Prostate Removal

I appreciate everyone from the bottom of my heart for all the info and I know some of you really typed a lot. That is what is so good about BITOG - we have so many good people from so many backgrounds and life experiences that we can always help each other. I am glad this post helped some others as I can see in the comments! Surgery is Wed so the countdown has begun lol
Prayer going out to you today and especially on Wednesday morning.
Gonna make this short :rolleyes: as I know everyone is not on the same page when it comes to "faith" etc.... After what we went thru, took me from March 2018 until March 2024 believe it or not to get "healed" as we say... My "faith" that I have had since at least the past 30 to 40 years has been increased ten fold. I told the wife, "The Lord finally stepped in and took control and drove my entire Doc / Hospital / Surgeries / Healing ..... all of it." I feel like a different person with that mass removed from my body. It put me thru a couple years of serious leg , pinched nerves and groin pain. In addition to the great Doctor, I was told that I got lucky and was at the best rated hospital in area.:) Good luck to you all. Anyone in physical , even mental pain. Hang in there and never give up.
Prayer going out to you today and especially on Wednesday morning.
Gonna make this short :rolleyes: as I know everyone is not on the same page when it comes to "faith" etc.... After what we went thru, took me from March 2018 until March 2024 believe it or not to get "healed" as we say... My "faith" that I have had since at least the past 30 to 40 years has been increased ten fold. I told the wife, "The Lord finally stepped in and took control and drove my entire Doc / Hospital / Surgeries / Healing ..... all of it." I feel like a different person with that mass removed from my body. It put me thru a couple years of serious leg , pinched nerves and groin pain. In addition to the great Doctor, I was told that I got lucky and was at the best rated hospital in area.:) Good luck to you all. Anyone in physical , even mental pain. Hang in there and never give up.
Faith is important! I won't give up!
I did not argue argue with you…

The 5 days to maybe 2 weeks sounds reasonable enough to me.

However I have seen and heard firsthand people getting nothing after a major procedure was done.

That’s just ridiculous…

Just saying what’s a REAL problem now that people have swung way too far the other way…. And it’s not right either.

And for the record….

I have directly given IV push pain meds, by mouth pain meds and meds through a PEG to people.

Many, many, many, many times….

To many, many, many, many, patients….

Seriously… Like 5.6 maybe 7 of them were in trouble with that.

Out of a whole, whole, whole lot of patients.

And yeah…. I’m irritated by the pendulum swing way, way too far in the opposite direction.

And for the record… In the US we had HCAPS … And guess what one of the big indicators was ?

Pain management while in the hospital…

Our reimbursement was based upon those scores….

The government was behind that fiasco as well … Yeah..

So… it was not just the “ big bad pharmaceutical companies “ behind all of that.

Though I agree with your premise that people were being told that those medications were not highly addictive back 20 years ago. That was true indeed.
I just had a knee replacement and I can tell you that they do not prepare you for the amount of pain. I took oxycodone for 2 weeks and was worried about it. I started taking it fewer times a day and then stopped. No issues at all. One thing that was interesting is how they give out opioids like candy. They use tons of fentanyl and oxycodone. You hear so many bad things about fentanyl yet the medical establishment can't do without it. I was supposed to have a nerve block in my leg to give about 24 hrs of pain blockage. You wake up and start taking the pills which are small doses to keep the pain away. It takes a lot less drug to prevent pain than to stop it after it's established. Well the nerve block didn't work and I woke up in agony. They maxed me out on fentanyl and oxycodone to no avail. I went home in agony and they kept giving me different opioids. Nothing worked. After 2 days of no sleep I called the surgeons office and got a Dr on call. She surveyed what I had and how I was taking it and changed my protocol. She doubled the dose of oxycodone and the frequency and it started working. It set me back on recovery.
Note to OP: you will not have this kind of pain.
Just passing on that this week I am having my prostate removed due to cancer. If anyone has been thru this and has any tips/info to share I sure would appreciate it! I will be having the robotic style surgery and the catheder will be thru the stomach both of which I am told make the process a little easier but the recovery time will still be 4-6 weeks.
1st thing..I wish you the best of outcomes and a long healthy life. 2nd is you should know that when it comes to catheters I am the world's most embarrassing little whiny ever/ not afraid of dental stuff but it takes 2 draft horses to get my legs apart and the stomach thing is a godsend. So do that and have a nice laugh at my expense. I am pushing 80 now and it's a good thing I don't have a uterus or I would have ruined that too.
Sincere best wishes to your upcoming procedure. Thanks for starting a new thread on this subject. Thanks to all who have been through procedures on the prostrate who posted in here. It truly helps others with information and questions to ask doctors.
Im curious did they give you a score? Meaning from the biopsy, typically around 13 or 15 samples are taken and then given a score as to how many came back canerious.

Every 6 months I go to the urologist, my PSA has been bouncing between 10 and 15 for a few years. 3 biopsies and MRIs Still no cancer, the biopsies started when my PSA was around 4.7 back around 2017/18. Obviously BHP (Enlarged Prostrate) is my issue and started taking Finasteride 6 months ago to shrink the gland, results are REALLY good. Meaning I get up less at night to pee with less urgency etc.

But the PSA is still at 10 down from 15, so my next 6 months is up in AUGUST for another PSA and consultation if we do another MRI/Biopsy (last one was around the start of 2022 if I remember correctly.

Appreciate the comments in here, dealing with this unknown is _____. I understand right now I am lucky. If cancer ever shows up I want it removed.

Again, sincerely, Good luck and update us when you are recovering.
Concerning the scores they give you from biopsies, they can only sample 1 side of the prostrate and maybe 1 end. The score from this is a best guess. Some surgeons rely too much on this score. The real results comes with the pathology report from your whole prostate. Not uncommon for it to change. You are smart to keep a close eye on this. An important issue is how fast the rise in the PSA is, not just the level.
I appreciate everyone from the bottom of my heart for all the info and I know some of you really typed a lot. That is what is so good about BITOG - we have so many good people from so many backgrounds and life experiences that we can always help each other. I am glad this post helped some others as I can see in the comments! Surgery is Wed so the countdown has begun lol
Knowledge is power!
I appreciate everyone from the bottom of my heart for all the info and I know some of you really typed a lot. That is what is so good about BITOG - we have so many good people from so many backgrounds and life experiences that we can always help each other. I am glad this post helped some others as I can see in the comments! Surgery is Wed so the countdown has begun lol
Good luck, really.
I have a friend who had cancer and it removed. He had the same comment about the shots. With that said the Dr told him he could take the pill instead so after while he went that direction. Haven't spoke to him recently nor asked how the two compare.

I just had a knee replacement and I can tell you that they do not prepare you for the amount of pain. I took oxycodone for 2 weeks and was worried about it. I started taking it fewer times a day and then stopped. No issues at all. One thing that was interesting is how they give out opioids like candy. They use tons of fentanyl and oxycodone. You hear so many bad things about fentanyl yet the medical establishment can't do without it. I was supposed to have a nerve block in my leg to give about 24 hrs of pain blockage. You wake up and start taking the pills which are small doses to keep the pain away. It takes a lot less drug to prevent pain than to stop it after it's established. Well the nerve block didn't work and I woke up in agony. They maxed me out on fentanyl and oxycodone to no avail. I went home in agony and they kept giving me different opioids. Nothing worked. After 2 days of no sleep I called the surgeons office and got a Dr on call. She surveyed what I had and how I was taking it and changed my protocol. She doubled the dose of oxycodone and the frequency and it started working. It set me back on recovery.
Note to OP: you will not have this kind of pain.
Again. Some great advice to everyone. Sorry you suffered like that. I been enduring "inoperable" spine issues from neck to tail bone for years after neck fussion they were able to do that , thank the Lord did work for that issue. I live on trigger point injections / epidural injections / pain meds / physical therapy etc... It is sad that some hospitals and clinics will not give legit patients in need the meds because of all the ODs and abuses going on. Lucky I have never been subject to that but know some who have suffered due to it.
Concerning the scores they give you from biopsies, they can only sample 1 side of the prostrate and maybe 1 end. The score from this is a best guess. Some surgeons rely too much on this score. The real results comes with the pathology report from your whole prostate. Not uncommon for it to change. You are smart to keep a close eye on this. An important issue is how fast the rise in the PSA is, not just the level.
Im not understanding your post. My biopsies we performed based on imaging from previous MRIs done right before the biopsies showing "hot spots"
They take 12 (or 15 I forget) samples of those and around those hotspots to test. For example a family member had 8 of 12 sample areas with cancer and shown to be aggressive.

So far they took at least 36 (or 45) samples of prostrate tissue from me
I understand those potential risks but after reviewing all the treatment plans they all looked bad in their own ways. I just hope for the best and I really appreciate your sharing this!
You are welcome and I was going to share this privately but I am just a nameless/faceless figure so what the heck.

And I am not a conspiracy person. But if you don't believe a Dr. skilled in DaVinci will not push this method over possibly better options, I will offer you a bridge for sale I actually had a urinary specialist tell me this AFTER the fact.

I certainly wish you the best of luck and probably if I were in your shows and you feel confident...go for it. It turned out that that my cancer was 100% encapsulated so I 100% will not die of Prostate cancer. This took place 12 years ago.
I have a friend who had cancer and it removed. He had the same comment about the shots. With that said the Dr told him he could take the pill instead so after while he went that direction. Haven't spoke to him recently nor asked how the two compare.
I'm glad you replied to this. The pills didn't work for either one of my friends.

But I do have experience with the pills, and the sad thing is I didn't need them. I tried them just to juice up things that were already great.

I urge those of you considering the "pill solution" to read my post from 2017. (see below)

In no way am I suggesting that people avoid the pills entirely, but you must use them with extreme caution and awareness. Most importantly of all, if you have even a minor case of tinnitus, however slight it is, DO NOT take the pills. To bad I didn't know this beforehand. My situation is a PERMANENT life changing event, not just for me, but for everyone me.

To all, feel free to PM me if you wish.

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I've had two friends who've had their prostates removed in the last couple of years. Both lost their ability to get erections - BUT THERE ARE TREATMENTS FOR THIS! Both use something called Edex. Look it up. You give yourself a shot in the base of your manhood. Both say it's super easy and nearly painless (I've seen the kits, the needle is very small). Both say they get long lasting, rock hard erections within 5 minutes.

Both say the biggest difference after prostate removal is that it's like sneezing without the snot. They say their Big O's are just as good as they always were - but there's no mess afterwards - which they say their wives like.

I investigated this 12 years ago. The Doc gave me the shot and it was so painful that I did not pursue it. Hoping things have changed. I decided to pursue it this july.

Thanks to the mods for allowing this thread. I know it will prove useful and folks are just giving experiences not recommendations.
@slo town
Good post, it pays to have information to discuss with a doctor.
I know all about tinnitus and thankfully so far only 2 meds prostrate drug and statin plus baby aspirin a day. (fingers crossed)
@slo town
Good post, it pays to have information to discuss with a doctor.
I know all about tinnitus and thankfully so far only 2 meds prostrate drug and statin plus baby aspirin a day. (fingers crossed)
I've seen specialists all over the state of California, including neurologists. I've tried $6,000 "notched" hearing aides. There is no cure for my condition. The experts say a person will eventually "habituate" to tinnitus so it becomes largely unnoticed. After 8 years of it I call BS. I'll never habituate. The best I'll ever be able to do is learn to live with it. Even after all these years if I focus on hearing my tinnitus I can send myself into a heart pounding panic attack within 20 seconds because of its overpowering presence. Simply discussing it here has put me on edge.

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I've seen specialists all over the state of California, including neurologists. I've tried $6,000 "notched" hearing aides. There is no cure for my condition. The experts say a person will eventually "habituate" to tinnitus so it become largely unnoticed. After 8 years of it I call BS. I'll never habituate. The best I'll ever be able to do is learn to live with it. Even after all these years if I focus on hearing my tinnitus I can send myself into a panic attack within 20 seconds because of its overpowering presence. Just discussing it here has put me on edge.

Im not as severe as you but not far off. Not as bad that I have gone to doctors about it but just a discussion about it now brings it to the forefront on my mind and its loud.

If this helps, again, you sound more severe but I am not so great myself. I have been living with it for 20 years and the first few years it was depressing. I loved to listen to music with my head phones, its ruined the experience. I am back to music now with ear buds and I think mostly all the ringing is ALWAYS there but for lack of better words it have become part of everything in my life so maybe I am used to it. Meaning the ringing is part of the music, but when the music stops, ugh
The worst part is like now, when a room is dead silent. It all came about with misdiagnosed ear infections which turned into a major infection.

I do think maybe the statin or Finasteriside has made it worse. Anyway yeah, it's no picnic and cant imagine having to deal with it even worse.
Im not as severe as you but not far off. Not as bad that I have gone to doctors about it but just a discussion about it now brings it to the forefront on my mind and its loud.

If this helps, again, you sound more severe but I am not so great myself. I have been living with it for 20 years and the first few years it was depressing. I loved to listen to music with my head phones, its ruined the experience. I am back to music now with ear buds and I think mostly all the ringing is ALWAYS there but for lack of better words it have become part of everything in my life so maybe I am used to it. Meaning the ringing is part of the music, but when the music stops, ugh
The worst part is like now, when a room is dead silent. It all came about with misdiagnosed ear infections which turned into a major infection.

I do think maybe the statin or Finasteriside has made it worse. Anyway yeah, it's no picnic and cant imagine having to deal with it even worse.
I equate tinnitus to constant pain. People can't see the thing that's making you suffer. I have a great family and really good friends, but everyone eventually gets to the point they don't want to hear about it any longer.

When I was at my worst and was considering offing myself (I can't even say the S word), my thoughts at the time were "I'll show tinnitus who the boss is. I can stop IT if I do THAT." Talk about irrational.

Sad but true, I need to take a benzo to dial myself back a notch or two - just from talking about it here.

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1st thing..I wish you the best of outcomes and a long healthy life. 2nd is you should know that when it comes to catheters I am the world's most embarrassing little whiny ever/ not afraid of dental stuff but it takes 2 draft horses to get my legs apart and the stomach thing is a godsend. So do that and have a nice laugh at my expense. I am pushing 80 now and it's a good thing I don't have a uterus or I would have ruined that too.
THANK YOU! That make me feel much better about the catheder!
I agree with Slo Town (Scott). When I first told my urologist that I had ED problems after getting 'cyberknife' he prescribed sent my tinnitus off the charts (10 on a scale of 1 to 10) and almost unbearable. I stopped taking it and after about a month of agony it subsided back to a more bearable but still very annoying 7 out of 10.... I still have weeks at a time of very high noise tinnitus but I do get a few days break occasionally.
I investigated this 12 years ago. The Doc gave me the shot and it was so painful that I did not pursue it. Hoping things have changed. I decided to pursue it this july.

Thanks to the mods for allowing this thread. I know it will prove useful and folks are just giving experiences not recommendations.
Yes it's not painless but it works if your chambers are not clogged. OP should be fine if he gets a good surgery.