Good low/no carb foods

My wife started keto and wants me to join her. She is following no crab diet because she is experiencing menopause and thinks the diet changes helps with the menopausal symptoms. I hope it'll help her, cause our relationships has worsened because of her mood changes. Our sex life also suffered. However, when she uses Premarin Cream it helps at least with sex. Hope the diet will help her to feel normal.
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WalMart Dark Chocolate chips are about twice the fiber of the other brands. It's my cheat sweet.
My wife started keto and wants me to join her. She is following no crab diet because she is experiencing menopause and thinks the diet changes helps with the menopausal symptoms. I hope it'll help her, cause our relationships has worsened because of her mood changes. Our sex life also suffered. However, when she uses Premarin Cream it helps at least with sex. Hope the diet will help her to feel normal.
I’ve decided I’m going to go either real low carbs or no carbs to help lose more weight. I’ve been enjoying more vegetables; and I actually like them more than I thought. I drink a lot of water throughout the day all the time also. Cutting way back on beer too since they have carbs and sugar.

Thank You folks

You will be rewarded many times over for your efforts to improve your health.
I've changed my way of eating many times over the years.
I'm getting it down to foods such as legumes, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, shellfish, and grass fed beef liver 1x a week.

The soluble fiber in legumes detoxifies the bile and the GI tract if eaten every day.
I currently eat 3MAD but I may go back to 2MAD bum bye.

I don't eat much fruit. If I gorge on fruit I don't feel too well.
I do a relatively low carb daily smoothie with maybe 1 date and a few berries, a carrot, 1/2 an avocado, some raw organic beet, almond milk, and coconut.
I have no problems with safe starches such as beans, potatoes, taro, and yuca but I eat lots of low carb vegs like lettuce and cruciferous vegs.
I decided to go low carb 2 months ago and is gotten me from being pre-diabetic to losing between 20 to 30 pounds and feeling amazing. My two biggest influences have been Dr. Paul Saladino and Dr. Eric Berg.

My diet primarily consists of grass fed and finished beef, pasture raised eggs, butter, minimal ingredient bacon, locally sourced honey, organic lemons that I eat whole, organic apple cider vinegar that I mixed with water, kefir, goat cheese, and a variety of organic nutritional supplements. That's not all but that is what I would say constitutes my primary daily diet items.
Is that a matter of preference as to what's TMI?
The dude felt like telling people about his situation at home.
If it meant a lot to him, but meant little to nothing to you, why not just refrain from replying to him?
First, I'd ask myself what's my baseline body composition? What's a good body fat percentage for me and what's my body weight at that body fat percentage? Let's say I'm currently at 25% body fat and I'd like to be at 17% where I once was. Lets say I need to lose 15lbs to get to my goal. 1 lbs of fat contains 3,500 kcal. That means I must burn 15x3,500 kcal or 52,500 kcal.

In order to burn body fat you must burn more calories than you take in. Let's say you need 2,500 kcal a day. You reduce your caloric intake to 1,500 kcal per day. You should roughly burn one pound of body fat every 3.5 days.

This works for people with a properly functioning metabolism. For those who have metabolic issues it gets a lot more complicated and they need to pay great attention to what they eat, when they eat, and how often they eat.

Low carb is certainly effective but so poorly defined that the term is meaningless without a number attached to it. I know people to whom 200 g carbs a day is low carb. For others 50g could be to much and will make weight loss impossible. I'd say start with no more than 50g of carbs a day. Over time you can assess how many carbs you can consume without gaining weight.

I'm certainly not against a good amount of protein and fat but you can overdo both. If you have kidney issues you should consult a nephrologist and a dietician as kidney damage causes clearing issues of protein that become eventually very serious.

No-carb foods are animal and plant protein and fat, and undigestible fibers. Look into konjac. Vegetables are mostly made from carbs but since they consist mostly of water they are, with some exceptions, simply not carb-dense. An example of a 0-carb food would be konjac.

Another thing: Don't starve yourself in an effort to lose weight. Your body is smart and will push your metabolism into energy conservation mode, making weight loss difficult.

Increased physical activity will boost your metabolism. Run 15 minutes every day. It will make a difference.

One more thing. If you are trying to lose weight, it's easier if your pancreas doesn't secrete insulin all day long. With intermittent fasting, shoot for at least 14 hours fasting during every 24-hour period, you are not exposed to the same quantities of insulin as if you were eating every couple hours. Insulin makes you store excess blood sugar as body fat. You will actually use your blood sugar up as energy source and after about 12 hours you will dip into your body fat for energy. That's why intermittent fasting can lead to consistent weight loss.
I lost 50lbs when i had my stroke, therapy was brutal every day in hospital was the same. small things like wiping my own butt major accomplishment. So my Internist was NOT happy with 50 lb loss, claimed i must be depressed or something, i was burning calories but he would not listen !! I recently fired that doctor and found a Woman Doctor i really like, she actually listened to me was happy with my weight and BMI and convinced me at 75 to get a pneumonia shot, your mileage may differ
I have noticed that Wal Mart now carries a few low carb dog buns and hamburger buns...I tried the has like 4 net cards per slice and it makes great toast with some real butter on it....