Septic tanks treatments

Glad the placebo works and money not wasted.

Good luck, your system has issues if rain impacts it. Hopefully it remains functional while you occupy home and save up for fix.
Yes, We get it pumped every 3 years. I think your comment regarding age and roots is a factor.

I got a quote just to have the leach lines done. No tank replacement. $30K to $35K - and that doesn't include putting your landscaping back together aside from filling up the tranches and holes. California prices, I suppose. Ridiculous.


Jesus Christ!!! :oops:

We just got a quote last week to replace our leach field on a system installed in 1972. $3,800. Rural South Carolina prices, I suppose.
Crazy, eh? Typical of California.


A friend of mine, who lives in Texas, inherited 1.5 acres from an uncle in upper San Diego county about 5 years ago. He considered building a house on it and retire there. He got a reality check when he started pricing things out. He was looking at six figures in just state fees, taxes, and whatnot before any contractor could even break ground. He sold it instead.