Show us your pets!

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I had a budgie like that in green and a canary in orange when I was a kid. Had I only known what Steve S knew back then! No wait, I knew...
We have 5 budgies and 2 cockatiels. I built them a large wooden cage the size of a fridge, with plexiglass for two of the sides and the front, with a plexiglass door as well. Oddly, the 'tiels and 'keets get along just fine in the same cage.

Both of the 'tiels are friendly, but Lemon is the only friendly budgie. He'll let you do just about anything with him, and if you're laying down and make a kissy face, he'll crawl up to you and peck your lips with his beak.
You might catch the bird flu.
Captain Kirk was otherwise busy, so I took a snapshot of Pixel, who also doesn't like being photographed:

Originally Posted By: mikey12

Samantha, our Cocker Spaniel.


Mikey getting sugar, as my wife says.


Man Mikey, you guys do a GREAT job keeping up on your Samantha's coat. We have two, one blonde/one party, and we gave up on trying to keep them long. They now get a short cut, just like our miniature yorkie.
Originally Posted By: zulu

Man Mikey, you guys do a GREAT job keeping up on your Samantha's coat. We have two, one blonde/one party, and we gave up on trying to keep them long. They now get a short cut, just like our miniature yorkie.

It is not easy - detangling spray is the key. This particular pic was right after we brought her back from the groomer - can't take the credit for that one. Groomer puts the bows on her ears. It's the wife's pick, the kid's name, but she likes to sleep on my side of the bed
Which is part of the reason it is kept long - so she gets too hot and goes to her own bed
And here's our new "Micro-Wolf" -- Mimi the Chihuahua. I was never a small dog guy, buy my "better half" forced the issue. After the untimely departure of Micro-Wolf-I, it was only a matter of time. Here she is, all 1.5 lbs of her. . .


Yes, that's me with the shirt and tie. Compare the size of the pen and pencil to the size of the dog.


And here's her "huge" big brother, all 2.0 lbs of him.

Originally Posted By: buster

Pedro- Poodle/Pom/Eskimo/Husky Mix. Best dog I've ever had.




Good lordy Buster your sister is HAWT!!!!!!!!!!!! *drools*
I have no idea what breeds make up this little guy. I rescued him out of a pound, he was about a year old when these pictures were taken.

He's about 8 pounds, and is 8 years old now.


I assume that's your wife, is she short or is Belvedere quite big? Also what is he, looks like a very brown golden retriever?

Here is Enzo when we first got him at about 10 weeks old.

And Suzie last winter.

Suzie is actually smiling as in happy to see me but it looks a bit scary in this pic.
Enzo is now about 15 months old and 90-100lbs and Suzie is just over 2 and 70-80lbs, they are quite lean under all the hair. Both are Maremma livestock gaurdian dogs and keep our goats from being eaten. They live out with the goats 24/7/365 but we have made sure they are quite friendly to people. The breed is not good for city life as they can bark at strangers, other dogs, or anything else that gets near their territory.
Originally Posted By: IndyIan
Both are Maremma livestock gaurdian dogs and keep our goats from being eaten. They live out with the goats 24/7/365 but we have made sure they are quite friendly to people. The breed is not good for city life as they can bark at strangers, other dogs, or anything else that gets near their territory.

Yeah, that's kind of why we dropped the idea of getting a Tatra Polish Sheepdog... small backyard, and our neighbors would probably hate us for all the barking.

Nice dogs, by the way!
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