I think Mobil 1 may suck after all!

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Oct 11, 2002
Colorado Springs
Well, for about the first week of having Mobil 1 in my car, it didn't really have all that much more cold start noise, but this past week, it has been progressivly getting louder and louder. So, I removed my oil filter (purolator) after the car sat overnight, and it was completely dry. Now, I've done this before several times with dino, and purolator filters never bleed down with dino. So, I installed another purolator, and removed it 10 minutes after I shut my car off, no oil whatsoever in the filter. And I mean my car is LOUD when I've been starting it like that (no oil in filter) So, I said screw it, bought two more filters and some penz 5w-30 High Mileage, and repeated all the testing, and each and every time, the filter was full of oil, even after sitting overnight. Perhaps Mobil 1 is so thin it can just escape the ADBV and that is what's contributing to people's cold start knock with Mobil 1
All I can say now is that I've changed my mind once again to being negative about Mobil 1. My car is just way too sensative as far as having oil in the filter at startup. It sounds worse than my Grand Am did! Oh, and I tried the Fram Sure Drain, and hate it
It sticks out way too far for my liking and it takes about 20 freakin minutes to drain just to the point where it is starting to drip instead of a steady stream of oil. I can change my oil with the drain plug in under 10 minutes!
My son's Nissan has some startup rattle with M1 10W-30 but it was far worse with Pennzoil HM 10W-30. I know it's not filter drainback, it has an upright filter on a remote. The lines do need to get filled at startup though.

The previous owner complained about the startup rattle with all varieties of dino he tried too, and that was with a stock filter in the stock location.

M1 does leak readily through any seal that's not tight. It's been that way for 20+ years...

[ December 12, 2003, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: jsharp ]
I wouldn't worry about it. There is no problems with M1 otherwise it wouldn't be in my vehicles.

The vehicle has problems not the oil. Sometimes its hard to admit that but thats the way it is. You will notice more noise with synthetics. You can try putting a little 15-50, 150 ml or so and see what that does.

Daily Drives:
-2003 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner XtraCab, Impulse Red, Peppy 2.7 Liter 4 Banger, Running Mobil1 Synthetics SS 5W-30.
ODO 6400 Miles.
-1995 Toyota 4-Runner, Evergreen, 3.0 V6, Running Mobil1 Synthetic SS 10W-30.
ODO 82200 Miles. (Switching to GC next)Nope sticking with M1.
Trust me, there is nothing wrong with the car. Perhaps the first purolator I used when initially installing Mobil 1 had a bad ADBV. However, a second brand new filter bled down with Mobil 1 10 minutes after shutting the engine off. Dino stays in the filter overnight.
I'll just stick with dino I think from this point on, because dino coupled with a regular purolator gives me whisper quiet starts everytime.

Originally posted by sbc350gearhead:
Have you thought about using a filter with a silicone adbv? My camry is very sensitive to ADBV's in various filters.

I've actually tried using Napa Gold filters, and they give me more start-up noise than purolators
Drew, I thought you put Amsoil in your car? Or is this another car?

Here's how you can make your life much simpler, just put the Amsoil in and drive. Use an Amsoil filter also.

Life is too short to worry about such things.

No harm meant!
See you around town!

I don't pretend to understand why M1 would leave a dry filter. Why would a dino enter the filter and a synthetic not?
However, there seems to be some threads and analysis here that suggest M1 is not as effective for the money as some other oils. But this problem I've never heard of before.

I actually noticed the reverse happening in my '89 Supra where the oil filter points down about 15 degrees. After monitoring this with different oils and filters over the years, my unscientific conclusion is it's the variability of the ADBV in different filters of the same brand, type and size. The silcone ADBV seem to be better overall, but I still found some of these leaked too. Maybe the manufacturing processes aren't six-sigma approved.

I've actually tried using Napa Gold filters, and they give me more start-up noise than purolators

There is your answer, its the filters. Try a different brand and make sure its not actually a Purolator in disguise. Maybe a SuperTech??

I agree, this is strange and I would be trying different filters and not oil. When you say the filter is dry, elborate. No oil in the filter or no oil was ever been in the filter? Believe me that oil is not that smart to be playing games with you like this.

Valve trains noise is almost always related the the oil filter Anti drain back valve or the lack of one. Get a filter with one and try that.


[ December 12, 2003, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]
I had the same cold start rattle with M1 10W-30 in my 94 T-Bird 4.6 SOHC motor. With M1 the SOHC also used oil like crazy. I had the startup rattle also with Castrol GTX 10W-30.

After switching to Amsoil S2K 0W-30 the noise immediately and completely went away. I also only use Motorcraft filters in Fords. They are an excellent filter built to Ford specs.
Alex D,

You changed the filter each time you changed to a different oil, correct? Did you use Motorcraft filters of the same manufacturing lot?

The poorly described point I was trying to make is no two filters are identical, even if they are the same brand, type and size. Then you have the synergistic effect of any particular filter, with any particular oil, with any particular car. In other words, you have at least 3 variables and a small sample size.

It may well be like UOA, you have to find the combination that works for you and your particular vehicle.
Drew99GT, you've gone off the deep end and there is no comming back for you.
Drew99GT, I told you to use the heavy commercial grade tin foil. THe governments mind control waves are penatrateing you thin tin foil helmet. Double it up right away. The "MAN" is trying to keep you down by subverting your focus. You must keep your eye's on the Mobil1 bottle. Ignore sirens songs call you away from M1!!!!


Originally posted by JohnBrowning:
Drew99GT, I told you to use the heavy commercial grade tin foil. THe governments mind control waves are penatrateing you thin tin foil helmet. Double it up right away. The "MAN" is trying to keep you down by subverting your focus. You must keep your eye's on the Mobil1 bottle. Ignore sirens songs call you away from M1!!!!


This may be of some help.


Well, now I've changed my mind again. I just re-installed Mobil 1 and I like it now
I had one cold start with pennzoil that gave me a lot of noise. Pennzoil sucks
Oh, and I keep getting vibes that George W Bush is the best president the US has ever had and I must vote for him or I will be struck by lightning
Drew99Gt a healthy does of testosterone can ellivate alot of the indesiseviness you are experinceing.

P.S. If you have ben exposed to any femi-nazi's or frequently exposed to single liberal females then an imediate intervension is required!

Good sport all in fun!!!!

Drew, most of the problems that people have with Mobil 1 is due to it's fuell efficient, thin viscosity of the oil. Unless it's having an effect on wear, it's really not an issue.
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