AK-47 kits

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Oct 14, 2006
Any body built a AK from one of thhe kits for sale? I saw a new Polish underfolder stock AK-47 for around $250.00 you need to supply a US made reciver or bend on from a pre punched out flat and instal some US made parts to make it pas B.A. T. F regs. my try one soon.
Are you saying that the kit is for a fully automatic gun? Or are some parts, such as the receiver, missing from the kit.
I hope yuu are aware of the BATF regulation 922r that still applies to imported guns/components. the reason the imported parts kits are so cheap is that you can only use so many imported parts. The stock and pistol grip both fall under 922r.

Before the AWB sunset, I new someone that built FN FAL rifles. 922r is a pain in the but. On the other hand I have never heard of enforcement of it either.

As a side note the Russion apparently started with milled recievers and went to stamped for reliability reasons. Of course that does not make complete sense to me.

I don't know if you already own an AK like I do, but there is really nothing to them. It's a very simple design. There are some American made recievers now. And Tapco (as i recall) makes a lot of parts so that compliance with 922r is easier.

Of course you can buy a new one in post ban configuration for ~$350 today. Hope this helps.
Going from milled to stamped wasn't for reliability. The Russians wanted their guns easily produced, and a stamped receiver was not only easier to make, but was lighter for the men to carry.
I believe it has to be pre ban to be full auto period as well, unless you have a federal manufacturers license (if your attempting to build one or modify a semi auto). Certain firearms dealers can own full autos as well. I have a pre-ban FN FAL. SWEET!!!
Private citizens can only own full auto weapons built prior to ~1986 along with all the tax stamps/licensing. Only military/law enforcement can purchase newly built full auto. I'm not completely familiar with class 3 laws...can't afford to play that game.


Going from milled to stamped wasn't for reliability.

+1 Cheaper.
Where can one shop for the AK kits? I haven't seen any at the local gun shops, or on the internet sites.

You will likely have to get a county tax stamp from the Sherrif as well for a full auto. I did, in addition to the federal stamp.

Are you sure it was a stamp? You need to get a sherrif to sign your application before you send it to the ATF.
Nice Rock in Don's front yard.
Yes, the guy is a work of art. His motto on his TV commercials is 'I don't want to make money, I just like selling guns'.

He almost got into trouble a couple of years ago. He would sell dozens of guns to a customer who would then give those guns to gangbangers from Chicago and other major cities. He maintained that all he did was legal which was true.
The AK47 is a piece of junk, especially the models made by the numerous knock off companies in numerous second and third world countries. Anyone who's ever bought one and shot it at over 100 yards, or shot a friend's at that range, knows that. Peoples' fascination with this second grade assault military rifle never ceases to amaze me.

The AK47 is a piece of junk, especially the models made by the numerous knock off companies in numerous second and third world countries. Anyone who's ever bought one and shot it at over 100 yards, or shot a friend's at that range, knows that. Peoples' fascination with this second grade assault military rifle never ceases to amaze me.

This is one of the most ignorant statements I've read on BITOG about guns. I'm ashamed that it came from a fellow Montanan.
Yeah, AK (7.62) is a piece of junk that will still work after all the abuse, and have rust allover, and will still shoot thru a 8in thick wood light pole and get you when ur taking cover behind it.
It wasn't designed as a long-range weapon, so anything over 100 yards doesn't matter.
You're not going to be hitting much at that range or greater(to much effect, at least) with an M-4 either.
I've owned and/or fired Yugoslavian, Hungarian, Egyptian, and East German versions, and they all worked about the same.
The Finnish Valmet is based on the AK, and is an excellent weapon.
Accuracy is grand. When hunting I'd never settle for anything over 2moa, 1moa is twice as good. The game deserves nothing less.

On the other hand, if faced with multiple armed human adversaries (HEAVEN FORBID). Give me RELIABILITY!! Don't really care if their dead, long as their down. Don't believe anyone can show me a more reliable firearm than the brainchild of Mikhail Kalashnikov.
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