Castrol "Edge" Advanced Synthetic Motor Oil

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Apr 4, 2007
western ny, usa
Walked into Wal-Mart today and the mentioned oil caught my eye. Nice fancy gold bottle. Looked at the price and it's $7.50 a quart. The label claims it good for up to 15,000 miles. Maybe they'll have a rebate on it someday.
the CEO is looking for a multi million bonus - CEO needs another 300 foot yacht and put a 30,000 sq ft. extension on their mansion.
CEO tells marketing: come up with catchy name. Marketing: "yes boss" "we have new oil called EDGE" laughing, all the way to bank, except suckers who still believe old wives tale that Castrol is "engineering in a bottle" hahahahahaha I'll take my NAPA synthetic at 3.30 a qt. - it will do the identical job, as long as
you use the right viscosity. ALL of today's SM oils are superior to anything from 15 yrs ago. PZ, QS, Valvoline etc.
Originally Posted By: RISUPERCREWMAN
The day I buy that overpriced lube, is the day I like corn beef & cabbage!

People on this site must never buy their oil from an auto parts store, if it is not on sale.
Originally Posted By: scoobie
the CEO is looking for a multi million bonus - CEO needs another 300 foot yacht and put a 30,000 sq ft. extension on their mansion.
CEO tells marketing: come up with catchy name. Marketing: "yes boss" "we have new oil called EDGE" laughing, all the way to bank, except suckers who still believe old wives tale that Castrol is "engineering in a bottle" hahahahahaha I'll take my NAPA synthetic at 3.30 a qt. - it will do the identical job, as long as
you use the right viscosity. ALL of today's SM oils are superior to anything from 15 yrs ago. PZ, QS, Valvoline etc.

Ah, I love this argument. Two products are both better than prehistoric junk, and therefore they are "identical" and any differences are "just marketing."

I suppose there's no real difference between a Mercedes and a Honda because they're both more comfortable than a horse-drawn carriage...

Castrol Edge looks like good stuff, and definitely better than the old Syntec. It's a bit pricey because it's new, but give it time: either it'll turn out to be killer oil, or the price will come down.

I agree that it's probably not worth buying now, though. It'll be good to see some UOAs on it.
Originally Posted By: J_Myler
Is edge really worth 7.50 a quart?

That old guy with the dip stick beating everyone, and the monkeys think it's worth it. I guess a donkey will be used for advetising next.

Tried to say jack--- but they bleeped me.
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Good Purchase Mark
Originally Posted By: chet2
funny one mark

I really did buy a big chunk of BP stock. But I have never used Castrol and find their advertising questionable. Edge looks like a good quality oil, but I wonder how many people are going to pay $34 for a 5 quart jug when they can get other brands a lot cheaper. But fortunately for me, BP profits depend almost exclusively on the price of crude oil, and has very little to do with how many quarts of Castrol they sell.
Originally Posted By: RISUPERCREWMAN
The day I buy that overpriced lube, is the day I like corn beef & cabbage!

hey i resemble that. (im irish)
I'm a little perplexed when I try to ascertain Castrol's expectations of Edge. Do they expect the average consumer to walk into Wal-mart and pay that much for oil? Based on everyone I know, that won't happen anytime soon. That leaves people who are 'in the know', or research this stuff out, and have similar opinions/habits to those on this board. If that is the case, it is necessary for Edge to produce exemplary test results and back up their claims at running at 15k OCI.

Do you guys trust an oil to run that long? Would the filter need changed every 5k?

I think Castrol overpriced the average consumer by a mile, and I seriously question their intelligence if they believe the "think with your dipstick" campaign will convince the average joe to purchase something 3x as expensive as a product right beside it with no immediately visible advantages.
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