Our cat Jack died yesterday

I grew up not caring for cats either, we had farm cats you couldn't get next to and were a pain but necessary on a farm. Eventually I met my wife who loves cats which made me a cat lover.

It's the unconditional love from a cat that I can't resist, believe me I tried not to like them.

You gave him a good life, I'm sure he loved you very much.
I am so sorry; he lived a good long life with good care in your home.

We had a Jack too, a local stray we brought inside one Winter. He lived as longs as he could, late in life even though he was ill.

I type this now with tears in my eyes, A picture when he was new to us and young:

jax near door in sun.jpg
So very sorry for your loss.

To paraphrase Will Rogers, if our pets aren't in heaven, then I want to be where they went.

Cats > people for me any day. After I die, I'd rather hang around with my departed cats than with almost anyone I knew in life, most relatives included.
Loyal loving pets are one of God's greatest gifts, but He takes them back from us very soon. We are taught lessons to cherish their fleeting short lives.

I'm sorry for your loss. It never gets easy. I've had the highs of pets, and the lows, many times. They give some of the greatest joys, but also greatest sorrows when we lose them. Your caring for him all these years, humane treatment at the end, and memory, is noble.
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I don't need to post a photo of our 20 year + 10 day old cat, Marcus as he's Jack's twin.
Marcus had a littermate brother who died ~4 years ago.
They were rescue cats which had been returned. We didn't rename them as they were "answering" just fine.
Condolences extended from The Garden State.

AND, if anyone wants to have a great night out with outstanding food and is near The Township of Washington, NJ and wants to support a great animal (mostly cats) shelter, consider attending.

It's always nice to be around people who are lovers of the four foots.
I feel bad for you having been through the same with with other cats. After our last one died my wife said no more. But one day while visiting a local farmer one of his many barn cats came to me instead of the food being put out and latched on to me. The next day she was home with us. That was 6 years ago and now she is more than just part of the family, she rules the roost.


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So sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing memories about Jack. I've been in your situation and I cried like a baby. We don't know how good something is until we lose it.

We have an amazing connection with the life on our beautiful planet.