Did i buy a fake ? Shell experts please shime in

Jan 3, 2020
I just bought this but am surprised at the spelling mistake on the jug. It should say "synthèse" and not "synthès" and "naturel" instead of "naturele". Is it indicative of a fake ? I bought it at Super U, a major supermarket here. Here's a pic from the Shell website as well.
I checked the QR code and it brings me to the Shell Helix Ultra page on the Shell website. I compared it with another jug i have that is one year old before they made the New packaging showing "Pureplus" and everything is identical, even the molded letters.
If that turns out to be real then it’s a huge embarrassment to Shell for letting stuff like that slip through. If they can’t get the spelling right then what else are they slacking off on?
I find it interesting that if the jug is fake, why did they add “Concue A Partir de Gas Naturele “ which means “ Made from Natural Gas”.

I am betting they changed printers for labels and the printers hired a “bête” to make the computerized label.

Tabernacle !
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Looks like many French "translations" we find in Canada. Just poor. Still, even with the typo this one makes sense, I couldn't say the same for many many packagings here in Canada...

Also very embarrassing for a product with a label stating "made in France".

or a printing typo with the final E jumping from one line to the other?
The plastic, molded bottle looks almost identical to the one shown in the marketing image. Most counterfeiters won't go to the trouble of cloning a fairly unique bottle design as well. Go to another store and check their bottles and see if the same spelling mistake is on them too.
Sadly, spelling and grammar errors are more common than ever, which is surprising considering how much more people communicate through writing with texting and technology, these days. You can see it at its worst in the news media.

As an educator, we teach Habits of the Mind to our students. One of them is "Communicating with precision and accuracy." This is needed now more than ever, and it is important for students to realize that accuracy and precision are not just expected in the content, but in the communication itself, in the form of proper speech, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It is a worthy effort, I believe.

If I ran a company, I would be sorely embarrassed by something like this and some folks would be helped in a way that made sure it didn't happen again.
The over-5000-store company I work for has had a grammar error printed on every bag and wall for years now. It's a sad reality.

Yes the Valvoline Dex/Merc thing made me laugh. I reported it through our system at work. And I suspect a few other people here or elsewhere reported it because they fixed it. The label is correct now.