Daylight Savings Time - Yes or No?

I think the whole thing is pretty silly. I have a variable schedule and I’m often getting up at different times and bouncing between time zones so it doesn’t bother me but it still seems pointless to me and to do more harm than good.

Was just wondering what others thought.
I assume most people want more daylight in the evening and that includes me.

When I lived in Tampa years ago and we had less daylight in the summer compared to where I'm at now in Ohio. So keep in mind there's a difference depending where you live.

The kiddos walking in the dark to school seems to be the scaremonger. The new TV news trend is sleep experts saying it's best to have less light in the evening.
My 6 year old daughter is non-verbal autistic. She has a set routine, and that routine is set to her biological clock, not the clock on the wall. Every DST change, it takes about 2 weeks to get her adjusted. Everything in her routine, from the time she wakes to the time she goes to bed, is thrown off by an hour. We've already had 2 meltdowns today because to her, she was woken up an hour too early and had to eat breakfast an hour too early. To the representatives who stalled and shelved the DST bill last year, I hope the fleas of a thousand camels forever infest their pubic hairs.

Go on DST and stay there.