Advice on WIFES ticket

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Most places I know, the whole "I want to see the radar" is bull. You don't get to see the radar. As far as what to do about the ticket, in my experience the best thing to do is reach out to the District Attorney's Office in advance. They much rather save the time on tickets like this and deal with murders, DWI etc.
Some counties in New York actually have a form you can download from their website to plea down
Good luck.
Originally Posted By: aquariuscsm
The cop didn't show her the radar? If she takes it to court,It'll get throw out.

Is that an actual Texas law? Or just something you heard?
Not sure about your state, but in some states it is illegal to pass on the right. Also not a good idea, especially on a three lane road.

The police have no obligation to show you the reading on the radar unit.
Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
Originally Posted By: ram_man
Advice on WIFES ticket

If her driving skills are so poor that she manages to get two tickets in a single day, then the best advice is to take her car, keys and license away. She's not responsible enough to be behind the wheel and she is a hazard to the rest of the motoring public. At some point she will cause a serious accident if her habits don't change.

Perhaps going without a car for a month or two (or more) will teach her that her irresponsible, childish behavior behind the wheel has consequences.

I agree with you but I can't really take HER car from her. People have rights I can't just take it . Now if she gets to many points the law will take her licenses anyway.
I've always been told to ask to see it and I've always been showed. How else do they prove you were guilty? They can't just make up a random speed and say you were doing it.
Originally Posted By: silveravant
Not sure about your state, but in some states it is illegal to pass on the right. Also not a good idea, especially on a three lane road.

The police have no obligation to show you the reading on the radar unit.

Her reasoning was the cars
In the middle and left lane were both going under the speed limit and there was a guy in right lane a coupe car lengths back so she spend up go in the left lane and passed the two cars
To the left of her .
Picture her passing on the right then moving back over 2 lanes to the left, at 80 or 90 MPH! She's lucky to not be in jail! She needs a lawyer bad! And some refresher driver training, which might be part of the deal anyway.
Passing in the slow lane at 80 mph, she'll be lucky not to be charged with Reckless Operation of a motor vehicle. Which is one tier lower than an OVI.
Originally Posted By: ram_man
They can't just make up a random speed and say you were doing it.

Absolutely they can, and do.
Sometimes there will be idiots in the left lane going too slow so I'll pass on the right. But I dont go 80-90mph while doing so. I've also never had a traffic ticket ever; go figure.
My point was if there's no proof that you were actually doing that fast how can they charge you with it? If you were to fight it how could they win
Consider the fine & insurance rate increase and it might make sense to get a lawyer. But it still would be best to judge the landscape. Maybe you go to traffic court now and watch. See how things go.

If you hire a lawyer and he files for discovery, its then unlikely you will be given any breaks, so you now must win the case.

Unsure of your wife's admission that she was going 80 will hurt.
My point was if there's no proof that you were actually doing that fast how can they charge you with it? If you were to fight it how could they win

An oil forum isn't the ideal place to get legal advice. The lawyer will answer all your questions.
Originally Posted By: gman2304
My point was if there's no proof that you were actually doing that fast how can they charge you with it? If you were to fight it how could they win

An oil forum isn't the ideal place to get legal advice. The lawyer will answer all your questions.

It's an off topic discussion
Put a dashcam in her car, and don't tell her. Edit her best "wow" moments and burn a DVD for your anniversary.
Well....first of all....your wife sounds like a very dangerous driver. I think the speed she was going made it an almost criminal act. What if she would have killed somebody because she was going 90mph?? That's MORE than excessive. Her judgement is reprehensible. Frankly, to try to get out of a ticket under these circumstances is pompous. She deserves a night in jail in my opinion.

I'm sorry I say those things about your wife....but recklessly endangering other people like that truly upsets me and I think the book needs to be thrown at people like that. You and her have discussed what she did and admitted what she now just deal with the consequences instead of trying to see if you can get away with it because the courts are crowded and the cop might be busy.

My guess is that she will speed like that again.
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It's an off topic discussion.

I understand, but this isn't a simple 45 mph in a 35 mph zone traffic citation. It will be much less expensive in the long run to hire a lawyer and get the citations reduced or dismissed, than having to pay triple insurance premiums for the next 3 years. Sorry to say that's how the system works.
Originally Posted By: andrewg
Well....first of all....your wife sounds like a very dangerous driver. I think the speed she was going made it an almost criminal act. What if she would have killed somebody because she was going 90mph?? That's MORE than excessive. Her judgement is reprehensible. Frankly, to try to get out of a ticket under these circumstances is pompous. She deserves a night in jail in my opinion.

I'm sorry I say those things about your wife....but recklessly endangering other people like that truly upsets me and I think the book needs to be thrown at people like that. You and her have discussed what she did and admitted what she now just deal with the consequences instead of trying to see if you can get away with it because the courts are crowded and the cop might be busy.

My guess is that she will speed like that again.

Though I agree she's not being punished I am so yes if the fine can be reduced that would be great I'm innocent in all of this and don't want to be screwed because of her.
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