People are checking oil!

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Staff member
Dec 14, 2002
New Jersey
Stopped for fuel today at a wawa station. One of these big new construction types with at least 6 rows of pumps. I had to check my oil, and did so, but was amazed to see that EVERYONE around me, four cars, were all checking their oil. One guy even went back in and bought two quarts.

I cant say that Ive ever noticed anyone checking their oil before at a gas station unless the attendant offers to do it for them.

Good sign!
90% of my oil checks are at the gas station. Dry paper towels are usually within reach, and I'm already out of the car, so why not. My car doesn't use any oil between changes though.
I check my oil at home weekly, but have never had to add any except when I change the oil
Were they already checking their oil when you got there or did they see you doing it and they followed?
Maybe the other men wanted to make themselves look many in front of their significant others... I never check my oil at the gas station either...
Originally Posted By: hate2work
Originally Posted By: expat
I have NEVER checked my oil at a gas station.

I've done it, but only on a road trip.

I do it at the gas station every fill...except on my duramax because it never uses any oil and I basically have to rub my stomach/chest against the grill to reach the dipstick.

Is it just me or is it impossible to find a level/flat gas station anymore to get a proper reading on the stick?
That's pretty crazy. I think I've checked my oil at a gas station once or twice. I try to do it mostly in the morning when the car's cold. If I feel the need on a road trip I try to park in a flat spot when parking for food to give the engine more than 3 or 4 minutes to cool off first.

I rarely ever see anyone checking oil at a gas station around here.
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On trips I check it after geting gas but normally I check it in my garage after I get home. Almost never add oil for any of our vehicles though.

Once in about 1977 I was on a trip and stopped to check the oil. The pickup needed some so I got out my own oil to put in. The guy at the gas station had a fit and said I could not put in my oun oil but had to buy oil from the station. I was young so I just drove off and added my oil around the corner.
Originally Posted By: hate2work
Originally Posted By: expat
I have NEVER checked my oil at a gas station.

I've done it, but only on a road trip.

Same here. It's checked at home with time to drain down.
The only time I check oil at a gas station is if I'm driving someone ELSE's car (or one of the work vehicles), where I don't have it at home at night. For my own vehicles, I check the oil at least once a week in the garage. What can I say...I love the smell of oil.
I check it at home, usually on a Saturday morning.

At the station I'm too busy babysitting the pump. Plus, around here there's usually a line for the pump and I don't want to hold anybody up poking around under the hood.

About 5 or 10 years ago I've noticed signs at the pump stating that someone must be attendant at the pump during refilling. I'm guessing there've been many problems in the past where something happens during filling.
I used to check the oil at gas stations, but I don't anymore. I check at home, or in the parking garage where I park for work - very warm, well lit, and quiet. I check it about once every 2-3 doesn't use much oil.
Originally Posted By: Kestas
About 5 or 10 years ago I've noticed signs at the pump stating that someone must be attendant at the pump during refilling. I'm guessing there've been many problems in the past where something happens during filling.

In my opinion (and this is a bit of a tangent), people don't take the action of filling a gas tank seriously enough. Nobody thinks about it as the transfer of a hazardous material from one vessel to another, but that's exactly what it is. I personally don't like to see it when people go up and set the clicker and go on to something else. I like it when I see gas pumps without the click trigger. It forces you to be there to monitor the transfer.

I am an underground storage tank program manager at my facility and I've seen the effects of unattended fuel transfers.
I have to agree - I've NEVER left a fuel pump 'clicked on', and gone and done something else - I'm too worried about a spill....
Originally Posted By: Kestas
Plus, around here there's usually a line for the pump and I don't want to hold anybody up poking around under the hood.

I think you're in the minority with that line of thought. It seems every time I try to get gas, all the pumps have cars at them, but no one is around.

I guess they're inside picking out their smokes, scratching lottery tickets, filling their huge coffee mug, and complaining about the economy (it use to be the weather, but it's switch to the economy).
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