about auto-rx

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Originally Posted By: moribundman
Originally Posted By: Rick20
I agree hal. This is the reason that Frank does not post here anymore. I think the monitors should do a better job of cutting out the posts that don't address the OP's topic. May be they should send out some PM warning of board mischief or misbehavior.

It's funny how facts get skewed to fit people's agendas!

Frank himself suggested A Way to Stop Auto-Rx Repetitive Questions. I advise following Frank's advice. There you will find the same unprejudiced testimonials that the same people enjoy posting here on BITOG. The difference is that at the Auto-Rx Discussions Board you won't have to put up with "board mischief or misbehavior."

Mori! Shut it already! You have lost alot of credibility here. Your personal dislike for Frank has sabotaged a great product in AutoRX. Noone will ever give value to your messages any more! Seriously, please go away!
Oh boy, you really like those exclams, dontcha? Since it would be R-rated, I'm not going to tell you what you can do with your advice. I expect you to figure out several options on your own after thinking hard for a few hours.

Your lack of logic amuses me. Since my credibility is gone, how can I possibly sabotage the great product? Besides, you may want to heed Frank's advice and head on over to the safety and neutrality of the Auto-Rx Discussion Board. I reckon they got ARX tech talk by the hogshead there!
Originally Posted By: moribundman
Oh boy, you really like those exclams, dontcha? Since it would be R-rated, I'm not going to tell you what you can do with your advice. I expect you to figure out several options on your own after thinking hard for a few hours.

Your lack of logic amuses me. Since my credibility is gone, how can I possibly sabotage the great product? Besides, you may want to heed Frank's advice and head on over to the safety and neutrality of the Auto-Rx Discussion Board. I reckon they got ARX tech talk by the hogshead there!

finally you admit that your credibility is gone! That's all I wanted to read for everyone's future reference if you continue to post messages on BITOG. Thank you!
You're welcome.

PS: You have 23 posts. Of those, 22 are in one single thread (about ARX, of course). Troll.
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