Do you enjoy any winter activities?

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Mar 17, 2008
With winter here in Michigan I wondered if many Bitog members enjoyed winter activities like: ice fishing, skiing, snow shoeing, snowmobiling etc..

I don't. I like staying warm in the house!
Sure do! Snowboard all the way and recently I found the fun that a Fatbike can be! Last night I spent waaaay to long pushing carbide/AL studs into my fatbike tires. Man my hand is sore. Going to test em out later today when the sun is shining and the temps reach 2 digits
When I was younger I'd be outside all day sledding, and in my teens I rode ATVs in the snow with friends for hours. Now I enjoy snowblowing driveways in my neighborhood but that is about all the winter I can take.
I enjoy stepping out onto the deck and retrieving a few pieces of split oak firewood and placing them into the wood burning stove while a commercial is playing during the bowl game I happen to be watching.
I like to roll up my shirtsleaves and then walk into my classroom full of shivering Taiwanese students (in parka's, with the fur lined hoods up) and fling the windows wide open.
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Ice hockey! Probably the only thing...with a fire going nearby. Lately though, I just think about moving somewhere warmer.
Photography, snowplowing, and running a wood stove.

I also perversely enjoy fixing stuff "under the gun" of bad weather. It's not that I wait or am lazy but I get surprised just the same. Just mended the phone line coming into my house at -10'F. The insulation on the old junky wire was flaking off in crusty chunks!

When I was younger and poorer I was given a free snowblower and I was fixing that stupid thing in a snowbank, dropping bolts into the snow, etc and thawing them in my pockets.
Originally Posted By: ThankYouma
Is working considered a winter activity?

It depends on the amount of lifting you need to do.
Originally Posted By: Ducked
I like to roll up my shirtsleaves and then walk into my classroom full of shivering Taiwanese students (in parka's, with the fur lined hoods up) and fling the windows wide open.

Might have to stop that though

In the land of Mordor, where the shadows lie

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I used to get on my dirt bike (Honda CR500) and pull my brother on a skateboard deck when we'd get snow.
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