Interesting Views

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Originally Posted By: JHZR2
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
"Demanding hard data and incontrovertible proof drives them right up the wall"

I believe the hard data that one member here showed us a while back. Never received any hard data to refute it, only a scathing, ugly, bitter, revengeful campaign to censor it.

But look at who is still around and what happened as a result of that...

Banned twice? 3rd times a charm?
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
It usually helps if there a data point or two.

That *is* an Amsoil logo as your avatar, isn't it?

Doesn't Amsoil have something to do with selling stuff?

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Originally Posted By: Rolf
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
Banned twice? 3rd times a charm?

I am sure *someone* will miss you.


We didn't miss you Mickey R Mouse.

Originally Posted By: Rolf
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
It usually helps if there a data point or two.

That *is* an Amsoil logo as your avatar, isn't it?

Doesn't Amsoil have something to do with selling stuff?


..and this fact has what to do with what discussion and how it effected or altered my input into it??

Is that a senselessly full of yourself antagonist narcissistic tone I see?
Originally Posted By: Rolf
"Pascal begins with the premise that the existence or non-existence of God is not provable by human reason, since the essence of God is "infinitely incomprehensible". Since reason cannot decide the question, one must "wager", either by guessing or making a leap of faith. Agnosticism on this point is not possible, in Pascal's view, for we are already "embarked", effectively living out our choice."

Interesting line of thought. But if it's not possible to be agnostic, how do I determine what I actually believe?
rpn453 But if it's not possible to be agnostic said:
Trial and error, essentially. Start looking around, there is a multitude of belief systems. Randomly pick up books at the used bookstore on various systems and see if they resonate (make sense) with you. Reason through what they present at the surface level to find the underlying assumptions and see if they are compatible with your beliefs (I suspect you will find some activity there). Check out the Belief-o-Matic test on

Like anything else in life, it is a process, a journey, not a result that you hit right off the bat. Your talents include logic, and a perception and value system. Feel free to use them as YOU see fit. Don't be bullied by loud, rightous fear mongers. In my value system, the people with real knowledge speak quietly, the content does the job.
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
..and this fact has what to do with what discussion and how it effected or altered my input into it??

You asked for a data point for points of view for folks selling stuff.

I take it you sell, are a shill for, peddle, vend, or belong to a pyramid scheme vis a vis Amsoil?

Or is that your family crest?

Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
Is that a senselessly full of yourself antagonist narcissistic tone I see?

You seem to be a bit short on facts and a bit long on allegations.

Why not wait until you can assemble some sort of actual argument propped by a couple of facts or more before venturing forth?

Originally Posted By: rpn453
Interesting line of thought. But if it's not possible to be agnostic, how do I determine what I actually believe?

Well, Pascal argues a belief in God makes sense.

Like motor oil, there's a lot of brands to choose from.

I tend to go with results.

Originally Posted By: Tempest
Pascal basically breaks ID down to the laws of quantum physics.

More and more scientists are currently doing the same.
Not that it matters but I really look forward to your posts Rolf. It's fun watching someone challenge the elitist and arrogant members who believe they are always right. Keep it up, you have a few fans out here in the cyberoutlands...
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
No ..I'll just heckle the narcissist.

Then you won't be needing us .... just yourself and a mirror.

Then you won't be needing us

The only "us" that I see is "u", kemo sabe.

..but I'll leave you in peace your perfection ..
Thanks for the link, TMW. I suppose I could be classified as a Secular Humanist according to the test and the explanation of that term. They claim that "most Humanists are atheists or agnostics", so it seems they may not agree with Pascal on the existence of religious agnosticism.

I will continue to try to learn as much as I can as I go!

Originally Posted By: Rolf
Well, Pascal argues a belief in God makes sense.

But why must you wager at all? How are we already "embarked"?
Originally Posted By: rpn453
But why must you wager at all? How are we already "embarked"?

You're not alive?

If you are, you're on the journey to either oblivion or the undiscovered country.

Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
I believe the hard data that one member here showed us a while back.

Ya know, I asked for some hard data, and got a disappearance.

Why am I not surprised?

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