Done with ANY selling online!

Last summer I sold some oil that I got awhile back from the price glitching that was going on, one seller left me a message to call back and was legit, we agreed on a price and I delivered them for him.... I made the mistake of answering his question if I had anymore because he then wanted an even greater discount for the 2nd batch and I had even came down from what I was asking for them on the 1st.... I needed the money but after that I was done with him, he did however pay me in cash and my credit union had a location practially around the corner.

But yes I filtered all those out, that's the default question to ask a seller. Honestly I got tired of selling online through the marketplace, everyone only wants stuff for free or a very minimal cost to them. They were telling me I was asking way too much or they wanted me to throw some extra jugs in for free, etc.... in the end it just wasn't worth my time nor the hassle. At the time I was asking around $20-$25 for Valvoline FS, even at WM it was $29.99 at the time. I even sold an Asus board to someone just across the mountain from me, he had it all of 2 weeks and wanted to return it, basically he was building it for a family member and wanted wifi and this one didn't have it built in, I reluctantly agreed but when I got back home I realized he removed the bracket for the cpu cooler, he did tell me he used the board and everything was fine with it, I'm guessing he used his own cooler that didn't use the stock bracket. I believe that was the last thing I've tried selling online.... I am done.
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I just listed my manual Scion on Facebook this afternoon. It's listed at $3000. So far I've had one lengthy messenger conversation about the specifics of the vehicle which resulted in nothing, one "is it available", once halfway legitimate offer who then ghosted me after I made a counter-offer, and one lowballer who posted "accept 1800 cash?"
Wow the original story is amazing!!! Reminds me of the Discover commercial where the call center rep asks the lady if she’s a robot. I actually likely have tons of stuff to get rid of like 4 1998 Maxima SE rims but why bother…interestingly the 2011 enclave 19” OE rims can he had $50-$70 and mint. But the LS430 seems $400 ea???! Wheel is turning and you can’t slow down…
Urban myth. What seller doesn't love to sell something for the asking price.
Believe it or not I was good at it as a teen and even better in college and after a few beers. My thing was always being able to walk away because I am genuinely haggling over something I don’t have to have….Dead Co t shirt in 2022 after the show dude was $30 firm (I think $65 inside?) I got it for $10. Really and I could take it or leave it
I used to sell a decent amount of stuff through marketplace and eBay. eBay just got to where there wasn’t enough interest in the stuff I was trying to sell. My wife started making natural beauty and cleaning products to sell on Facebook. We share a checking account and since she entered the same one it got flagged as fraud. Marketplace is still holding like $30 from stuff I sold 3 years ago.

I went back and forth with their tech support for awhile they always just told me to reenter my account info and it would work. No matter how many times I told them I already did that it was their recommendation. So I’d do it again, never did work. Every now and then I’ll get a survey on their “marketplace help team” and I bomb them on it. Then they email me and tell me the issue is resolved just enter my account info which spoiler alert…3 years later still doesn’t work.
I have had it go both ways on Marketplace . Quick , easy sale and scammers wanting codes and phone numbers . You need to spell it out in the add . No codes or phone numbers . If it's listed it's available .