help me pick a HPL Oil

I went with the regular HPL PCMO since most of my driving currently is in the highway. I did thought of getting the Premium PCMO which is stated at the website for extended drains intervals in harsh/severe service , tells me its more suited for heavy duty or lots of city driving.

I looked at their more expensive options which end up making me scratching my head though I'm a firm believer you get what you pay for, coming from a manufacturing background. Going overkill on the more expensive selection may end up being a waste of money on my use case though I would find them ideal if my vehicle did a lotta stop and go city driving and lots of idle time.
TBH, no clue. I'm not sure what the facination here on BITOG with the no-VII thing is but hey, whatever floats folks' boats...I've thought about trying it in my son's car. Seems like the high-quality VIIs in the Euro blends they make should work in any application where maintaining viscosity is critical. Basically my HPL Euro 5W40 has a higher HTHS than any of their no-VII line so take your pick...reducing visosity shearing (that is really low-to-no anyway with their oils) or have more HTHS which to me is more important. I'm not sure what HPL/Dave would actually recommend the no-VII for w/r to application vs. these Euro or Super car oils?
I have to agree with you here Ti, that the No VII is probably never really needed in most applications, but because it’s “there”, it’s intriguing. However, HPL already uses the minimum amount of VIIs in their “regular” oils, and Dave has conveyed they use the latest and greatest shear-stable VIIs, so I concur: the No VII is a niche oil in an already tiny niche (oils that exceed the needs of nearly every automotive engine on the planet), and there are some white papers from academia that imply a small amount of VII is actually beneficial for friction reduction.

I do use the No VII in my EcoBoost (and 2.0 DI Duratec) to give the turbos and cam phasers the very best protection, but Dave did tell me it’s not really warranted; their regular oils already provide more protection than needed (see @wwillson and his incredible OCIs on the CK4 series oils). I guess if you really boil it down, I buy and use it to show my appreciation to HPL for blending up essentially bespoke oils for our group of oil nerds.

TL;DR: I trust whatever equipment I’m putting HPL in to Dave’s recommendations- he’s obviously got a vested interest in making sure his customers are satisfied and protected, so he’s not going to sell you short on the recommendation, but he’s also not going to sell you a more expensive oil than needed.

Happy customers’ word of mouth is by far the most effective advertising plan.
I have ordered HPL before and just made another order (with the BITOG discount) from this site:

But when looking for the site this time I first stumbled upon a different one with HPL in their name? Could this be a totally different company or the "racing side of HPL? Anyone know or seen this one?
It’s been covered multiple times in several threads here. The latter site is a custom blended oil line for Harry Hruska, founder and former owner of Precision Turbo. It’s more targeted for customers of Harry’s custom engines & turbos. is the one you want. 👍🏻
I have to agree with you here Ti, that the No VII is probably never really needed in most applications, but because it’s “there”, it’s intriguing. However, HPL already uses the minimum amount of VIIs in their “regular” oils, and Dave has conveyed they use the latest and greatest shear-stable VIIs, so I concur: the No VII is a niche oil in an already tiny niche (oils that exceed the needs of nearly every automotive engine on the planet), and there are some white papers from academia that imply a small amount of VII is actually beneficial for friction reduction.

I do use the No VII in my EcoBoost (and 2.0 DI Duratec) to give the turbos and cam phasers the very best protection, but Dave did tell me it’s not really warranted; their regular oils already provide more protection than needed (see @wwillson and his incredible OCIs on the CK4 series oils). I guess if you really boil it down, I buy and use it to show my appreciation to HPL for blending up essentially bespoke oils for our group of oil nerds.

TL;DR: I trust whatever equipment I’m putting HPL in to Dave’s recommendations- he’s obviously got a vested interest in making sure his customers are satisfied and protected, so he’s not going to sell you short on the recommendation, but he’s also not going to sell you a more expensive oil than needed.

Happy customers’ word of mouth is by far the most effective advertising plan.
That's what I'm getting at's so folks can say "I run a no-VII special oil bro" ahahhaah j/k but you get my point. It's something cool to run if you want that nobody really has. I've seen min. viscosity drop not related to a bit of fuel using the HPL Euro 5W40 with significant time spend in the 270+ oil temp realm on a high strong 200hp/L engine. The Star VIIs are good.
I have ordered HPL before and just made another order (with the BITOG discount) from this site:

But when looking for the site this time I first stumbled upon a different one with HPL in their name? Could this be a totally different company or the "racing side of HPL? Anyone know or seen this one?
Has been discussed several times, the confusion with the "hploil" company, which is owned by the Precision Turbo guy. David produces their oils too, but they are not developed by Dr. Rudnick, they are to the specs set by the folks at Precision Turbo. Kind of like Mobil making TGMO for Toyota, to Toyota's specs.

If your interest is in the HPL that sponsors this board, then the advlubrication site is the correct one.
I believe most of the interest in the No VII oils are the Dexos1 Gen 2 / 3 designations on popular viscosities and the oil category's tendency to absorb / curb dilution-effects. If that's not enough, then the added qualities / groups of multiple base oils used, could give some bitoger addicts big grins eating their Cheerios in the morning.

I mean - I'll bet their are some Bitogers that take their bowl of Cheerios outside to their vehicle and need to put their spoons and half-eaten bowls down on the engine, to check their dipstick oil with their napkins.
I believe most of the interest in the No VII oils are the Dexos1 Gen 3 designations on popular viscosities and the oil category's tendency to absorb / curb dilution-effects. If that's not enough, then the added qualities / groups of multiple base oils used, could give some bitoger addicts big grins eating their Cheerios in the morning.

I mean - I'll bet their are some Bitogers that take their bowl of Cheerios outside to their vehicle and need to put their spoons and half-eaten bowls down on the engine, to check their dipstick oil with their napkins.
I literally posted same time I wouldn’t have otherwise
the PCMO 5w-40 HTHS is the main reason for the 5w-40 over the 5w-30.

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Has been discussed several times, the confusion with the "hploil" company, which is owned by the Precision Turbo guy. David produces their oils too, but they are not developed by Dr. Rudnick, they are to the specs set by the folks at Precision Turbo. Kind of like Mobil making TGMO for Toyota, to Toyota's specs.

If your interest is in the HPL that sponsors this board, then the advlubrication site is the correct one.
Thanks. Either missed or forgot that talk of the hploil site. Things been bit fuzzy here. Certainly don't need any racing products at this point. Spent half of Nov + first half of Dec in hospital. Ugh. Happy to say I got the BITOG discount on my 2nd order from the right place.:) I just found I like everything people have shared about the company, HPL + owner.
No VII has no viscosity index improvers to shear down. Don’t know about the Honda, but the LS won’t be hard on oil.

I ran 0w40 in my Pentastars with VVT in the dead of a Chicago winter and couldn’t tell a difference. Currently using HPL’s Supercar 0w20 until my truck is out of warranty then it too will be going back to 0w40.
How long did you run 0W40 in a Pentastar and why stop ?
(asking for a friend 😷)