Cruise control broken on every vehicle I drive?

My oldest car is 36 currently and the CC works just fine. But I am sure there are plenty of older cars out there too where it works also.
I use cruise control at every opportunity, get to 8 over and set the cruise. no matter the scenario. I want to go as fast as I can without getting a ticket and stay there. its obvious to me most people don't use their cruise. because anytime I start to pass them, they speed up. I know its not me because my cruise has been set for miles before that.
My cruise in the Gen Coupe will turn on but not set sometimes. I have to give the brakes a quick jab as part of the switch is stuck.
Oddly (maybe not), we had two GM M-Body vans that had cruise control issues since new. No resolution with either. My understanding is that cruise control issues like these were common with pickups too.

Never had a problem in any car which had cruise.
Nice to have on the open interstate and I use it there all the time.
Not really. I'd imagine it kicks off anytime you hit the brake pedal or clutch
Ya'd think that...

Had a 2011 Camry with a stick (shocker I know). One day I set cruise then kicked the clutch and shifted to neutral. Engine started rev'ing up once I lost some speed. So not ALL cars have a neutral switch to kick out cruise. Maybe most or at least some, and of course, stickshift is a thing of the past now it seems, so not much of an issue.

Don't recall on my VW. On that, I want to say it would kick out if I hit the clutch, but it's been a long time since I owned it.
Never had a an issue in 30 yrs. Recently got a VW Passat with Adaptive Cruise and it works great. I am not a big tech person but I like the Adaptive Crusie