Originally Posted By: peterdes
I asked Purolator for their Beta numbers and their flow numbers. This is what they told me.
Hi Peter,
Filter's are tested for Flow characteristics up to 18.5 gpm and Filter life is tested at 3 gpm and terminating differential pressure of 8 psi. per International test standards - SAE HS 806 and ISO 4548.
Flow characteristics for Purolator PureOne and Premium filters are comparable for each size and applications and are with in design specification limits.
Flow and Pressure ratings are always application dependent. Same filter will be subjected to different Pressure ratings and Flow ratings depending upon the vehicle - engine design.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Most Friendly Regards,
Interesting info about SAE HS 806 and ISO 4548 test standards. I'd like to see the PSID vs. Flowrate graph of a new PureONE filter. They say they test flow upto 18.5 gpm, but at what flow rate does the 8 psi by-pass valve start to open? ... and I'm assuming this is with hot oil (~200 F)? - the test standard might stipulate the oil viscosity/temp spec for the flow testing. I've tried getting this info from them, but Purolator will not divulge the info.