Wrecked my bike

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That is why I need to do everything possible to make riding again impossible. Take the M off my license, get my wife to get rid of her bike...I am even considering moving, so I have no garage to park a bike.
Jarlaxle, you didn't describe the crash. If you don't mind but really curious how you go from 80 mph to unhurt. Did you go off at 80 or get your speed down and lost the bike on the soft berm or?

There's a point where reacting to an event becomes over reacting. Please give yourself some time before you do something you come to regret. Best wishes.
Originally Posted By: Bladecutter
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle
Oh, I still want to ride, but have accepted I never will. I need to go to the DMV to get the M taken off my license, and need to get my wife off the bike any way I can. If necessary, her PC might simply vanish without a trace.

That is just not cool.

I know you're upset, but that is a total bad move.
If I sold my wife's motorcycle out from under her, without her permission, she would never trust me again.
She is not my property, and your wife is not just a belonging of yours to do this to.

You need to step back, and talk to your wife about what she thinks, and wants to do.
Most importantly, you need to RESPECT her decision if it goes against yours.


Agree with bladecutter and would like to add that its sad for your wife that (right now anyway) you do not look at her in your marriage as equal to you.
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Originally Posted By: AZjeff
Jarlaxle, you didn't describe the crash. If you don't mind but really curious how you go from 80 mph to unhurt. Did you go off at 80 or get your speed down and lost the bike on the soft berm or?

There's a point where reacting to an event becomes over reacting. Please give yourself some time before you do something you come to regret. Best wishes.

I did slow down, but was forced into the (grass) median. I was still going fast enough that the bike slid 100' and I was almost 50' past it.

Whatever I do, I will regret it, the chance of that is exactly 100%.
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Originally Posted By: alarmguy
Originally Posted By: Bladecutter
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle
Oh, I still want to ride, but have accepted I never will. I need to go to the DMV to get the M taken off my license, and need to get my wife off the bike any way I can. If necessary, her PC might simply vanish without a trace.

That is just not cool.

I know you're upset, but that is a total bad move.
If I sold my wife's motorcycle out from under her, without her permission, she would never trust me again.
She is not my property, and your wife is not just a belonging of yours to do this to.

You need to step back, and talk to your wife about what she thinks, and wants to do.
Most importantly, you need to RESPECT her decision if it goes against yours.


Agree with bladecutter and would like to add that its sad for your wife that (right now anyway) you do not look at her in your marriage as equal to you.

But I do...we both need to stop riding.
You need to relax and give this some time. You're emotional right now.

Getting your M endorsement taken off your DL is not going to deter you if you decide you want to ride again. It's a very simple matter to go to the DMV and re-obtain the endorsement.

If you decide you never want to ride again, then don't ever ride again. But don't say that just having the M taken off your license or moving to a house without a garage is going to keep you from ever riding again. [censored], going by that ridiculous logic, you might as well say you're going to make an appointment with the surgeon to have your right hand removed so you can't twist the throttle.

And if you don't want your wife to ride again, respectfully tell her you really want her to stop riding - that it would really worry you if she continues to ride, after what happened. But don't forbid her to ride or sell her bike out from under her or give her some kind of ultimatum.
Originally Posted By: john_pifer
You need to relax and give this some time. You're emotional right now.

Getting your M endorsement taken off your DL is not going to deter you if you decide you want to ride again. It's a very simple matter to go to the DMV and re-obtain the endorsement.

Well, no, it isn't...I would have to re-take the whole MSF class and road test. Most importantly, it would keep me from deciding to rent a bike! I do want to ride...that is-entirely-the reason I need to do this. I have given this plenty of thought...in fact, I have thought about little else in the last 2 weeks.

If you decide you never want to ride again, then don't ever ride again. But don't say that just having the M taken off your license or moving to a house without a garage is going to keep you from ever riding again. [censored], going by that ridiculous logic, you might as well say you're going to make an appointment with the surgeon to have your right hand removed so you can't twist the throttle.

No M endorsement means I can't rent a bike or ride a borrowed bike. No garage means nowhere to park a bike.

And if you don't want your wife to ride again, respectfully tell her you really want her to stop riding - that it would really worry you if she continues to ride, after what happened. But don't forbid her to ride or sell her bike out from under her or give her some kind of ultimatum.

She's done. If that ends my marriage, so be it.
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There is no good marriage without trust and respect.

You should talk with her about how you feel before doing anything.

You never know, she might understand.
Unfortunately lots of motorcyclists get killed every year due to no fault of their own. That's a fact and only getting worse as more traffic on our roadways.

Luckily both of you were not seriously injured or killed.

Buy a convertible Mustang and enjoy the open road with a much safer way to travel.
Originally Posted By: lego
There is no good marriage without trust and respect.

You should talk with her about how you feel before doing anything.

You never know, she might understand.

She does not understand, because I truly think she CANNOT understand.

Her first suggestion (a couple hours after the crash) was to get to Little Rock, buy a replacement bike, and ride it home.
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Unfortunately lots of motorcyclists get killed every year due to no fault of their own. That's a fact and only getting worse as more traffic on our roadways.

Luckily both of you were not seriously injured or killed.

Buy a convertible Mustang and enjoy the open road with a much safer way to travel.

I have no interest whatsoever in a convertible of any sort.
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle

She does not understand, because I truly think she CANNOT understand.

This is often true for anyone who has not experienced a motorcycle accident. Take the oh-shiat factor that happens in a car accident and multiply it to get what you psychologically experience during and after a motorcycle crash. You cheated death, pure and simple. It's a rare club to belong to, and one that absolutely forces you to think about what just went down and where you're going to go from here. I don't blame you one bit for hanging it up and trying to get her to hang it up as well, but since she's never crashed she likely may not ever understand.
Originally Posted By: LoneRanger
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle

She does not understand, because I truly think she CANNOT understand.

This is often true for anyone who has not experienced a motorcycle accident. Take the oh-shiat factor that happens in a car accident and multiply it to get what you psychologically experience during and after a motorcycle crash. You cheated death, pure and simple. It's a rare club to belong to, and one that absolutely forces you to think about what just went down and where you're going to go from here. I don't blame you one bit for hanging it up and trying to get her to hang it up as well, but since she's never crashed she likely may not ever understand.

She HAS experienced a MC wreck...she crashed her Hyosung last year. She is just not capable of understanding, because I honestly think she is incapable of fear. Three days after wrecking her Hyo, she rode her PC to work.
Yick. Sounds like me on a sled sometimes, with the "What, me worry?" Alfred E. Neuman expression. If it doesn't hurt, I'm good to go.
She rides quite safely (she's better than I am), but has no fear, of anything. I am honestly a little surprised she didn't follow the semi that got me until he stopped and take the driver apart with a knife.
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Unfortunately lots of motorcyclists get killed every year due to no fault of their own.

True. Heart disease, diabetes and cancer can strike at any time!

In reality the likelihood of dying from any motor vehicle accident even on a bike is so remote as to not even be a going concern. If it were, insurance carriers would have lobbied hard to ban motorcycles a very long time ago.

It's a very difficult decision to want to get back on the horse that spit you off. Time heals all wounds. Having done my share of track days, crashing is more of an inevitable and if you're wearing the right gear it's amazing how many tumbles you can take and walk away.

I'd say 9 out of 10 riders who dump it walk away with minor injuries. Anything more and there'd be no one left riding. If you don't believe me go to a motocross track!

At least that's my positive spin...
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