Show us your pets!

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This is my dog a year ago. He's 14 years old in these pictures and enjoying retirement.



Originally Posted By: moribundman
I'd like to know if any of you have literally toilet trained your cat. I mean, does it use a real toilet, and if so, does it flush the toilet afterwards?

Not mine. He buries mines in the yard along with the neighbors cats who come over and do the same thing, then my dog finds them, digs them out and eats some kitty munchies. Idjit dog.
Kestes funny dog. Happy day happy day. lol

Surfstar they always find the weirdest places to lounge around. Theyre a trip.
Thats how my two cats were that I used to have. They were inside cats and I'd have to clean the litter box daily, sometimes twice. The minute I'd clean it out they'd go in there and drop some mines. Thankfully the cat I have now hardly ever uses the litter box since he goes outside alot so I practically never have to clean it out.
Originally Posted By: moribundman
I'd like to know if any of you have literally toilet trained your cat. I mean, does it use a real toilet, and if so, does it flush the toilet afterwards?

No, but when I was a kid we had a cat who actually taught herself to use the joke. We never attempted to train her, she just started using it on her own. She wouldn't flush, but it was quite convenient.
John, Charlie looks like chupacabra stalking his next victim. Great pic. lol

Bub looks good. Mine was a stray too. Walked up to me in a parking lot and took him home back when he was a skinny little critter only two months old tops.

My best friend Rocky, I had to put him down last Friday after almost 12 years. The pain is unbearable. RIP Rocky.

Frank D
I'm sorry to hear that Frank. I had to put my border collie down about 3 years ago now, I miss that dog... his name was Blitz. I had him from when I was 8, and he lasted 16 years... I will never forget the way he looked in my eyes before it happened.
Originally Posted By: crinkles
I'm sorry to hear that Frank. I had to put my border collie down about 3 years ago now, I miss that dog... his name was Blitz. I had him from when I was 8, and he lasted 16 years... I will never forget the way he looked in my eyes before it happened.

I just got back to this post, thanks for the kind words. Tomorrow is 4 weeks, I am sitting here looking at some pictures we took of him, glad we did. My wife is a camera nut and we have a ton of his pictures! If I lived a thousand years I'll never forget him.

Frank D
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Originally Posted By: crinkles
I'm sorry to hear that Frank. I had to put my border collie down about 3 years ago now, I miss that dog... his name was Blitz. I had him from when I was 8, and he lasted 16 years... I will never forget the way he looked in my eyes before it happened.

I just got back to this post, thanks for the kind words. Tomorrow is 4 weeks, I am sitting here looking at some pictures we took of him, glad we did. My wife is a camera nut and we have a ton of his pictures! If I lived a thousand years I'll never forget him.

Frank D

I think of my last cat everyday since I had him put to sleep last year. Funny how we almost (well, many times we do!!!) love and develop relationships with pets that are stronger than relationships with humans.
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