neighbor vandalized my floodlight, my options?

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Dec 10, 2002
In the past 10 months or so, I have been using my floodlights on my home. These floodlight fixtures are builder standard and came with my house. Each home in our neighborhood has these standard floodlight fixtures, well some of our neighbors don't use them and leave them home in the dark at night. I use mine, my neighbor to the other side, and my neighbors across the street use their floodlights.

well, the past three months, I have had someone ring my doorbell at 830pm at night frantically. 8 or 9 doorbell rings, I come to the door, no one there. I thought it was a kids prank the whole time.

after five times of this happening over three months, I was upstairs and looked down at my front door and see my neighbor running back to his home. This man is in his late 40's to early 50's. I was shocked. There was no note left or anything. He hasn't said anything to me during the daytime. I let it go thinking no big deal. I figured he would talk to me later.

It was quiet for a few weeks. I noticed one of the two backyard floodlights were off, I go to check it. It was "loose". I tighten it back and it worked. Then a week later, I noticed the same floodlight was not working, It was loose, and I tighten it back and it works. Then another week later, I noticed it wasn't working again! So I got a ladder and put a new CFL floodlight on. Two nights later, the front door bell rang 8 or 9 times franctically. I run to the door and there is no one there.

My wife said she hears a banging sound and she is scared, so I go outside. there is no one there. Get this, today I cut the grass. The two floodlights are working. Well, one of them has been knocked off alignment. One of the two floodlights are beaming straight into the ground where a plant is. I'm upset about this. I talked to my other neighbor a minute ago, he said he hasn't heard anything about that guy. He said to notify the homeowners association or call the police. he said police won't do anything without video evidence. it would be he said she said thing. so what are my options? This whole thing has gone sour. He has not said one word to me about this.

Btw, he planted three small trees up against my fence as well. I just noticed this too.
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Why don't you go over to his house, knock on his door and kindly ask him [censored] he's doing?
The next step (aside from Overkill's suggestion) would be to capture it on video so that you have proof of what is happening. Have you ever talked to this person/know them? Seems really random for a neighbor to prank you with the doorbell and mess with your property that way unless there is some issue behind the scenes.
You said the police want video evidence? Get a camera the hunters use, and set it up somewhere on your property where it can capture him in action. Do it when this clown isn't home, and no one else is around to see you setting it up. Maybe you'll get lucky and catch him on video. Then you'll have something to go to the Police with. I have a few other suggestions too, but...... I'll keep them to myself.

Edit: I see 2010 FX4 was thinking along the same lines as I was while putting this post together.
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I think it is rather big of you not to shoot him, he is trespassing. Let the police handle it.
I could see how the lights could be annoying, but that is no excuse for what he's doing.
I might just talk to him, tell him about strange happening in the neighbourhood and ask if he has been effected, or has any ideas ;-)

Other than that, do the camera thing.
Act quickly and don't further let him know you're on his trail.

Get the camera set up ASAP.

I had a situation with drug dealing neighbors. Cops wouldn't move a finger until video evidence was had. I put up a walmart cheapo. Got video of them damaging my gutters. They had a criminal damage to property charge.

Originally Posted By: OVERKILL
Why don't you go over to his house, knock on his door and kindly ask him [censored] he's doing?

+1. Id at least set up a rudimentary video system, even if it is an old cellphone charged and rigged to video him running right after ringing. Something to help combat the I said you said kind of thing.

Or a game camera or similar would be great. Then go and make the complaint to the HOA about the trees and let them go after him for that. You deal with the trespassing with a police report CC'd to the HOA.
Does your flood light flood light into his bedroom window?

I'm not saying this is a good excuse for his passive aggressive actions, but your lights could be the cause. He's obviously an idiot for doing what he's doing, but trying to mess with crazy could bring about further crazy.

If it were me, I'd get him on tape. That's step 1

Step 2 is keeping the lights off or redirecting them and seeing what happens.

If the pattern of crazy from the neighbor stops, then one day when he's smiling at you knowingly when you get home from work, enact step 3 and smile back, while flicking the flood lights on and off, nodding even more knowingly back...
Nothing worse than bright lights keeping me awake or ruining my view of the stars. IMO all lights should go out at bedtime or on for a reason like unloading a u haul. It is chickenpoo of him to be so childish. If he was a real man he would confront you about the annoying light.
Strange way for your neighbor to act but I totally get the annoying lights thing. Why do people feel they have to light up there yard like Vegas?
The two single girls next door have 3 large dogs and there yard is lit up with halogen spotlights. I cant enjoy my yard at night or the stars. I have lived here for over 30 years and have never heard of any crime.
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