neighbor vandalized my floodlight, my options?

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Obviously he doesn't like your lights shining. I would not turn my lights off, I'd get brighter bulbs. Go knock on his door and ask what his problem is. Tell him that he is trespassing and that you own a firearm (whether or not you do).
This is a mentally unstable way of dealing with you, lights or not. I would make a police report, after you catch him on the game camera. I would set up 2 cameras, one on the lights and on on the front door. Make sure you set them up when he is not home to see you, and place them where they are not obvious. After doing that. you need to call the police when you have the doorbell ringing issue or your lights vandalized. You need to make a paper trail, should things escalate. Never underestimate your neighbor or his level of mental instability.
A mature stable person would simply talk to you about the flood lights and see if you can come to a mutal agreement about them.
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I had a paper route back in the 80s when the motion detector lights were invented and every house I rode by on the street shoulder (not even stopping at) triggered. They have a certain obnoxiousness.

Really, since he's so predictable, coming by at 830pm, you should hide in a trash can and have your wife put the light on. Position the can in the probable path between neighbor and doorbell. Jump out and ask him what's up, you're sorry you missed him ringing.

Or you could just put dog poo on the ground under your flood lights.
leave your lights off. it stuff goes down with your neighbor or whoever, you have the element of surprise with the lights off and it's your home you know the terrain.

unless you have a safe room in your house you lock yourself and your family in

Redirect your lights off of his house. Call the city about those planted trees on the easement. If those trees are not on the easement, they are probably legal.
Originally Posted By: bradepb
Strange way for your neighbor to act but I totally get the annoying lights thing. Why do people feel they have to light up there yard like Vegas?
The two single girls next door have 3 large dogs and there yard is lit up with halogen spotlights. I cant enjoy my yard at night or the stars. I have lived here for over 30 years and have never heard of any crime.
Same here. City folk move out here then light up the place all night long like vegas, complain about the smell of chickens, cows etc.
Put a "No Trespassing" sign up, and politely tell him he is not allowed on your property. Best to have a witness (another neighbor) be there incase he does in fact go back on your property. Also, invest in a camera for that side of the house. That sign alone is a warning not for someone unwelcomed to trespass, therefore if he were to trespass again, it would be in violation of law. But, it does matter what state you are in. I would call your local PD/SO and ask about the trespassing laws in your particular state.
I would be having a polite talk with this guy.

The childish side of me says to light a bag of dog [censored] on his front porch though.
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Planned communities, HOA's, Houses built 10 feet from each other. And neighbors wonder why they irritate each other??

Not saying that someone/anyone has the right to vandalize your property, But realize that flood lights pointed at someone else's house is annoying.
Why don't you just go tell him you have seen him ringing and running,ask him what that is about.see if he wants to have a discussion about it or what.
I agree with others here about putting up no tresspassing signs.
If it continues just slap him around a little.
I'm going to contact our HOA on Monday. If nothing I'll ask what can be done, I'm leaning towards getting video camera set up. I will put up a no trespass sign on the gate with a lock. I will fix the floodlight, if he damages it again, I'll report to police with my video footage. I'm sure when he sees the trespass sign, he'll come ringing my doorbell right away.

I live in the city by the way, I'm only 3 miles from downtown.
Originally Posted By: OVERKILL
Why don't you go over to his house, knock on his door and kindly ask him [censored] he's doing?

I would, but with his behavior, I don't want to risk getting stabbed or shot on his front door step. He may say I tried to hurt him.
Have you talked to him? Politely?

I get called in to deal with neighbor disputes in code enforcement periodically. (Not involving lights). It is amazing to see how many of you think the first step here is to call the police /etc... 90% of the time, these problems can be solved through civil conversation between neighbors. We usually suggest a six pack (of a good beer) and it works more often that not.

Guessing the guy doesn't like the way your lights are aimed. Odds are you can adjust it and satisfy both of you.

Be the bigger man and solve the problem, instead of acting childishly (like your neighbor is right now).

If he's in the other 10%, then go the other routes. You won't look as childish if you at least offered to help solve whatever the problem is. Trust me - that goes a long ways into who in any enforcement sides with who down the road...

And to expect others to fight your battles because of what he may do... I don't even know what to say...
As an astronomer, they way some people light up their yards and shine floodlights horizontal is not only just nuts, but aggravating as well. I replaced lighting on both porches with can lights in the ceiling so it throws it down instead of horizontally.

With that said, this guy is acting passive-aggressive, being a PITA to you like (maybe) your lights are to him. Just my guess. Videoing him with a critter-cam is a great idea and documents the behavior. Be sure date & time are set and displayed in the footage. Afterwards, having a face-to-face with evidence & a calm voice will serve you well and provide contrast to his childish behavior.

Another option is to booby-trap your front door using McCauley Caulkin's HOME-ALONE ideas.
I just went outside and took pictures. what do you guys think?

This picture shows how the vandalized floodlight is pointing straight down now.


This is in between our homes. Notice he has in ground lights in his backyard.


this is my neighbor across the street. Just to prove I'm not the only weird guy who likes my lights on at night. lol

The mature part of me says that a re-adjustment might help, if that's his problem with your flood lights

The immature part of me says he's being a [censored] and deserves a flaming bag of dog poo

The sociopathic side of me says 7.62 Full Metal Jacket lmao....

Seriously, check the aim
Originally Posted By: Cutehumor
I just went outside and took pictures. what do you guys think?

This picture shows how the vandalized floodlight is pointing straight down now.


This is in between our homes. Notice he has in ground lights in his backyard.


this is my neighbor across the street. Just to prove I'm not the only weird guy who likes my lights on at night. lol


I think I can see Bigfoot.
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