Mens PSA, Prostate health

I have some pretty bad family history with prostate cancer. Every male on my fathers side including him had prostate cancer before 50. I'm now 54 and my PSA just came back at 1.3 🤔
Are the reference numbers in the USA the same measurement 1.3 ug/L is still in the mid normal range.
I have been at the upper normal range since 2021testing 2.4 ug/L, & a normal range is 0-2. for 49 year old

They done another test 2 year's later, and it was up to 4.8, but with my age increasing to 51 the acceptable range was 0-3.5, which is still above high normal range.

Makes me wonder why I wasn't sent to a specialist then. They followed up with a 2nd PSA 6 weeks later, & it came down to 4.1 which is still flagged as a "Above high normal" range.

I had to ask for another PSA a year later when I tested 5.2 ug/l

Hopefully the right hip, & lower back pain I have been fighting for the past 2 - 3 years isn't related.

I am scheduled for an MRI on Sunday as well, but it is a low strength magnet. Not sure if it would detect a irregular / herniated disc in my spine, or hip issues.
Going to ask my urologist about his thoughts on ultrasound, or the 3t Tesla magnet MRI to get a better view of my prostate,
Are the reference numbers in the USA the same measurement 1.3 ug/L is still in the mid normal range.
I have been at the upper normal range since 2021testing 2.4 ug/L, & a normal range is 0-2. for 49 year old

They done another test 2 year's later, and it was up to 4.8, but with my age increasing to 51 the acceptable range was 0-3.5, which is still above high normal range.

Makes me wonder why I wasn't sent to a specialist then. They followed up with a 2nd PSA 6 weeks later, & it came down to 4.1 which is still flagged as a "Above high normal" range.

I had to ask for another PSA a year later when I tested 5.2 ug/l

Hopefully the right hip, & lower back pain I have been fighting for the past 2 - 3 years isn't related.

I am scheduled for an MRI on Sunday as well, but it is a low strength magnet. Not sure if it would detect a irregular / herniated disc in my spine, or hip issues.
Going to ask my urologist about his thoughts on ultrasound, or the 3t Tesla magnet MRI to get a better view of my prostate,
I imagine that our health care in the USA is a little different than that of Canada.
My PSA had been creeping up. It went to 4.1. I decided right then that it was time to see a urologist. He did another PSA test and confirmed my family physician’s finding. He didn’t bother with a MRI. He scheduled the biopsy procedure and that confirmed the cancer. He gave me two options, radiation seed implants or a robotic prostatectomy. I weighed the two options. The prostatectomy was my best option. I just couldn’t deal with the possible adverse effects of the radiation treatment or the possibility that it would be successful at stopping cancer.
sorry my last post was supposed to be 2.5 ug/L is upper normal range for under 50, when I tested 2.4.
I was at the upper range for high normal range 3 years already.
Just had this video popup in my feed, Dr David Brownstein sees 97% of Americans as iodine deficient and when that is corrected, many glandular diseases (like in the breasts/prostrate etc) reverse course.

Not suggesting everyone should run out and get iodine but just posting it here as an FYI.

been drinking RAW milk for 30 years, take saw palmetto as well + D-3 is in the 70's for years using 10 thou IU of D-3 daily among MANY other supplements as well as testosterone i inject since 2001. never seen anything about saw palmetto honey so gonna check into it, thanks, always looking to learn about MY health because I DONT trust mainstream medicine!!
been drinking RAW milk for 30 years, take saw palmetto as well + D-3 is in the 70's for years using 10 thou IU of D-3 daily among MANY other supplements as well as testosterone i inject since 2001. never seen anything about saw palmetto honey so gonna check into it, thanks, always looking to learn about MY health because I DONT trust mainstream medicine!!
Yea-until you need a open heart valve operation or something similar. The you will ask how soon that can schedule it.
"Everyone is deficient in <some substance>" is a sure sign of a quack.

Why not try listening to what he says, critically, evaluate it, research whether what he says sounds plausible etc, instead of just doing a knee jerk response?

Because your response says more about you then it does about him and his research.
Yea-until you need a open heart valve operation or something similar. The you will ask how soon that can schedule it.

My view is: I look after my own health as much as possible, using multiple sources. Mainstream medicine is my last choice for preventing sickness, but if I actually do get cancer or need a heart operation I absolutely am going to be requesting their help. Those 2 ideas are not mutually exclusive or a sign of logical inconsistency.

Mainstream/family docs are just behind when it comes to preventing sickness. Still stuck on the food pyramid, "fats are bad", "load up on carbs" shpeel that has been proven to be false so often now it's almost criminal that docs are still preaching it.

By all means, if you enjoy diabetes, heart disease, and cancer then continue to listen to mainstream family docs for your health.

Anyway, I'm not going to argue this further as its almost as pointless as arguing politics, nobody changes their minds in these threads.
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Painting with a broad brush

So you don't do health screening like ekg's, psa's, accompanied by physician evaluation?
He won't answer because his post contradicts itself and is nonsensical.
Good luck, if unhappy with Flomax(akaTamsulosin), ask about Finasteride. You may find after 3 months you no longer need the Flomax and maybe more effective. It was for me as recommended to me by my new doctor. I took both for the first 3 months, then stopped the Flomax(Tamsulosin)
If you need a biopsy based on your MRI that he will discuss with you on what he recommends. I posted on that already above.

Nothing to be embarrassed on this subject. Anyone in here, no matter their age has a 75% chance of going through it as they get older.
He actually mentioned Finasteride, but noted there are some pretty serious side effects to it, and I don't believe it should be taken long term.

I'm looking to see just how large it actually is, and undergo one of the newer procedures, if deemed to be ok.

I've supplemented with the normal Saw Palmetto and Stinging Nettle, but really haven't seen any noticeable changes.
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He actually mentioned Finasteride, but noted there are some pretty serious side effects to it, and I don't believe it should be taken long term.

I'm looking to see just how large it actually is, and undergo one of the newer procedures, if deemed to be ok.

I've supplemented with the normal Saw Palmetto and Stinging Nettle, but really haven't seen any noticeable changes.
No there really isn't. Side effects while possible are not widespread. A forum is a poor choice for medical advice. The other two items you mentioned are just about useless. Save your money.

You are probably on your way to a TURP operation or some form of it. So-get over the mental "hump".
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He actually mentioned Finasteride, but noted there are some pretty serious side effects to it, and I don't believe it should be taken long term.

I'm looking to see just how large it actually is, and undergo one of the newer procedures, if deemed to be ok.

I've supplemented with the normal Saw Palmetto and Stinging Nettle, but really haven't seen any noticeable changes.
Well, I am certainly not giving advice EXCEPT to consult with your Dr. While you are at it, it is easy to compare drugs by doing an internet search, compare that with what you are taking. Then you can go armed with the proper questions for your doctor.

Ive done those searches on anything I take which is almost nothing. Retired and I take three pills, the Finasteride, a Min. Dose Statin but not for high LDL, but for family history with heart issues of which I dont have anything significant. and one baby aspirin.
Anyway as my Dr pointed out, so safe that low dose Finasteride is now allowed to be prescribed and is prescribed for men with hair loss, it actually reverses it. Im just pointing out how common. Been around a long time.

With all the above said, I avoid taking any drug which I have been pretty successful my entire life except for this prostrate condition and this drug helps a LOT. However my doctor is using it as a way of diagnosing if my high PSA is simply just an overly enlarged gland or reason to investigate yet AGAIN with another what will be FOURTH MRI and Biopsy.

I have seen someone in here state they skipped the MRI and went straight to the biopsy. I have never heard of that before. My doctors here use the imaging from the MRI so they can direct where to concentrate taking the biopsy samples from the gland.
Also of course, if the imaging is clean there maybe no need for the biopsy. So it serves two purposes.

I know some of these posts are from Canada and wonder if things are different there as I heard rumors sometimes over the years it takes a long time to get scheduled for an MRI when here it takes days.
I had MRI of lower back and found moderate to severe degenerative disc disease, and compression of the L5 nerve roots.
A hemagioma at S2 segment, and disc osteophyte complex bulges.
I feel some relief knowing that they can finally see the pain I have been describing to Dr.s over the past 2 - 3 years, & that I am not going crazy.
I still have another MRI for my left hip, so see what I learn from that. I still haven't talked to my Dr. since the first MRI, & waiting for a report once both MRI's are complete.

Urologist did not seem too concerned with the higher PSA numbers after an exam.
He is also requesting 3T Tesla MRI imaging on the prostate at a later date.

Maybe the lower back pain & stress can cause PSA to increase as well.
Trying to keep this question "classy", but does removing the prostate affect your love life or does everything usually return to normal after some time?
Yes. Prostate medication dutasteride to lower my psa which it did. Asked the doc why in i seeing ejaculate in the toilet. It's all connected cumming with ed meds the feeling yes the ejaculate not so much. Getting hard not without a ed med. Sorry for being so descriptive.
No there really isn't. Side effects while possible are not widespread. A forum is a poor choice for medical advice. The other two items you mentioned are just about useless. Save your money.

You are probably on your way to a TURP operation or some form of it. So-get over the mental "hump".
No there really isn't. Side effects while possible are not widespread. A forum is a poor choice for medical advice. The other two items you mentioned are just about useless. Save your money.

You are probably on your way to a TURP operation or some form of it. So-get over the mental "hump".

Just so I understand, are you a Urologist ? That is where the info on the side effects came Urologist, not this forum.

As for the other supplements, yes, they typically don't do much.

The end result of the MRI is that the finger test isn't very accurate. There isn't a size issue. I have, what they call, a high 'neckline' ?? Essentially, pushing uphill through a smaller than normal passage. Age ends up making things more difficult, thus I'll most likely get cut on later this summer....essentially, lowering the slope of the hill...
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Just so I understand, are you a Urologist ? That is where the info on the side effects came Urologist, not this forum.

As for the other supplements, yes, they typically don't do much.

The end result of the MRI is that the finger test isn't very accurate. There isn't a size issue. I have, what they call, a high 'neckline' ?? Essentially, pushing uphill through a smaller than normal passage. Age ends up making things more difficult, thus I'll most likely get cut on later this summer....essentially, lowering the slope of the hill...
As I said-an oil forum is a poor choice to post a medical issue. Everyone has a opinion. Even myself.