Malaysia Airlines 777 loses contact...not found

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Back to "hacking"...

To change the airplane's course, you have 3 options:

1. On autopilot, reprogram the route in the CDU, and allow the FMC to navigate on a new course. This is how we generally operate an airliner. Takes about 5-10 seconds for the initial route change (1 or 2 waypoints) but could take a few minutes if it's a full route with dozens of waypoints. The time is a matter of complexity of input required.

2. On autopilot, turn the heading select knob to a new heading. Autopilot is still flying, but FMC input is removed and pilot manually controls heading. We do this for quick heading changes, vectors, etc. it takes, oh 1 - 2 seconds.

3. Click autopilot off, fly airplane. This is manual flying. No autopilot, no FMC input. We do this for proficiency, for landing. Sometimes, even, because it's more fun than being a systems manager. This is instantaneous.

There are no "codes" or passwords for option 1. You just have to understand the logic for that particular FMC - Boeings are all the same, roughly, while Airbus is quite different. Honeywell builds the FMC for both companies, but the logic varies due to proprietary copyright. While the airplane is in flight, either pilot can make CDU entries and the airplane will respond.

So, let's talk "hacking". From the cockpit, with a detailed knowledge of proprietary software (unlikely) on a stack of 3 1/2 floppies, you could, in 45 minutes, reload the FMCs if you could fool the airplane into thinking it was on the ground. You would have to put the autopilot in heading select (option 2 above) while you did this because the FMCs would be offline.

So, our "hackers" gain cockpit access, and can turn the airplane in seconds by using the FMC (which they would clearly understand if they had the underlying OS) or they can spend an hour trying to "hack" something that is easily disconnected, over-ridden and not required to fly the airplane.

See why hacking makes no sense?
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Astro14, Thank you for the informative posts on this thread. I don't know much about aviation and it is interesting to read about it and learn a little about the systems on these planes.

I sure feel bad for the people who were on that plane but I really hope the plane wasn't taken for a far worse plan. As bad as it sounds, it would be better if it is in the ocean versus being used later for more damage.
At this point, I really feel for the passengers on board. That's always forefront in a situation like this, but I mean in terms of what did they know and what was the environment like in the plane? If indeed the plane kept flying for 7 hours, and the passengers knew it was hijacked or diverted for whatever the case may be, that's a long and drawn-out period of horrifying unknown for those people on the plane, especially if the end result is death anyway (and we don't yet know that it was). If they were all going to die, I'd much rather it be a catastrophic mid-air explosion, where nobody was even aware of what happened.
Originally Posted By: Astro14
Back to "hacking"...

To change the airplane's course, you have 3 options...See why hacking makes no sense?

I always appreciate your posts Astro! Same for 757guy as well. It's nice to have facts to stand on versus the $%^$! that regularly spills from the so-ignorant media 'experts' and their equally ignorant reporters. They are so decisive, yet clueless, in their exhortations. Fountains of Babel.

Accurate signs that critical thinking and natural skepticism are our true endangered species.
Originally Posted By: sleddriver
Originally Posted By: Astro14
Back to "hacking"...

To change the airplane's course, you have 3 options...See why hacking makes no sense?

I always appreciate your posts Astro! Same for 757guy as well. It's nice to have facts to stand on versus the $%^$! that regularly spills from the so-ignorant media 'experts' and their equally ignorant reporters. They are so decisive, yet clueless, in their exhortations. Fountains of Babel.

Accurate signs that critical thinking and natural skepticism are our true endangered species.

Yep. between him and 757guy, we got a lot of factual information.

But facts just are not sexy enough for the conspiracy people who think that only what they *know* is the "truth".
Originally Posted By: Turk
Israel is stepping up their Air Defense Systems.

So, something's gotta be going on...

Originally Posted By: Blaze
I wonder if there has been a case on a commercial airliner where there was a cockpit fire or any fire and the crew DID NOT contact ATC?

I am not aware of one. In general, in every fire, even the rapidly spreading ones, the crew has asked ATC for a turn to get on the ground quickly.

Please understand this, however; talking to ATC is the last thing on a pilot's priority list.

ATC can't change what is going on inside the airplane. They can provide help, like a heading to the nearest airport, or reading the weather at that airport.

Pilots in an emergency situation have to fly the airplane first, handle the emergency, navigate, and when there's time, tell (not ask, emergency airplanes have priority over all other traffic) ATC of their intentions.

In the press lately, there seems to be the supposition that pilots need to be told where to go and what to do by air traffic controllers in order to fly an airplane.

Nothing could be further from the truth. As an example; a US Navy aircraft carrier at sea, in the daytime, can land an airplane every 45 - 50 seconds...with no radio communications, no air traffic control...the pilots sequence themselves based on standard rules, and put the airplanes where they need to be. One of the busiest single runways ATC required as long as the pilots are in visual contact with each other...

Now, to ensure safe air traffic management in high-density areas, we have positive control of civil traffic...but pilots are quite capable of safely choosing where and how to fly all by their little old selves.....
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Originally Posted By: Turk
Originally Posted By: Trajan
Originally Posted By: Turk
Israel is stepping up their Air Defense Systems.

So, something's gotta be going on...


C'mon, man, do I have to wash your windshield too??

Would you? I don't have enough Windex due to the increased threat level of dirt.
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Originally Posted By: Trajan
Originally Posted By: Turk
Originally Posted By: Trajan
Originally Posted By: Turk
Israel is stepping up their Air Defense Systems.

So, something's gotta be going on...


C'mon, man, do I have to wash your windshield too??

Would you? I don't have enough Windex due to the increased threat level of dirt.

Ok, at your service.
The fact that Israel is on high alert, makes me wonder, are they going to get their own 9/11 which would help further the accomplishment of the police state there and solidify the power of the existing extremists in power. After all 9/11 mostly benefited the military industrial complex and helped to seriously damaged our Constitutional Rights, and create the monster we know as the NSA. It didn't do squat for the arabs or muslims if anything it has only made things worse for them all. Who benefits.
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Thickens? Freescale announced their employees on their plane the day after it happened. And FYI, they make chips for MANY fields. I wouldn't call them a Defence/Ewar company any more than say, Texas Instruments or Qualcomm.
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