2 bottle Auto-Rx test

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Apr 17, 2005
Hello all,

Better late than never, I guess.

This was a test using two bottles of Auto-Rx, 1k clean and 2 1k rinse cycles, then back to normal services. Each of three cycles included an oil and filter change. Oil was Kendall GIII 5w-30.

1998 Honda Accord 4-cylinder, 5-speed manual

Clean phase 2 bottles
10/15/2007 start mileage 161,599
Compression 1=170, 2=175, 3=170 4=190

During this first 1k miles 2 quarts of makeup oil were added

1st Rinse phase
12/11/2007 162,514
Compression 1=195, 2=200, 3=195, 4=205

During this next 1k miles 1 quart of make up oil was added

2nd Rinse phase
01/10/2008 163,708 miles
Compression 1=205, 2=210, 3=215, 4=215

During this last rinse phase less than 1/2 quart of makeupo oil was added.

We started to test smog performance but this engine was in such good tune that the numbers showed no meaningful change. These injected Honda 4-cylinder engines do well in smog testing. The choice was my mistake.

What we found out is that the two bottle method really works. The increase in compression was phenomenal. The car feels like it has more performance and now starts quickly when it did not do before Auto-Rx. This car is driven hard and gas mileage was difficult to check because this young driver knows two speeds, full speed ahead and dead stop. We did check mileage but it was all over the place. One check before the testing was 20 mpg and several tests during the second rinse phase were in the 25 to 28mpg range but these numbers are worthless because of our friend's driving style.

The message I got from this test was that Auto-Rx can fix things inside an engine if these things are lubricated with engine oil.

Was 2 bottles suggested by Frank? This was very impressive, but I wonder if the results would not have been the same with 1 bottle.
Wow those compression tests are pretty illustrative! Good show!

I am about 850 miles into a 2 bottle test on a Volvo Turbo. I have a 50 mile trip that I make routinely and mpg based on the car's computer increased from 28 to 30mpg so far. I don't have enough data points to really pin it down yet though to see if the change is real or just noise and I will watch the mpg through the rinse phases. I am going to go 1500-3000 miles on the 2 bottle treatment followed by two 1500-3000 mile rinse phases. I chose this extended mileage just for fun and will be changing filters more often. Using Wal Mart 5W30 oil.
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I can affirm the ability of the ARX 2 bottle routine.

Check my thread on the Ford 3.0 Vulcan; I had EXCELLENT results from ARX in compression restoration!

Your Honda results do not suprise me, but I suspect you're as pleased as I was.
The 2 bottle dose was figured out by Lonnie and Frank. The only thing left to nail down is the rinse cycles. I don't think it makes much difference if you go 1, 2 or 3k miles on a rinse cycle but we may have proved that the more aggressive approach is good for an engine with compression or valve seal problems, or was really gunked up. The increase in compression was impressive and can only be attributed to Auto-Rx. For the cost of two bottles and a few oil changes this was a bargain repair. As Frank has said there was no down time. The fix was done while driving down the road. Again I have to say that Auto-Rx is a bargain.
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
How many miles ago did you put in the first, Oilgal?

About 400 miles or three weeks ago Gary. Why do you ask?
The idea of the 2-bottle dose leads to the next step, the maintenance dose. I think more emphasis should be placed on this. In the shop we have seen the 3 oz maintenance dose reduce oil consumption but we have not recorded it or treated it as a test. In one car there was an increase in compression over a year in an older car doing 3k oil changes with conventional oil and 3 oz of Auto-Rx with each oil and filter change. I don't think that compression improves with age without some help and I think that Auto-Rx made the difference. Oilgal, maybe this kind of stuff is what prompted Gary to ask.
Thanks BarkerMan. Kind of you.

Long term usage yields improvement over time? Is that what you mean? I wonder if this is because, rings and ringlands kept clean, can help them to wear in better over time. Could that be what is happening?

I swear I am as thick as mud often.
Originally Posted By: Oilgal
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
How many miles ago did you put in the first, Oilgal?

About 400 miles or three weeks ago Gary. Why do you ask?

I'm just curious. I pondered some (putting on some Star Trek hat for a moment) "phase" difference in how a second bottle added on top of an "aged" bottle works out. Just one of those things like adding 10 day old milk to 5 day old milk ..I don't think you get 7.5 day old milk.

It just popped into my head
Clean is better. The very stuff that plugs up ring packs can't be considered good lubrication.

Oilgal, adding the second bottle after a few hundred miles is no problem at all. Just don't add a third bottle. Two is enough, three is too much. The one good thing about Auto-Rx is that you can add it to a really clean engine and because it does not attack the oil chemistry it is perfectly safe. What we need to do is get back to the maintenance dose. It is effective and it has not been emphasized.

Oilgal your posts make clear statements and you make good arguments for the ideas you put forward. I can say the same for Gary. Lonnie pushed me into joining BITOG and these discussions have made interesting reading. I'm beginning to think that Auto-Rx has a few attributes yet to be discovered and this is a hoot, working with an additive that actually works.
I imagine it's more of a waste than anything..but you're getting into more than a quart of the stuff
BarkerMan thanks for pointing out the Auto-Rx Maintenace Plan (it is the heart of Auto-Rx) to set matters straight it was Gary Allan that originated 2 bottle application (on his own) I passed this on to Lonnie.Your posts and those of dnewton3 really explain how Auto-Rx can keep your car out of the garage and on the road.
Thanks BarkerMan for all your help, and thank you for the wonderful compliment. sniff ... I think that is one of the nicest things anyone ever said to me. ...seriously ... Holy cow. I must be an oil nut.

Time for me to buy more ARX. I am definitely going on the maintenance plan, because I am sure you are right BarkerMan, about there being much more to ARX than we presently know.
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