gets mocked for his opinion on a daily basis.
I resemble that remark!
The big meanies don't bother me; just let it go. I love all my cars, except the RX. Real trucks have beds; I am not a big SUV fan because they are just the modern day station wagon. Ha!

Torrid, let me just say I have had more than one private message in support of handling certain topics and posters; I don't take the bait. All good. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion; I am more of a data analytics guy.
I can't wait for the Highland Model 3 Performance!
For me about once a week I log out and don't come back for a couple of days. My intention is just to never come back. There's a few people here I genuinely enjoy reacting with so I just keep coming back. There's a very toxic environment here with the majority of members who post in this section of the site holier than though and that's what shuts me off from responding. I have no problem debating the benefits and negatives of owning an EV, but at the end of the day it's all personal use which may not translate to every user. Some take this too personally. I don't think this would be the same case if someone chose a Ford Fiesta or a Ram 3500. It becomes personal and political for some once it's battery powered.
Yes, the environment can get toxic around here, and it does extend to those who would choose something other than an EV.

Just this evening, someone posted this toxic screed aimed at those who might choose a Ram 3500:
Trucks are a bad idea for EVs. I've said it 100 times. They're barely passable as ICE as dailys but egos and small male appendages make this a huge selling point. EVs trucks and ICE truck are wasteful as commuters are a horribly sad phallus measuring contest. Most will argue that their freedoms allow them to fight to hide their miniscule flesh rockets, but at the end of the day it's just a sad state of small bank accounts for overpaying for these overcompensating haulers to hopefully distract from less than endowed lower regions.

"Trucks are a bad idea for EVs. I've said it 100 times. They're barely passable as ICE as dailys but egos and small male appendages make this a huge selling point. EVs trucks and ICE truck are wasteful as commuters are a horribly sad phallus measuring contest. Most will argue that their freedoms allow them to fight to hide their miniscule flesh rockets, but at the end of the day it's just a sad state of small bank accounts for overpaying for these overcompensating haulers to hopefully distract from less than endowed lower regions."

Yes, the environment can get toxic around here, and it does extend to those who would choose something other than an EV.

Just this evening, someone posted this toxic screed aimed at those who might choose a Ram 3500:


It's amazing isnt it? The thread is supposed to be about the EV range issues in cold weather and his display and choice of words are among some of the most insulting in this forum. Its actually disgusting to me and not just men, woman too.

Maybe we can get back to the discussion in the thread?
Even though the E/U nations are the size of a postage stamp to the USA. I wonder if they have range cold weather issues in near 0f conditions like experainced here? DO they all have garages and no apartments? Or are EV most popular only in the more moderate climates.

AS far as other areas like Norway has a larger penetration of EV sales though I dont know but think we are getting close to a 20% actual penetration rate yet the temperature there is cool to cold its not a below freezing brutal climate.
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