about auto-rx

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I enjoy Mori's writing skills, and his ability to tell it like he sees it. Hopefully I stay on his good side.

Since Mori wont reply to the messages posted on this thread I might as well directly ask him....

Dear Mori,

Why do u dislike AutoRx? It's very endearing to read that people on this board enjoy your entertaining posts....please untangle this state of confusion im in so that I also can jump on this Mori bandwagon that everyone enjoys to ride.

Reasons Mori dislikes AutoRx...Is it?

A. I dont like Frank
B. I dont like Frank
C. I dont like Frank
D. All of the above

It's a no brainer decision. Choose Wisely! Your credibility is at stake here.
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Mori and Frank had an altercation and professionalism was called into question. Of course this happened more than 3 days ago, when you became a member of this board and professed your love for ARX (don't worry, it is a common occurrence).
Originally Posted By: tom slick
Mori and Frank had an altercation and professionalism was called into question. Of course this happened more than 3 days ago, when you became a member of this board and professed your love for ARX (don't worry, it is a common occurrence).

Please dont answer for him. He has enough excellent writing skills to conjure up a reply to a question directed at him. Im really starting to think that there must be some sort of apocryphal phenomenon that landed in the lap of Mori that makes him reluctant to post further on this thread.
Question of the Day: Where is Mori?

A. Mori is sitting on his throne. Im the King! I will let my fellow peasant followers (members of this board) answer for me!

B. Mori is off to his local community college taking a class in "Advanced Writing 101" so he can further dissuade readers of this board to not use Auto Rx as an underhanded form of product sabotage!

C. He is too busy on the phone calling the AutoRx headquarters to find out if CP3PO is Frank

D. He is too busy on the phone talking with Slick 50 headquarters. Mori to Slick 50..."Darn it Slick 50. Formulate a better product so that I can start endorsing it. Auto RX is a great product and im too proud to admit it so will you please come up with something better!"

E. All of the above
Originally Posted By: tom slick
ooh this is going to be good, the prey, while wrapped up in the web, is trying to be the predator!

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Originally Posted By: tom slick
ooh this is going to be good, the prey, while wrapped up in the web, is trying to be the predator!


me trying to be predator? oh cmon now...you think i really want to emulate Mori?
Originally Posted By: BrianWC
Don't worry CP3O, a few more posts, and everyone will be convinced you ARE Mori in an amazing act of subterfuge.

That's the word in the PM section, some guy said to me is that Mori.

I can only think of 2 other people and I will not name them.
Originally Posted By: c3po
Originally Posted By: BrianWC
Don't worry CP3O, a few more posts, and everyone will be convinced you ARE Mori in an amazing act of subterfuge.

That's the word in the PM section, some guy said to me is that Mori.

I can only think of 2 other people and I will not name them.

HAHAHA! wait wait wait...there is "behind the scenes" messaging going on regarding this thread? wow! u guys really all know each personally huh? im really starting to believe my own theory that content on these boards are controlled, manipulated and filtered!

and then there is suspicion that Im Mori? LOL! is Mori also from Los Angeles and has 1998 Honda CRV?
Can this thread be locked already please? It's "about auto-rx" but for the last several pages it's turned out to be something else.
yea i was gonna say something else on this thread but ended up making a new thread instead. this has gotten stupid.
I agree hal. This is the reason that Frank does not post here anymore. I think the monitors should do a better job of cutting out the posts that don't address the OP's topic. May be they should send out some PM warning of board mischief or misbehavior.
Originally Posted By: Rick20
I agree hal. This is the reason that Frank does not post here anymore. I think the monitors should do a better job of cutting out the posts that don't address the OP's topic. May be they should send out some PM warning of board mischief or misbehavior.

It's funny how facts get skewed to fit people's agendas!

Frank himself suggested A Way to Stop Auto-Rx Repetitive Questions. I advise following Frank's advice. There you will find the same unprejudiced testimonials that the same people enjoy posting here on BITOG. The difference is that at the Auto-Rx Discussions Board you won't have to put up with "board mischief or misbehavior."
The only facts that are getting miscontrued are that some folks like to take strings off topic for $hits and grins and waste site space. ARX principles don't even post here. I don't have a dog in the fight, which one is yours? I can't tell, none of your posts are ever relevent to the OP's topic.
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