Military Draft

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Our state department recognizes the One China policy. Our POTUS doesn't -- there is undoubtedly a lot of money to be made with war on China the same way as a lot of money is currently being made with the war on Russia.

It's the poor sods who die or get maimed in the process that pay the real price.
Did you or their parents serve?
Both of their Parents served.

I did not. I was in my last year of college in 1969. My draft number was like like 200 of 365 so I probably would have gotten drafted 200 days after graduation. I was fortunate to get an occupational deferment bc I was an engineer involved in nuclear Power. However-my plan was to enlist as an engineer if I got a draft notice. The point is though....I took responsibility for my life.

My daughter enlisted when she was a Jr. in H.S. Again I felt it was her decision to make.

Regrettably- your assessment IMHO is not even close. I suspect the PRC and PLA pushed that information as part of an information operations campaign.
I wouldn't even respond as we have agreed to disagree with this in the past, except for their is no "pushed" information as you suggested, and nothing I mentioned is really even in dispute.

Its pretty well documented that the Taiwanese nuclear program - which was supposedly shut down in the late 80's at the US behest, lacked only a delivery system. The fact that it was continued is pure speculation, not by me but by all kinds of other geopolitical types. Even if it was not, I presume the old version is still on ice, waiting for a speedy restart.

They clearly have the means to deliver one now by there own admission and others - including rockets of their own design. Getting a rocket to go a couple hundred miles isn't "rocket science" anymore. You could likely whip one up in your garage with some blueprints from the internet and left over Benz parts.

I assume your not debating the 100 miles of ocean.

Then there is the fact that the Chinese haven't won a war in 100 years without help from big friends.

However the simplest answer is usually the correct one. If China was to be feared, why would everyone who is anyone in that part of the world wouldn't be siding with the West. Japan, S. Korea, Australia, Thailand all have treaties with the US. The USA is Viet Nam's biggest export market and the Vietnamese are no friends of China. The Philippines just allowed the US to expand their military presence there. If everyone thought China was the big kid on the block they would be cutting deals now, and there not.
Our state department recognizes the One China policy. Our POTUS doesn't -- there is undoubtedly a lot of money to be made with war on China the same way as a lot of money is currently being made with the war on Russia.

It's the poor sods who die or get maimed in the process that pay the real price.
Not disagreeing with your statement, but the state department reports to POTUS (for better or worse). Its like when my boss and I disagree. Everyone knows who is currently "right" including me.
I wouldn't even respond as we have agreed to disagree with this in the past, except for their is no "pushed" information as you suggested, and nothing I mentioned is really even in dispute.

Its pretty well documented that the Taiwanese nuclear program - which was supposedly shut down in the late 80's at the US behest, lacked only a delivery system. The fact that it was continued is pure speculation, not by me but by all kinds of other geopolitical types. Even if it was not, I presume the old version is still on ice, waiting for a speedy restart.

They clearly have the means to deliver one now by there own admission and others - including rockets of their own design. Getting a rocket to go a couple hundred miles isn't "rocket science" anymore. You could likely whip one up in your garage with some blueprints from the internet and left over Benz parts.

I assume your not debating the 100 miles of ocean.

Then there is the fact that the Chinese haven't won a war in 100 years without help from big friends.

However the simplest answer is usually the correct one. If China was to be feared, why would everyone who is anyone in that part of the world wouldn't be siding with the West. Japan, S. Korea, Australia, Thailand all have treaties with the US. The USA is Viet Nam's biggest export market and the Vietnamese are no friends of China. The Philippines just allowed the US to expand their military presence there. If everyone thought China was the big kid on the block they would be cutting deals now, and there not.

Not going to escalate our very different observations, knowledge, assessments, etc on the situation, out of mutual respect.

Thank you.
Then there is the fact that the Chinese haven't won a war in 100 years without help from big friends.
Yes do not forget this. China has no history in fighting a war or a battle. Their tactics are not tested. Their training may lack objectivity, and they have the same problem as Russia. Graft at every level. And do notr lose sight of the f act that their weapons are not tested in battle conditions. This Ukraine war has shown that the Wests weapons work. And more importantly they have been refined.

One other huge thing: Like Ukraine these Soldiers are fighting for survival. The Chinese..not so much. If Zi choses the invasion path it will, like Putin, be the biggest mistake he ever made.

The Ukraine is fighting our sworn enemy, the Taiwanese would be fighting our sworn enemy. Give them all the equipment we can.
Yes do not forget this. China has no history in fighting a war or a battle. Their tactics are not tested. Their training may lack objectivity, and they have the same problem as Russia. Graft at every level. And do notr lose sight of the f act that their weapons are not tested in battle conditions. This Ukraine war has shown that the Wests weapons work. And more importantly they have been refined.

One other huge thing: Like Ukraine these Soldiers are fighting for survival. The Chinese..not so much. If Zi choses the invasion path it will, like Putin, be the biggest mistake he ever made.

The Ukraine is fighting our sworn enemy, the Taiwanese would be fighting our sworn enemy. Give them all the equipment we can.
There's a NY-times piece that says China is hacking unclassified military systems and inserting malware that can delay a US response to military action,

Wildly unlikely. Yes he wants to, but Taiwan has missiles that will reach every mainland Chinese City. Odds are good they also have nukes. They supposedly "gave up" their nuclear program years ago, but they are one of the most technologically advanced nations on earth, and have lots of friends with nukes, and have reactors that can produce nuclear material. Taiwan has been preparing fort his war for 50 years. Its there sole focus.

Not to mention there is that pesky 100 miles of ocean they need to cross first.
100 miles is not a problem for China when they have a Navy larger than the US. They just need to worry about crossing the Taiwan strait.

The US's problem is more than 100 miles of pesky ocean.

Not to mention their advancements in hypersonic missile technology.
100 miles is not a problem for China when they have a Navy larger than the US. They just need to worry about crossing the Taiwan strait.

The US's problem is more than 100 miles of pesky ocean.

Not to mention their advancements in hypersonic missile technology.
I remember the comment was Kiev would fall in hours or days. Yet here we are. And all they had to do is drive across a frozen plain.

I'll believe it when I see it.
Yes do not forget this. China has no history in fighting a war or a battle. Their tactics are not tested. Their training may lack objectivity, and they have the same problem as Russia. Graft at every level. And do notr lose sight of the f act that their weapons are not tested in battle conditions. This Ukraine war has shown that the Wests weapons work. And more importantly they have been refined.

One other huge thing: Like Ukraine these Soldiers are fighting for survival. The Chinese..not so much. If Zi choses the invasion path it will, like Putin, be the biggest mistake he ever made.

The Ukraine is fighting our sworn enemy, the Taiwanese would be fighting our sworn enemy. Give them all the equipment we can.

True. We've just come out of a 20 year war. As tired as our equipment may be, we've got some of the most experienced vets now.
I remember the comment was Kiev would fall in hours or days. Yet here we are. And all they had to do is drive across a frozen plain.

I'll believe it when I see it.
Who knows what is behind Putin's strategy? Maybe he and JinPing are smarter than we take them for..... the longer Ukraine draws out, the more money gets sucked out of the US to help Ukraine, which can leave us vulnerable to when China decides to join in the action.

And there's more than just the Land, Sea and Air war, it's the space war that provides the support for the Land, Sea and Air war, and since we are more and more reliant on Space, China and Russia's ASAT technology gives a lot of worry to the US.

And that Chinese spy balloons probably gave a lot of key information for China to use their hypersonics against us on critical military infrastructure.
Who knows what is behind Putin's strategy? Maybe he and JinPing are smarter than we take them for..... the longer Ukraine draws out, the more money gets sucked out of the US to help Ukraine, which can leave us vulnerable to when China decides to join in the action.
Our and NATO's money will be well spent killing soldiers and destroying the military of our enemy Russia
The Russian winter did in the Nazis. The upcoming Ukrainian winter will do in the Russians.
It goes a little deeper than that. And this should be greatly noted for current world situation.

The Greeks did in the German's. Italy failed to crush Greece quickly as expected. Germany then had to send in many troops designated for Russia to get Greece.

The unplanned sending of German military forces to Greece, that were designed to go to Russia, likely was the true reason Germany didn't crush Russia. Had the Greeks succumbed to the Italians, Germany could have had a much more robust main effort fighting in Russia. I am quite sure our adversary in Asia knows this lesson very well.

And as Paul Harvey would say" And now you know the rest of the story".
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