It seems like most cars these days have nice seats but they aren't really comforable. Most have side bolstering designed to keep you in the seat better than years of land Yachts past, but I wouldnt call them comfortable.
Im talking about dads old recliner comfortable. These seats have no side bolstering, are flat but you sink into them nicely. Have these style of seats gone the way of the passenger pigeon?
Take the Lexus LS for example:
It seems like seats these days are just aiming to be more and more sporty. Historically, a sportier trim would give you some more bolstered seats but even on the luxury trim lines, we are seeing more seats that contour best to somebody with a 36" waistline.
What car has the most comfortable seats these days?
Im talking about dads old recliner comfortable. These seats have no side bolstering, are flat but you sink into them nicely. Have these style of seats gone the way of the passenger pigeon?
Take the Lexus LS for example:
It seems like seats these days are just aiming to be more and more sporty. Historically, a sportier trim would give you some more bolstered seats but even on the luxury trim lines, we are seeing more seats that contour best to somebody with a 36" waistline.
What car has the most comfortable seats these days?