Interesting Views

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Originally Posted By: Mickey
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
The Emperor's new clothes.

I take it you're the Duke of Oil.


I'm just a simple man making my way through the universe - Jango Fett
Originally Posted By: Mickey
Originally Posted By: buster
Mickey ....

No way.

Once we get the juvenile shenanigans under control, we'll pick it back up.


Rolf = mickey or Mickey HUH?

No capital M for mori.

This is the strangest thread I ever saw on this site..............
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
Originally Posted By: Rolf
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
Some truths are more equal than others.

Certainly if you're selling something.


It usually helps if there a data point or two.


(Witchhazel pause)

Thought you might enjoy this.
I haven't been around long enough to know what all the fuss is about, but the discussion sounds interesting. FWIW, I'd prefer anyone with a feisty difference of opinion not leave.
It's just babbling by a guy who sounds like a first year philosophy student, or perhaps one who recently attended some kind of seminar, trying to impress people.
Julian, glad to see you could make it. Type until your fingers and our eyes bleed! Have a go at it!
Originally Posted By: MarkC
It's just babbling by a guy who sounds like a first year philosophy student, or perhaps one who recently attended some kind of seminar, trying to impress people.

My point is some aren't deep enough to realize how shallow they are.
Originally Posted By: Julian
How about 20 questions, my treat? Can I PM you again?

Now why would you want to do that? Please don't strain our current relationship.
Do you want to play or not? I'll play in public; if we PM, I'm going to send a copy to Gary. I'll bet you'll never guess what it is...
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