JASO Wet Clutch Additive?

Auto Oil is serviceable... ride as is...

There is no such thing as "for wet clutch" oil... given that motorcycles are small
part of the main oil market share our motorcycle oil is chiefly reformulated Auto
oil... In fact we don't find sufficient differences in additive package between
Mobil 1 Auto (80% market share) or Mobil 1 4T MC (10% market share)...
However due to low quantities major difference is cost...

Here are virgin oil samples of $4.89 a quart Mobil 1 Auto Oil 10W40
and $9.98 a quart Mobil 4T Motorcycle specific oil... the additive packages
are so similar that our wet clutch wouldn't know the difference...

Technically speaking mileage not additives is the cause of our clutches to loose

Mobil has no auto 10w40 oil with that zinc content and haven't had 1800 ppm zinc in the 10w40 4T oil for a decade. Same thing, different day posting results from the past that have no bearing in 2024.
That’s like saying people that tested negative for aids don’t have aids and people that didn’t get tested are considered to have aids.

This test has been around for ages, by now we should know what specific attributes/additives or whatever else makes an oil wet clutch compatible. Yet we don’t.
And the virgin oil analysis of the so called motorcycle oils don’t look any different than an equivalent car oils.
See my post above. Don't take the bait with BLS and his ancient oil analysis comparison. Those oils haven't been available for a long time with those formulations. It's misinformation and misleading unless the analysis has date of the oil samples to back it up, which he doesn't provide dates or it would be clear it's irrelevant info.
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