Prostate Removal

My last appointment with my spine specialist we discussed the medical pot. I told him I was intersted due to taking the opioids for too long IMHO. I told him I do NOT want to smoke anything but would try alternatives, He said there are plenty. From gummies to tinctures etc but the only issue he said lots run into is the insurance companies do not pay for much if any part of that program and it is costing folks upwards of $300 or more per month. I may look into it. I smoked pot in the 70s , quiting around 1979. I hear what is out there these days is many times more powerful (maybe even dangerous) than compared to what was around in the 60s / 70s. I really am not looking to smoke anything and am not wanting to get high. Just help with severe daily pains. I have tried CBD oils and they work well but also cost a good deal out of pocket.
It's legal in my state and there are a lot of dispensaries near me. I can't see how there is enough demand to keep them all in business so I assume they are also in the money laundering business.

Modern weed is very strong. They call it flower now. Tincture is hard to find and gummies can take an hour or two to kick in. Good luck!
I'll add my best wishes that everything goes well, and also a prayer or two. Some excellent sharing going on here. Good of you to self advocate for your own circumstances. Thank you mods for allowing this helpful medical thread to continue.
I concur. Men's health is very important to discuss. Prostate cancer, while not always problematic, is extremely common. Don't ignore your health.
Best wishes for a successful outcome and as speedy a recovery as possible. After two hip replacements, my advice on post-surgical pain meds, take them. Don't try to be stoic and endure the pain. That's what the meds are intended for
In no particular order: The following relates to the aquablation of my prostate 17 days ago.

1) My aunt, a retired nurse who worked for a top urologist for the final 40% of her glorious career, scolded me for not informing her of the procedure ahead of time. I simply didn't want to bother her.

2) Don't chase the pain with your meds; take 'em on schedule -which means ahead of pain onset. She told me not to even think about addiction. What made her so certain, I do not know. I've taken my opioid prescriptions -for this procedure and a hip replacement 2 years ago- and never even thought of wanting I guess Auntie was right again!

Obviously, this is a thorny topic with many possible variables.

3) I had no cancer. Aquablation is cutting away tissue using high pressure water. A hollow rod, sealed at the end, has a small hole pointing straight down at the 'working end". The jet of water is rocked side-to-side, forming a fan-shaped blade of water.
They cauterize to halt some of the bleeding.
I forgot to ask my urologist what percentage of my prostate was removed.
I intend to and if it's some important number, I'll get back to you.
However, when I asked if he was going to remove it all he answered that wasn't what anybody in my position needs or wants due to the complications mentioned above (incontinence + erectile).

4) My procedure was ~8:00AM and a Foley catheter -a tube within a tube- was used to flush 3l bags of electrolyte (water) through me post op. They easily sent 12 of those 3 liter bags of water through my bladder.
The bags emptied through my bladder and collected in a large vinyl bag which was constantly being emptied by the nurses.
I was told to rest but the nursing staff did encourage me to walk a bit on the recovery floor. They were satisfied that I had good balance and the absence of crippling pain. I really did just want to rest.

5) 6:30 AM the next day the Foley was removed. It was easily 2 feet long and as big as a heron's leg. A younger doctor pulled it out in one quick shot....the 'Band-aid method', I suppose; quick and done.
I was released noon-ish that very day....basically 30 hours in the building. I spent the last 4 of those hours learning to predict my urges to urinate while downing bottle-after-bottle of water.

True to BITOG form, I took the two 3l transfer jugs (see #4) home with me.

Ha, I was a little bold in going down to the street for my pick-up. I told Mrs. Kira to move the passenger seat forward and that I'd climb in the back seat.
At the midway point I had an urge....and these urges are essentially uncontrollable. I had my handy urinal and no drama ensued.

6) A patient is well served by carrying a cheap, plastic urinal around wherever he goes. They're translucent plastic which allow the patient to observe scabs and the like in his urine. I must say, the first 2 hours of urination episodes carried said clots and scabs through my urethra. There was a bit of discomfort throughout the ensuing 2 weeks.
It took all of 2 weeks for any traces of blood to be absent.
Only for the past several days has passing urine become occasionally completely easy/thoughtless/painless.

7) Timeline: Aquablation has been around for 15 years in New Zealand. I was told the procedure came to the US 7 years ago.
The feds OKed it 5 years ago and insurance companies have been including it over the past 4 years.
Essentially every guy I mention aquablation to has not heard of it.

8) A pal who had cancer did have his entirely removed via robot, and only mentioned having to relearn how to urinate. He went home with a catheter and had it for 4-6 weeks as he had part of his urethra removed.
My catheter wasn't in 24 hours, so I got off really easily.

Read books while recovering. Do not watch BS on TV as it's designed to upset and inflame the mind. You will need to rest.

Hmmm...Auntie is in Dallas!

Best of luck with your procedure and recovery, George

edit, personal: Trips to various doctors started with a hernia mesh 63 months ago. Then I had a hip replacement, cataract surgery in both eyes featuring corrective lenses to address astigmatism and this aquablation.
At every turn I'm told I'm in great shape and should recover easily. The hip surgeon told me I was 'prime candidate' for same day release. I must say, having educated cheerleaders telling me how fit I am is encouraging beyond words.
I also must tell you that in all the waiting rooms for pre-op physicals and blood work, I'm the best looking guy there. I'm also frequently the youngest and that rare bird who is younger than me always looks pekid and weak.

Eat right, ease way up on the alcohol and exercise. You want to do aerobics as it makes your heart and lungs work too.
I've benefitted immensely from doing hot yoga. I do the Bikram 105*, 29 pose yoga.....and you should too.
Cut the maintenance requires involvement and effort.
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Sincere best wishes to your upcoming procedure. Thanks for starting a new thread on this subject. Thanks to all who have been through procedures on the prostrate who posted in here. It truly helps others with information and questions to ask doctors.
Im curious did they give you a score? Meaning from the biopsy, typically around 13 or 15 samples are taken and then given a score as to how many came back canerious.

Every 6 months I go to the urologist, my PSA has been bouncing between 10 and 15 for a few years. 3 biopsies and MRIs Still no cancer, the biopsies started when my PSA was around 4.7 back around 2017/18. Obviously BHP (Enlarged Prostrate) is my issue and started taking Finasteride 6 months ago to shrink the gland, results are REALLY good. Meaning I get up less at night to pee with less urgency etc.

But the PSA is still at 10 down from 15, so my next 6 months is up in AUGUST for another PSA and consultation if we do another MRI/Biopsy (last one was around the start of 2022 if I remember correctly.

Appreciate the comments in here, dealing with this unknown is _____. I understand right now I am lucky. If cancer ever shows up I want it removed.

Again, sincerely, Good luck and update us when you are recovering.
Great post, thank you, Im hoping to know more about my condition in August, as I posted in post #48 Now in a new area that we live, Im with this new doctor coming up on a year. I actually want a new biopsy since it's been maybe coming up on two years, and again new doctor.

I understand I am lucky so far as no cancer found yet but like you, lets say it remains that way, the procedure you had sounds reasonable to relieve BHP without taking Finasteride the rest of ones life. These posts and threads like these are great, not as medical advice but to be able to arm ones self with questions for your doctor. Doctors to me are another thing, there are so many variables to treatment that I dont think any doctor can be an expert on them all and that bothers me, how to go about having faith your doctor is the best to evaluate what procedure.
I had it done. In spite of their claims its likely you will likely lose the ability to have an erection. I would never have it done. I would do radiation, laser, pellets. Believe me they are jusst trying to pay off their DaVinci Robotic Device. Please reconsider. Please get a second opinion!!!!

Also you may suffer incontinence for the rest of your life. I was lucky in this area.
I had the CYBERKNIFE radiation (5 straight days of high dose radiation) done in 2022. If I had to do it over I'd have had the robotic prostate removal. I've had 2 surgeries (emergency surgery for peritonitis 1 month after the last radiation treatment and then 9" of my bowel removed a year later after several bouts and 2 hospitalizations for diverticulitis (prior to radiation I had diverticulosis with no issues). The surgeon told me there was 'radiation damage' to my bowel. As far as ED....I never had a problem before I have problems.

PS: Prostate and other cancers went through the roof for those who worked at the WTC after the 9/11 attack. I know several people who had prostate removal with no issues and several people who had radiation with no issues. I also know several people who've had issues after both treatments. It's a matter of luck and chance IMO.
Good luck. Take your pain meds but also take a stool softener/laxative. Your do not want to be pushing hard after a surgery due to opioid induced constipation. Being in pain hinders recovery, take the meds but just be careful. Prayers for a fast recovery.
....In spite of their claims its likely you will likely lose the ability to have an erection....
I've had two friends who've had their prostates removed in the last couple of years. Both lost their ability to get erections - BUT THERE ARE TREATMENTS FOR THIS! Both use something called Edex. Look it up. You give yourself a shot in the base of your manhood. Both say it's super easy and nearly painless (I've seen the kits, the needle is very small). Both say they get long lasting, rock hard erections within 5 minutes.

Both say the biggest difference after prostate removal is that it's like sneezing without the snot. They say their Big O's are just as good as they always were - but there's no mess afterwards - which they say their wives like.

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I had the CYBERKNIFE radiation (5 straight days of high dose radiation) done in 2022. If I had to do it over I'd have had the robotic prostate removal. I've had 2 surgeries (emergency surgery for peritonitis 1 month after the last radiation treatment and then 9" of my bowel removed a year later after several bouts and 2 hospitalizations for diverticulitis (prior to radiation I had diverticulosis with no issues). The surgeon told me there was 'radiation damage' to my bowel. As far as ED....I never had a problem before I have problems.

PS: Prostate and other cancers went through the roof for those who worked at the WTC after the 9/11 attack. I know several people who had prostate removal with no issues and several people who had radiation with no issues. I also know several people who've had issues after both treatments. It's a matter of luck and chance IMO.
Exactly the side effects that I warned about and the
I had the CYBERKNIFE radiation (5 straight days of high dose radiation) done in 2022. If I had to do it over I'd have had the robotic prostate removal. I've had 2 surgeries (emergency surgery for peritonitis 1 month after the last radiation treatment and then 9" of my bowel removed a year later after several bouts and 2 hospitalizations for diverticulitis (prior to radiation I had diverticulosis with no issues). The surgeon told me there was 'radiation damage' to my bowel. As far as ED....I never had a problem before I have problems.

PS: Prostate and other cancers went through the roof for those who worked at the WTC after the 9/11 attack. I know several people who had prostate removal with no issues and several people who had radiation with no issues. I also know several people who've had issues after both treatments. It's a matter of luck and chance IMO.
Exactly the same side effects that I warned about. The radioactive seed implants have similar side effects.
I concur. Men's health is very important to discuss. Prostate cancer, while not always problematic, is extremely common. Don't ignore your health.
Great advice. I went thru years of hell , partly my own fault. Once I started to have some issues I tried to get over it myself with silly stuff like cutting out cafine and drinking more water etc.... BUT, the main thing I did wrong was wait far too long to seek out a good Urologist.
I actually had to got thru 3-4 until the wife finally got me to an Emergency Room and to Doctor she found out about. Two fantastic young guys who did not do a thing to me until the had 2-3 confrences with several Urologist to discuss and plan my treatment and surgery. The amazing thing too was these guys took time and explained every single thing to me. I am blessed (no cancer at all) and a couple very successful surgeries and according to the Doctors .... speedy , fast recovery they did not expect. Thank God. Anyone with trouble, any at all no matter how minor you think, get out of the house and to a Urologist ASAP!!!
I've had two friends who've had their prostates removed in the last couple of years. Both lost their ability to get erections - BUT THERE ARE TREATMENTS FOR THIS! Both use something called Edex. Look it up. You give yourself a shot in the base of your manhood. Both say it's super easy and nearly painless (I've seen the kits, the needle is very small). Both say they get long lasting, rock hard erections within 5 minutes.

Both say the biggest difference after prostate removal is that it's like sneezing without the snot. They say their Big O's are just as good as they always were - but there's no mess afterwards - which they say their wives like.

I have a friend who had cancer and it removed. He had the same comment about the shots. With that said the Dr told him he could take the pill instead so after while he went that direction. Haven't spoke to him recently nor asked how the two compare.

Didnt want to leave you out and says thanks (as well as anyone else if I forgot) for posting in here. It helps others like me, going through similar stuff as much the male population does as we get older.
Anyway, I read with interest some of these procedures that can be brought up with my doctor should I need too. I too am on my 3rd doctor, this time only because we moved to a new area 150 miles from my old area. But even then I was feeling since previous biopsies showed no cancer I was pushed off to seeing his nursing staff for follow ups. Meaning they called the shots whether to refer me for any other treatment or tests. I think this new doctor I have a bit more faith in, as now will be going on my third visit at least it is him I am seeing. The frustrating part is who is best in the field and up to date on all procedures?
I appreciate everyone from the bottom of my heart for all the info and I know some of you really typed a lot. That is what is so good about BITOG - we have so many good people from so many backgrounds and life experiences that we can always help each other. I am glad this post helped some others as I can see in the comments! Surgery is Wed so the countdown has begun lol