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I thought the ice storm I got whacked with was bad 🤮🤮🤮💀☠️
I hate snow and all of the cold weather that comes with Winter, but ice in any amount just sucks. It encases everything and you feel like you're destroying your car just to get into it. Fortunately, we didn't lose power though. I feel bad for the folks that have lost power in the wake of this system.
Bring on Spring and Summer! ☀️😎 🍻
I hate snow and all of the cold weather that comes with Winter, but ice in any amount just sucks. It encases everything and you feel like you're destroying your car just to get into it. Fortunately, we didn't lose power though. I feel bad for the folks that have lost power in the wake of this system.
Bring on Spring and Summer! ☀️😎 🍻
Yeah my windows wouldn't open for about 10 miles today. As you said encased in solid ice that doesn't even want to be scraped..
Two stroke (ie, "Twosmoke") engine if IIRC.
No. It's not a 2CV or an Ami. They carted Charles De Gaulle around in one of those executive cars. I got to drive one 20 years ago. That thing floated on its hydraulic suspension. The same system was used by Rolls Royce and by the Mercedes 600.
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Who wants to buy me some shirts? Lol. I’ll be your best friend. I would of bought all of them but it’s nuts to spend that kind of money on shirts I’ll be using it towards some new tools tomorrow instead from Auto Zone and possibly Harbor Freight so I can get my free bucket. I would not be going to Auto Zone but have to pick up my coworker Joker a new 19mm impact as his cracked so he won’t have time to get it so I’m getting it for him this weekend. So blame him for me going on a shopping spree lol 😂 have to get a few sockets to fill in my set on my cart anyway.
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Who wants to buy me some shirts? Lol. I’ll be your best friend. I would of bought all of them but it’s nuts to spend that kind of money on shirts I’ll be using it towards some new tools tomorrow instead from Auto Zone and possibly Harbor Freight so I can get my free bucket. I would not be going to Auto Zone but have to pick up my coworker Joker a new 19mm impact as his cracked so he won’t have time to get it so I’m getting it for him this weekend. So blame him for me going on a shopping spree lol 😂 have to get a few sockets to fill in my set on my cart anyway.
I like this one better 😉
These are ladies I grafted Studes and my face to. Auto mechanic and mannicroder were earlier. Just entertainment. @AutoMechanic. Was the
from a previous company, one coworked got into the "gender change" lately ... no joke, it was in local newspaper:rolleyes: i need some eyebleach..
got divorced before that (one son) and married with young woman, had two kids)...and now "this thing" happened ..
i dunno, but it feels w.e.i.r.d.:oops:
Once you go bagged you never go back. Might influence a pickup truck purchase down the road.

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