I have two jugs in my stash right now.
One SuperTech 0W-20 HM, and one Pennzoil Platinum 5W-30 HM.
Engine is a Honda 3.5 V6. Burns a bit of oil, maybe 6/10ths of a quart every 3,000 miles. Car calls for 5W-20.
Mileage is approaching 150,000. I'd like to start running 30 weights for film strength, but with the cold weather almost here (coldest mornings for me are about -10 degrees F. Not crazy cold, but still cold).
That said, I don't want to run the 5W-30 weight in the winter if it's going to induce extra wear as cold start-up over the 0W-20. At those temps though, is there even really a difference in pumpability, or does that really only matter once you start getting to more like -40 degrees with synthetics?