More V4 vs V6




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There was a push for high-output turbo charged 4s ten-to-twelve years ago. There is nothing great about a turbo four banger. Just more problems, and a shorter life.
A V6 can be harder to service - if the I4 had been out longer - would have preferred it in my Rubicon (torque) but coming up on 4 years the V6 has been trouble free. Also with 4:1, 4.10, and an 8 speed - a Briggs V2 would work in 4Lo 😷
In the recent past more and more cars and even big SUVs are going back to V4. Any reasons for this change?
Totally agree! Unproven, not tested properly, CAFE, big government/greenpeace pushed technology. They shovel turbo just because someone figured out few years ago you could put turbine on an engine.

For example:

This young fella definitely needs some time to prove:
Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 9.56.00 PM.jpg

Or, one that really, really has a hard time finding customers:

Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 9.57.26 PM.jpg

Now this one has truly new turbo technology. We are just not there to put turbo on 4 banger:

Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 9.58.42 PM.jpg
All this talk of V4's , makes me think I need to get my V4 Speciale out tomorrow and go for a ride.

One being ridden properly by Micheal Rutter around the IOM TT course:


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The V6 has always been a flawed design in that it lacks primary and secondary balance. But somehow it became known as "premium" to 4 bangers. It's funny to sit back and see we have zero control over any of this. If you go back far enough like with my dad's first car, it had all of the engines available. V6, I6, V8 (60's Skylark). And he told me when I was literally 4 years old, he made the worst choice possible, he got the 225 V6, when he should have gotten the 250 I6 (I was given a Poncho with this motor, smooth as silk at 21 years old). Why? Vibration he said, lacks balance. Whereas a inline 6 inherently has it.

Inline 4 lacks balance as well yet it goes into a C63S AMG for 2024. Again, laughable that the car it replaces had a V8.

When I look at my own purchases through the years, I've never had a 4 cyl car, other than the Volvo B20 which was my first car. I'd like to keep it that way lol
I like the idea of a turbo I-6. I'm very interested in what the early adopters of it think and the problems if any they're finding in the current Stellantis vehicles using it. I'm especially interested in hearing about it in the 2025 RAM, when they start populating the roads, and when it will find its way into the Wrangler. IMO an I-6 is a very reliable engine design and it should do well with the turbo.