Cleaning Plastic Headlamps of Corrosion

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(Quote)I don't know how the quoting got screwed up like that, but anyways...don't discount something that can ruin the lenses? I thought you mentioned common sense in your previous post?(Quote)

Explain to me and give facts (not your opion)as to just how a water based acrylic can harm the lenses.

I have the facts on my lenses, granted there are other ways to do this but my way also works hether you sir believe it or not.

I used common sense, what are using, oponion?
Stabil is about 95% naphtha solvents according to the MSDS, not to mention that solvent is not water soluble. 70-80% of MMO is the same, according to that MSDS. Also, 20-30% of MMO is mineral spirits which are generally cleaning solvents, and effective at that task. They get used to clean and degrease machines. MMO also contains a tiny bit of chlorinated hydrocarbons. Mmm chlorine. There are also the unknowns in each. I'm sure it works. What's a little oxidation on plastic compared to grease and oil?
OK I'll give you that about Stabil & MMO on the lenses.

I'm not the one suggesting that, or supporting it.

We seem to be discussing this without realizing where we're each coming from.
Put Future floor polish, er, acrylic sealant, on the headlights after you're done. That stuff works very nicely for filling in the small crevices left behind after sanding and from general wear.
i was just gonna open a topic on plastiXmy buddy and I just did his car today with a 20 dollar kit with a wheel that goes on a drill. I was very shocked this stuff is AWESOME. I wish I had pictures was well worth the 20 bucks.
if money wasn't a factor, export glass headlights will be the true fix :D
because I road trip a lot, I got rid of the stock plastic headlights on my toyota van for the glass ones I imported from the netherlands... worth every penny spent!
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