Carried on with the diesel heater install today. Providing it stays dry tomorrow, hopefully I can get it completed.
Today I focused on the power. My original intention was to install a secondary battery for the heater. However, the heater should only draw 15A for a few seconds on start up and then quickly drop down to 1A once running. I'm confident using the starter battery will be just fine, but if I do have issues then I'll add a battery at a later date. I did actually purchase a small 8Ah deep cycle battery and was hoping to be able to run it straight from the car's electrical system with no charger and a simple voltage sensitive or ignition sourced relay but found it was taking nearly 12A when discharged and it's not going to last long doing that. A suitable battery to battery charger runs around £200. So lets see how we get on running directly from the main battery.
Back earlier in the thread I posted some pictures where I installed the cables & voltage sensitive relay for the towbar. I used a short length of 20mm black flexible conduit to house the cable in the engine bay.
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I was hoping to reuse this flexible conduit for the extra cable for the heater but found this...
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It seems the conduit has rubbed through the paint which I'm a bit annoyed about. I've put some Lanogaurd on it for now before deciding how I'm going to fix it permanently. At the moment I'm thinking that I'll pop the top hat off the strut mount and give the area a coat or two of the cold zinc spray I used on the drilled holes in the boot as it was a close match to the cars factory colour. I just don't want to do anything that's strikingly obvious.
I decided I needed a new route for both the towbar cables and the new heater cables. I pulled the cables back into the cabin but left a draw cable through the bulkhead and tied on the new cable for the heater...
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I pulled the cables back into the engine bay using the draw wire and taped them together into a single loom. This may be difficult to see in this photo but I managed to put the cables on the factory cable tray and entered the bottom of the fuse box with the factory cables. I'm quite annoyed I didn't do this first time round as it's a much neater install...
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As I now had two brown cables in the loom, I thought it was wise to label them, not so much for me but if anyone else works on the car in the future...
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I then put everything back as it was and coiled up the power cable for the diesel heater for another day.
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At this point I seemed to forget to take pictures. I installed the wiring loom that came with the heater, the only cable currently left out is the one in the polystyrene tray in the picture below; this cable needs to drop through a grommet in the floor to the fuel pump for the heater. I installed the grille in the shelf on the side with the duct connected up to it and I fitted the screen for the unit to the carpet in the boot...
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I fitted the floor back and this is what it looks like...
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I must admit I'm not overly happy with the location of the screen/controller. I may need to rethink this. I would like it up front somewhere but can't find a home for it. That said, other than for initial setup or checking error codes, I shouldn't need to use it as it can be controlled from a key fob. Other than that, I'm rather pleased with how it's gone. I may heatwrap the outlet duct and then cover it in a black acoustic cloth to hide it a little more, but we'll see!
Hopefully tomorrow I can fit the fuel lines, fuel pump, exhaust and intake and I'll have a working heater!