Recent Indy Experience

Dec 28, 2011
I've used the same Indy for over 20 years in the city I worked in prior to retirement. I replaced the front axles on my 17 Outback (172k) about 6k miles ago using a forgotten secondary market (china) replacement. Subaru forums ripe with bad reviews of aftermarket and OEM replacement axles for Outbacks. Well, you guessed it! Evening hours picking up my daughter from softball practice. Hear a noise like ratcheting or a metal beach chair left under your car as you drive away. No forward gears but R worked. THought CVT first but then when I saw the parts on the ground I knew wasn't it. It was the driver side axle. The way Sub AWD works it screws you if you break an axle. Luckily that isn't common.

Had AAA tow the car to a local Indy not my standard, who works a lot of Subaru's. Young kid of about 26 named Neil is the owner. Relaxed and monotone but sincere. Very responsive to text. Let me know when the tow arrived too his shop that evening; called me and explained the driver side axle blew apart. Replacing that with an OEM one and he feels the passenger side is ok. Says I'll have it by the end of the day tomorrow.

Received another call. Says he took it for a test drive and wanted to know if I get a light shake 10-15mph. Nope. Calls back a few hours later and tells me we need a passenger axle replacement as well. All done and I pick up at 1830hrs. He shows me both rear axles. Grenaded one is obvious. He takes the passenger side and then says I figured out the shake. Boots of the axle were not cut or damaged and there was no grease in it. The spindle was an obvious machining reject that QC did not catch.

Now we talk and he see's I'm a pest on BIGTOG. Say's he's worked Sub all his "life." I laught and he gets it. SHows me the custom piping job he just did for a SUb nut in RI. Told me he gets guys like this who see his work at the track and drive some distance to have him work their vehicle. His shop is Carmel, NY. He saw my kid drop me off and asks how many; I say 4. He shows me a pic of his first that is only a few months old. We yap and all that BS.

Bill was just under $600. THis is NY $$$. OEM axles from Sub dealer was $300. He told me he gets the lowest pricing from Sub that they allow as a perk for the custom work he does that they figure sells Sub's. Tells me if I hear any front end noise or have issues with his work let him know right away and if its reasonable we'll make it right. Then asked if I wouldn't mind sharing a positive experience with friends and family.

I'm a difficult person and I'm critical and I have little faith in what I see every day in the 20-30 year old range. This guy instills faith for sure. I thought I was in "OZ" but he was legit. I know I read similar posts and I thing to my self; might just be a good playa! 21 Years as a cop in poop-hole (BIGTIG friendly!) city in NY I have a clue when someone is sincere and this guy was. I was impressed.