Do your pets 'talk' to you?

Jun 12, 2004
Athens, GA
I'm not talking about playful barking or meowing that most all pets do. I'm talking about noises that their species normally don't make.

Our loveable mutt Maizey is one of those 'vocal' dogs. She makes noises that you don't hear very often and each of them has their own meaning.

We've been trying to capture them on video for a while now, but short of running a camera 24/7 they're hard to get. The wife managed to catch one last night and sent it to me (Sorry for the crap video, it was an MMS and I'll never remember to get her to send a good copy of it).

This is doggo wanting us to know that she's still here and we need to at least acknowledge her. You can see when my wife asks her what she wants, she gives a 'nothing, I'm just still here look'.

There's another one she does, usually when I wake up in the afternoons to get ready for work after she's been home with the wife all day. That one is her 'I'm glad dad's awake, mom is boring' one, right before she runs down the hall and tries to flatten me.
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My cats don't vocalize in a human voice but my friend's cat says something that sounds suspiciously close to "Hello." I also know dogs that seem to say words.
Mine doesn't "talk", or make any special sounds. But every so often he will sit on the floor and stare directly at me for several minutes uninterrupted. It took me a while to figure it out, but it means he wants me to come down on the floor, "in his world", and play and be with him.

I do it because I can tell by his expressions that it's really important to him. As soon as I do he gets all excited and lays down next to me, rolls around, and squashes himself up against me . He just wants attention, and to be close, and petted. So I give it to him.

In many ways it's good for me too. Because I think about him, and not all the other junk that occupies my mind at times. So it ends up being good therapy for the both of us.
My avatar girl Georgia was a big talker...she would lay in the middle of my mom's kitchen and dictate who did what the whole day.
My mother was homebound and very ill for 5 years and I was her sole caretaker.

Her only surviving sibling would visit a few times a week and overstay her welcome according to Georgia so she would start to grumble and complain and it was obvious that she was saying... it's time to go and don't make me throw you out...

All visitors got the talking treatment and they all tried to interact with the boss dog.

Everyone is gone now including Georgia but she made the bad days bearable. She stayed by my father's side when he passed and yes she ran the show too..

Her engraved picture is actually on my parents tombstone and I buried her ashes with my mother and a picture of her is in my father's hand. She was a rescue I got for them. A wonderful soul she was.
I have four dogs and one is a Border Collie/Heeler mix. She not only talks, she could be on the high school debate team. 🐶
Red cactus-1.jpeg
My Pitbull makes the "wooing" talk sounds like most of them do. She woos at me specifically at the same time every night letting me know it is time to go to bed. She also has a different welcoming "woo" when we arrive back home from an outing. So yes I would say she talks to us with certain "wooing" patterns.
My Pitbull makes the "wooing" talk sounds like most of them do. She woos at me specifically at the same time every night letting me know it is time to go to bed. She also has a different welcoming "woo" when we arrive back home from an outing. So yes I would say she talks to us with certain "wooing" patterns.
Yea, we think that is part of Maizey's 'talk' as well. We're pretty sure she's a small part pittie, and god knows what else.

Makes for an interesting 4 legged walking doofus though.
The Kiffness on Lonely Cat x Sometimes I am alone (singing cat).

I enjoyed this piece a lot. My dog and I communicate with eye contact mostly. Don't need to talk much between us.
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My cat Gracie is now 8 months old and talks to me in her own way all the time. I got her as a stray when she was 2 months old. Have never heard her purr which I find odd.
My Pitbull makes the "wooing" talk sounds like most of them do. She woos at me specifically at the same time every night letting me know it is time to go to bed. She also has a different welcoming "woo" when we arrive back home from an outing. So yes I would say she talks to us with certain "wooing" patterns.
Yes, I agree. My former employer, a.k.a. wife, has a beautiful ‘pitty, and I just love her personality and talking.
I think so. There's certain sounds one of our dogs make that almost sounds like mocking us. I'm sure it's learned behavior from how we talk. I think it would be naive to think they wouldn't try and find a way to communicate with us.
My cat Gracie is now 8 months old and talks to me in her own way all the time. I got her as a stray when she was 2 months old. Have never heard her purr which I find odd.
I've had cats that purr loud and cats I've never heard purr. What I find so interesting about purring is that there's no real scientific answer about what purring means, but most of us interpret it as happiness or comfort. I do think that's true, but what I find interesting is how much personality an animal has and I've never encountered 2 that act completely the same. I have two 2 dogs now and 4 cats and that's pretty normal for our house. We absolutely love animals.
My sweet lab girl Dixie cries a lot whenever she isn’t getting attention lol. She loves attention. She also knows she must shake to get treats that’s kind of her way of saying ok I’m good doggy now give me treats lol. She is always very vocal to the neighbors too and barks her head off at them lol. Here she is taking guard on her pillow haha. I love my sweet girl. She will be 6 in August. She always acts like a guard dog around the family which I’ve been told isn’t normal for a purebred lab but she just loves her family haha.
Is this thread about pets vocalizing in something sounding like a human voice or is this about pets making vocalizations that you interpret as communication or as expressions of emotions/feelings of your pet? If its the latter, don't most mammals and birds do that?
Is this thread about pets vocalizing in something sounding like a human voice or is this about pets making vocalizations that you interpret as communication or as expressions of emotions/feelings of your pet? If its the latter, don't most mammals and birds do that?
It's about whatever. Mainly just a reason to talk about our pets doing goofy pet things. No need to overanalyze it.
Yes, Simba talks to me all the time. It's more sign/behavior language. I don't think his communication is any different than any other animal.

Since I'm the snack bar manager, he'll look at me then look towards the counter where his treats are kept. Yes, I give in all the time.

He'll stand near his bowls and look at us to let us know one or more of his bowls are empty.

He'll rattle the vertical blinds at the back door when he wants to go out.
